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Console Games Rated 'ao / Adults Only'


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First, I'd just like to say that the distinction between mature-rated games and AO-rated games is terribly vague. How Manhunt could get away with an M-rating whereas one LOCKED AWAY sex minigame got GTA: San Andreas an AO-rating is unnerving.

ANYWAY, have you ever seen (or perhaps bought) any CONSOLE (not PC) games bearing the AO rating? Let's keep this restricted to console games since the PC market is more open (Vivendi Universal couldn't get an AO-rated Leisure Suit Larry published on consoles, whereas it had no trouble doing so on the PC).

Not counting GTA: San Andreas (which was only AO-Rated for a short time until Rockstar had the game recalled and forcible removed the LOCKED OUT 'hot coffee' minigame from the game's code), I haven't seen any AO-rated console games. ... with one exception. Back when 3DO was around, I saw some vampire-themed softcore porn game (or perhaps it was a VCD) for the 3DO. I never got to play it, even though I was curious...

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Grrr... Night Trap! That game was not even any fun and the big fuss over it just because some girls were wearing night gowns.

I think most of the fuss came from ignorant demagogue Joe Lieberman falsely alleging that the game allows kids to control vampires who rape women and drink their blood while leaving them hanging from meat hooks (all in vivid, life-like graphics).

The truth is that if Night Trap were published as a standard movie rather than as an FMV-style video game, it would have a hard time getting anything worse than a PG rating. The game was vilified by those who had never actually played it.

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On 3DO there were about 10 or so of those softcore porn videogames.  I believe Night Trap has more gameplay than those games did.

I believe the 3DO games had a 17 rating (the equilvant of an M rating). I know in the Angry Video Game Nerd's recent review of Plumbers Don't Wear Ties, the box showed the 17.

Back on topic, other than GTA San Andreas, NOTHING received an AO rating. In fact, Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo refuse to release anything AO rated on their systems.

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I have the beta version of Manhunt 2 for Playstation 2. This game was rejected worldwide because of the violence. Rockstar had to tone down the blood and gore for it to be released with an M rating. The AO version is out there and the first Manhunt was equally brutal.

One type of kill is to suffocate a man with a plastic bag and cut his genitals off. Another psycho wheres a pig's head and gang members are out to mutilate you. There is just about any type of kill in this game.

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I don't think they all were the same way as Plumbers Don't Wear Ties as I could have sworn there were a couple of 3DO titles that were only available at Adult stores (probably unlicensed games).

I saw the aforementioned vampire porn title for rent at my local Microplay rental joint circa 1996. I was curious, but the fact that I didn't have a 3DO influenced my decision to avoid renting it. Otherwise, I would've tried it out. ;)

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I have the beta version of Manhunt 2 for Playstation 2. This game was rejected worldwide because of the violence. Rockstar had to tone down the blood and gore for it to be released with an M rating. The AO version is out there and the first Manhunt was equally brutal.

One type of kill is to suffocate a man with a plastic bag and cut his genitals off. Another psycho wheres a pig's head and gang members are out to mutilate you. There is just about any type of kill in this game.

I have the 1st Manhunt and agree with what you said about the game. If ANY mass-marketed video game deserved an AO rating, it was Manhunt. Granted, the GTA games let you carry out all sorts of socially irresponsible behaviour that would be HORRIBLE if carried out in real life, but at least the world depicted in the GTA series is very exaggerated (everyone is a walking stereotype).

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Have you ever noticed that blood coming from a zombie or monster is okay but the screams and cries of someone who is being brutally tortured is unacceptable?

I wouldn't say 'unacceptable' so much as I'd say 'less acceptable.'

The only content that seems 'unacceptable' for video games to have in North America is sexual content (You can have all the murder and gore you want, but seeing nudity is completely out of the question in the eyes of North American censors)

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I wouldn't say 'unacceptable' so much as I'd say 'less acceptable.'

The only content that seems 'unacceptable' for video games to have in North America is sexual content (You can have all the murder and gore you want, but seeing nudity is completely out of the question in the eyes of North American censors)

I agree %100 with that. It seems to be that USA's censors never liked to view nudes or something alike not only between the games, but the movies, the videoclips, the literature, etc. On the contrary, they never complained about the constant violence, blood's pools, aggressive language, etc.

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