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I really hope I come across a N64 in my travels soon, I've got Super Mario 64 and nothing to play it on :(

Neo Turf Masters on NGPC (my bathroom favorite) and Final Fantasy on my NES. To me there is just something almost brutally pure about the original FF on NES. I'm currently doing a playthrough with all Blackbelts. I'm only at Elfland and it's veeery hard.

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Part way through the following:

Streets of Rage 2 (Mega Drive)

Quackshot (Mega Drive)

Also just started Super Mario 3 via Super Mario All-Stars on the SNES, again.

I've been on the first Dungeon in the Dark World on Zelda III for AGES, but haven't persevered enough.

I've played all these games in their original format, and completed all except SMB3, but now am playing them via emulators.

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I really hope I come across a N64 in my travels soon, I've got Super Mario 64 and nothing to play it on :(

Neo Turf Masters on NGPC (my bathroom favorite) and Final Fantasy on my NES. To me there is just something almost brutally pure about the original FF on NES. I'm currently doing a playthrough with all Blackbelts. I'm only at Elfland and it's veeery hard.

I can't decide if doing a 4 Blackbelt/Ninja playthrough would be harder or easier than doing the 4 White Mage/White Wizard playthrough...both would require insane amounts of power-leveling to offset their deficiencies, but at least the mages get healing/resurrection spells. The Blackbelts would have to deal with nothing but item-based healing, which would get very expensive especially at higher levels... Please keep us updated on this, because I want to see how rough it is, and there's no way on earth I'm going to devote the time to trying it myself. :)



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I am playing through the old Dragon Quest games right now. Also just found the PC versions of Ys complete and part VI and III. They are in Japanese because they did not get released over here but with a few translation patches I am playing them all and they are beautiful and fun to play but like all good old games they are hard as nails!!!!

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I'm playing Knight Lore for the 48k Sinclair Spectrum, which many people on this site may not know of but it's a lot of fun.

I'm also playing Madden 92 for the Mega Drive, the one where an ambulance comes on to the field whenever an injury happen's and then drive's over all the other player's.

Oh yeah, I'm also playing Duck Tales for the NES, which still look's and play's great.

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  • 1 month later...

Been having a Dreamcast week over here.

Playing lots and I mean lots of Carzy Taxi. Once I stop I just can't put it down. One of the best arcade games ever in my opinion.

Also been playing Gigawing 2 which I didn't like at all when I first got it back in the day.

But after switching off the "Refurekuto foosu" voice and learning to play the game unlike most shooters and even unlike Gigawing 1, I really love it now.

Under Defeat. What can I say? Classic shooter all the way. So simple in concept, yet perfectly executed. Some of the best graphics on DC to top it all off.

Cosmic Smash: Only got this game a couple months back. Wanted it for so long but the price held me back.

Sometimes you just have to say "the hell with it" and bite the bullet. Wonderful arcade game.

Gonna try to get back into Daytona USA 2001 as well soon as it's been too long since I last played it. Same goes for F355. Such a perfect game that is. Yu Suzuki is a gaming genius.

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I'm still playing

Phantasy Star II (VC) - I find the game somewhat difficult without a guide.

Final Fantasy VIII - Not the best Final Fantasy game, the art is awesome, but the characters are just meh. This game could have been one of the best.

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Parasite Eve is a neat game. My other friends would never try it for some reason.

Mario 64 here, too. Been playing random Atari games because I haven't for a while. Haunted house, E.T. and some others. Trying to learn how to actually play them right.

I always wondered what was going on in Haunted House. I think I got a couple pieces of the chalice(?) but never beat it. I never owned it so I could only play in short bursts at a friends house.

Please spare yourself from E.T. If you want a challenge on the Atari 2600 play Raiders of the Lost Ark. It is by the same author but is actually rewarding.

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I always wondered what was going on in Haunted House. I think I got a couple pieces of the chalice(?) but never beat it. I never owned it so I could only play in short bursts at a friends house.

Please spare yourself from E.T. If you want a challenge on the Atari 2600 play Raiders of the Lost Ark. It is by the same author but is actually rewarding.

You can't beat Raiders of the Lost Ark with 100% though, the best you can get is somewhere around 98% due to there being a bug in the programming.

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I'm currently doing 2 retro games.

Ys Book 1 & 2 for the TG16


Card Fighter Clash for the NGPC

I played through Y's book 1 yesterday. Great game. Much easier than the Master System or Nes versions. Which doesn't make it super easy just more enjoyable.

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You can't beat Raiders of the Lost Ark with 100% though, the best you can get is somewhere around 98% due to there being a bug in the programming.

I don't understand, I completed it as a kid (and I'm not just dreaming it up!) You find which mesa to parachute off of with the staff of kings and the miniature model of the canyon layout. I'm nearly 100% sure that I completed it. I'll have to google this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm playing Madden 94 on the Mega Drive in anticipation of the upcoming football season, can't wait. Patriot's look good this year with Tom Brady back and the Steeler's still look strong. I'm also playing Star Wars Episode 1 Racer on the N64 which is a game I like a lot, even though I haven't met too many other's who also like the game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just started playing Zelda : Oracle of Season's on the Game Boy Colour. I had this game year's ago but I got stuck early on and eventually gave up on it for some reason. I think it was the first and only Zelda game that I've played, where I didn't play all the way through from start to finish.

Now I'm going to see if I made a mistake in giving up to quickly. Look's great so far. :)


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Currently i'm playing Shining force again. This time i plan on leveling every character including the crappy Gong.

As I can remember Sega only allowed you to level up so far, and then you only receive 1 exp point per kill. It was fun trying to get your most powerful magician in range to launch a ground zero attack on the middle of a pack.

You can't let your group split up too far away meaning healers like Gong have to be able to move to anyone in need of a heal. Occasionally he could inflict the one point damage needed for those annoying times when a powerful enemy only has one health point.

And watch your flank.

As for me I'm sorting through my Sega CD library to remember which ones need completing.

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