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Does The Wii Need A Better Classic Controller?

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There are quite a few games for the Wii that allow you to use the gamecube controller as an option to the classic controller. My gripe is that I feel that shelling out an extra $20 for a classic controller is not fair considering I already paid about $60 to get on regular controller and a nunchuck. I bought the arcade controller only to find out that it only worked with about half of the games and now it is just not supported at all. I like the classic controller but I believe Nintendo could come up with a better system at least. I feel like I have to have three or four different kinds of controllers to play the different games on the Wii. What are your thoughts?

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This is one of my problems with the Wii's controller system(too many add-ons/having to buy them extra). That and having to hold the wiimote sideways so much, making its novelty way of controlling the game pointless. It's always annoying having to switch on and off different add-ons all the time, big flop IMO. I can't stand when the screen pauses to tell me I need to add on a controller. It's helpful, but it bugs me at the same time.

I don't like how you have to pay for the Classic Controller, but I guess they charge for it because the VC games aren't free, either.

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  • Retromags Curator

My issue with the Nintendo Wii, is that I believe they should have built in Wireless Gamecube controller capabilities. I would have gladly shelled out $30 for a few wireless Gamecube controllers that would work with the Nintendo Wii natively.

Now I have to go buy a few Wavebirds so that I can play Mario Kart DD

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Retromags Curator

Yes. I find the Classic Controller too small. I also find the D-pad too small and too close to the left edge, which makes it feel weird when playing Super Mario World. A bigger D-pad would have been nice. Or a Classic Controller identical to the Super NES controller, but with those two analog sticks.

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When they say "Classic Controller" why, for the love of all that is good and retro, can they not just reproduce the original controller and just give it a wicked Wii color scheme? They need to go all out and make one of each controller color matched to the Wii. NES, SNES, and N64 even. Heck. They could make killing doing that with the Genesis, etc. I know some people may want just one controller, but those people use the Wii mote anyway because it is "cooler" (read that as newer). Everyone else wants the old school feel of the controller that they once shared a relationship with.

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Yes it does need a new classic controller, completely wireless. It should also be 100% compatible with the GameCube without having to make your Wii look like a monster. I have a wireless GC controller that I use for VC, but my Wii looks horrible with the memory cards and transmitter on top.

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there are a few standalone "classic" controllers available through companies such as nyko. Also, the Japanese club nintendo has a SNES controller that you can connect to a wii remote. Kind of pointless seeing as the classic controller is basically a SNES controller with a few extra knobs and buttons, but still cool nonetheless.

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there are a few standalone "classic" controllers available through companies such as nyko. Also, the Japanese club nintendo has a SNES controller that you can connect to a wii remote. Kind of pointless seeing as the classic controller is basically a SNES controller with a few extra knobs and buttons, but still cool nonetheless.

This SHOULD be the solution...

We have that silly Club Nintendo here. You get a ton of points and all you can really buy with them is the Game and Watch DS collection. Why not give use the option of all of the old school controllers that are 1) Wireless 2) for the Wii

THAT would be an awesome use of coins and get people into the whole thing more.

Nintendo...please read this.

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I think that if enough fans let nintendo know that we want a snes controller for the wii, they'll make it happen. North America never had a club nintendo until last year. Well, there was a club nintendo, but there weren't any prizes for registering ninendo products.

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Buy it used. I got my first classic for $20 new but I bought a used one for only $10. I don't think they need a new classic controller but I would like to see a N64 style controller released because I hate playing N64 games on the regular Classic controller. It's horrid.

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I agree. playing Mario 64 on the classic controller just didn't feel right. Playing Zelda Ocarina of time is somewhat difficult on the Wii as well. Its weird playing the ocarina on a thumbstick instead of the c buttons.

I know there are people that modify old 64 controllers for use on the wii, and they even give detailed instructions on how to modify the controller. I'd like to try that sometime, but I don't have the time or resources to do so.

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