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Best T-16 Games You Have Played...cd Ones Too!


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I have yet to see much in the way of T-16 talk around here. There may be a lot of people that just haven't played any of them though. I play most of T-16 games through emulation because the CD games are next to impossible to find. But there were some really good games on the console. Of course Dracula X was awesome, but Neutopia I and II were great Zelda clones and Dragon Slayer was another good Cd rpg. Let me know what you think. I am always surprised by the great response of everyone and I know I will see games I might not have even played.

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Splatterhouse is a must-play TG16 game, even if it has been slightly censored (A pentagram was removed from the game).

Speaking of demonic games, Devil's Crush is another great TG16 game. I consider it one of the best pinball games ever!

As far as TG16 / PC Engine CD-ROM games go, you can't go wrong with Dracula X, Ys Book I & II, or any of the Valis games.

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I had one of the systems, no CD attachment though. I loved playing the Neutopia games, Shockman and Splatterhouse on it. Those were about the only games I had for it really, I had some others that don't really need mentioning, like China Warrior etc.

Great system, too bad NEC went with the PC-FX as their follow up rather than a regular console (PC-FX was pretty much a FMV system only and was apparently a harder chore to program a regular game for than Saturn).

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The great thing about the TurboGrafix was that 5 people could play at the same time. We used to play the CinemaWare TV sports Football and Basketball games for hours. Even a mediocre game like MotoRoader became a riot with 5 cars bouncing around.

The other great and sad thing is there are Japanese only games that were beyond compare. For "shmups" the T-16 was the best. We could get some of these greats like Gradius, R-Type maybe even Darious but there are games like Download, DeadMoon, GunHead and many more which make the TG-16/PC Engine the greatest shooter console of the late 80s early 90s.

I would have never known this without emulation of course.

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The only place that sold Turbographx 16 when it came out here was Radio Shack. It was hailed as a 16 bit console but to be more precise it had an 8 bit cpu and a 16 bit graphics and sound processor. It like the Master System had problems getting developers to sign with them while they were signed with Nintendo. Turbographx had Taito, Irem, Hudson soft and later Capcom.

I love the Turbographx 16. They made a Turbo Express which was a handheld game system with the same specs as the TG 16 and a full color LCD screen. High tech and expensive at the time, it definately had beter graphics than Gameboy and Game Gear but as an extra bonus you could purchase a tv tuner for it.


The PC Engine was much more popular in Japan. If you wanted to play Super CD 2 games you would have to buy a Turbo Duo. One of those games was Double Dragon 2 and another was Dracula X.


There were many good hu-card games. Alot were shoot em ups. I liked Galaga 90, Blazing Lazers and R-Type.

The rest of the list of must haves are as follows;

Neutopia 1

Neutopia 2 These were better than the original Zelda.

Military Madness


Victory Run



Hit The Ice

Dragon Spirit


Bloody Wolf


Bonk's Revenge

Bonk 3


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I had one and four games. Keith Courage, which it came with, Bloody Wolf, and two Bonk games. Bonk series and Bloody Wolf I loved. I couldn't understand att why the lack of luster for it when NES and Master System games had a comparably ugly color palette and sound that leaved a little to be desired. I loved the system. Not to mention, I love black and the system oozed black sexiness.

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Street Fighter 2 Champion Edition is the best PC Engine/T-16 game I've played. This game looks amazing and play's great. It definitely hold's it's own with the Super Nintendo and Mega Drive version's. I also like Devil's Crush, Outrun and R-Type.

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  • 1 month later...

Just recently had the chance to play Operation Wolf on a friend's Pc Engine. This game is a lot of fun. Great graphic's and sound and really addictive like all great Arcade game's. I kept wanting just one more go every time I lost a life. I never saw the original Arcade Coin-Op game but I'm guessing the Pc Engine conversion comes really close as it's such a great game.

The game I played was from Japan so some of the text was a complete mystery to me but not enough to spoil the game in any way. I don't know if the game was ever released in the U.S. or not? I wasn't really aware that there was a Pc Engine version of the game but I saw an article about it in the latest issue of the brilliant "Retro Gamer" magazine and decided to check it out.

The more I find out about the Pc Engine/TG-16 the more I'm impressed. It's a great little system.

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Lately I've been playing Turbo games and it made me wish I had owned one back in the Nes age. If it had more games and just a little bit more publicity it would have been the best console back then. Maybe it wasn't a true 16bit machine but it sure had some great graphics and games. But I have to admit, it also came with quite a bit of crap games and the covers... well... no comment on that.

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I really wanted a Pc Engine back in the day but unfortunately it never got an official release here in Europe. I used to stare at the adverts in C&VG magazine showing the console and games like R-Type, Victory Run, Vigilante and Chan+Chan but I couldn't afford these imported version's

I never understood why hudson and Nec never released the console in Europe. I'm sure it would have sold well, especially if they released it before the Mega Drive came on the scene. Another thing I dont get is why the look of the console was changed for the American market? I really liked the small compact design of the Japanese version.

The only downside to the console for me is the fact that it only has one controller port so I guess you have to pay extra for a multi-tap. This console is definitely on my wish list.

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There's quite a few games I really liked playing for the TG-16/CD/DUO


The Bonk series (I don't have a particular favorite)

Double Dungeons

Tricky Kick (I just love puzzle games!)

Alien Crush and Devil's Crush (I love pinball)

Dungeon Explorer (Great for five player fun!)


Vasteel (One of Working Designs best!)

Exile (Ditto)

Beyond Shadowgate (It was fun just to watch the death scenes. Not morbid, just hilarious!)

Lords of Thunder (Best.Soundtrack.Ever.)

J.B. Harold Murder Club


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  • 1 year later...

I'm still in love with the Bonk series... great platformers, although not quite on the level of Mario or anything...

I also enjoyed Blazing Lazers, Bloody Wolf and Ninja Spirit. I love the music in Legendary Axe, but the game itself is wildly difficult.

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  • 4 months later...

Here is a picture I took and edited last year of my TG16. It's for a book I was working on and never did finish, though I'm still slowly working on it.


Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Anyway... Games

HuCard - Keith Courage, Neutopia, Ninja Spirit, Street Fighter II CE, Dragon's Curse

CD - Valis III, Shadow of the Beast, Fighting Street

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