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Games You Love In Spite Of Serious Flaws


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There are some games that you just can't help but love in spite of their serious design flaws. Let's talk about them!

Here are some seriously flawed games that I enjoy:

Mortal Kombat 1-3 (Genesis / Snes). The one serious flaw that all these games share is that they feature very cheap AI. For instance, your AI opponent is capable of throwing you right while you are in the middle of tripping them with a sweep (away + low kick) attack. There's no way you can pull that off against an AI opponent. Hence, the MK games are ultra cheap when it comes to single-player gaming. However, I still love these games because they play GREAT in 2-player mode.

Bram Stoker's Dracula (Genesis). The main problem with this game is that it's very easy to die because you do not gain temporary invincibility nor do you recoil when your character incurs damage. This is problematic since you can die within a matter of seconds if you accidentally stand on top of a tiny enemy (i.e. a rat, a spider) or if you get caught on top of a retracting spike. Nevertheless, I still love this game for its atmosphere and especially for its excellent soundtrack. It plays like a decent Castlevania clone with exceptionally wonderful music.

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Man, so many... let's see. I'm not gonna list the problems specifically because I can't remember most of them right now. but they're there, trust me!


Fester's Quest - one of those ones that are so flawed, its annoying, but you don't want to stop

Friday the 13th - I just like killing things with knives and machetes

Mickey Mousecapade - kind of a pain in the butt, but it's memories to me

Monster Party - just fun, but why are some dudes dead already?!!?

NARC - because it's hilarious to blow up flashers, junkies, drug-peddling vietnam vets and killer clowns. oh and a huge head

Who Framed Roger Rabbit - punchin' ladies!

Yo! Noid - just a big Noid fan in general


Michael Jackson's Moonwalker - it's funny to harrass the characters when you run out of magic


Warlock :-x Annoys me but I like it?

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Quake (PC)

Cons: single player mode sucks

Pros: I'm still waiting for a better multiplayer game to be released. Altough team player deathmatch is the best it has to offer, 1x1 is also fun and mods like Catch the Flag and Team Fortress are not that bad eighter. Multiplayer even allowed the single player campaign to be (kind of) fun. Yep, Quake was a game where you could go on coop mode all the way and unfortunatelly it took the game industry more than 10 years to start doing that again on recent games.

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Mickey Mousecapade - kind of a pain in the butt, but it's memories to me

Oh yeah...plenty of glitches in that one...Just for some reason I could not put it down until I beat it. Sadly beating this game is a feat since a couple of the glitches can literally make you start all over (invisible key won't pop no matter how many times you shoot it).

Also - Clash at Deamonhead

This awesome "chose your own path" game is hampered by severe glitches all over the place. It was an amazing idea...but just a little ahead of its time.

Isn't the NES Powerglove one giant glitch after the next? I still love that thing...after setting it up for 45 minutes I can totally play Punch Out! with it.

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Isn't the NES Powerglove one giant glitch after the next? I still love that thing...after setting it up for 45 minutes I can totally play Punch Out! with it.

The Power Glove introduced a new level of challenge to the NES games:

getting the damn thing to work with them!

But then again, Nintendo kind of fixed it, attached it to a Game Cube,

called the combo Wii and has sold millions of them worldwide so, in

a certain way, you are not the only one that loves the Power Glove.

And don't you think the ballance board is something new too. I

remember seeing something similar to the NES too. I think the

bottom line is: if you failed, wait 15 years and try to do the exact

same thing again. It might work now :)

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Hidinger, Clash at Demonhead is cool! I just started playing that game, I'd never tried it before.

The Wii Balance board is a lot like an accessory for the NES, yeah. I forget the name of it though. The Angry Video Game Nerd tries using it in one of his videos.

I love the game also...but to say it is without flaws is like calling a follower of the Church of the Second Coming of the Prophet Zarquon atheists.

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  • 4 weeks later...

the original legend of zelda. after swinging my sword in its successors, just stabbing forward didn't feel right. not to mention that there were more than a few engrish moments (let's play money making game, its a secret to everyone, etc)

but these flaws give the game charm, something that more than a few newer games today lack.

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