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Excitebots Trick Racing $20

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I'm not sure if Fear 2 and SF4 are worth $20. I mean I've never been big on those genres and don't know if I'd get my money's worth. Maybe if they drop again in the future.

These sales are kinda starting to irritate me. Between this and the last there have been many games I own already, gained through previous sales or specials. I still haven't played them, and now they're only $20. Who would have thought they'd drop so fast? I could have saved a little bit more per title. For example I JUST bought Excitebots from Amazon for $35 during their deal of the day. But that version came with the wheel.

Oh well, anything in these deals were bought new anyway so the extra $10 went to the developers. Guess that's not too bad considering how much I've saved on used games over the years. However if things continue like this I'm going to wait a little longer before picking up a copy of GH Smash Hits, Ghostbusters, and a few more recently released titles.

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I'm not sure if Fear 2 and SF4 are worth $20. I mean I've never been big on those genres and don't know if I'd get my money's worth. Maybe if they drop again in the future.

These sales are kinda starting to irritate me. Between this and the last there have been many games I own already, gained through previous sales or specials. I still haven't played them, and now they're only $20. Who would have thought they'd drop so fast? I could have saved a little bit more per title. For example I JUST bought Excitebots from Amazon for $35 during their deal of the day. But that version came with the wheel.

Oh well, anything in these deals were bought new anyway so the extra $10 went to the developers. Guess that's not too bad considering how much I've saved on used games over the years. However if things continue like this I'm going to wait a little longer before picking up a copy of GH Smash Hits, Ghostbusters, and a few more recently released titles.

Well $20 is my sweet spot, if ANY game drops to $20 and I have the slightest need to own it.....I buy it. I took Street Fighter 4 and Resident Evil 5 off a guy on craigslist for $70 two months ago. I picked up Madworld for $20 a few weeks ago. Banjoo Kazooie $20 , Pure $20, Turok $20....I could literally go on and on......Now waiting for Punchout to get to $20 B)

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RE5 needs to drop a lot more for me. I bought Madworld along with 2 other Wii games during a TrU sale (B2G1), and the same with Bionic Commando, Infamous, and Fallout 3 at Target during a similar sale. I forget when I got Tomb Raider and Pure, probably during a GS sale. I picked up Sonic Unleashed and Prince of Persia when CC was closing, those were around $35. Punchout was on sale at Amazon for $40 when I got it. I'd have to see what else I haven't played that's been on these lists recently. I did however get Oblivion, Trivial Pursuit, and Wheelman for $20 each.

Stores close, others have great sales, online shops offer specials, and of course Ebay. I just keep taking advantage of them thinking it'll be a good deal for the near future. I was surprised to see these games hitting $20 already. It's defintely been a good year so far except it has backed me up even further. Wonder what kind of sales we'll see around Xmas?

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SF4? Is Street Fighter 4 $20?? I can't find it for that on the site, if it is, can I get a link please??

So Excitebots is good? It sounded kind of dumb to me, but I haven't read any reviews yet. It's supposed to be somehow linked to Excite Bike, right?

I'm so terrible about keeping up with new games... -_-

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