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The Big Torrent: How Much Can You Seed?


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well MBJ, keep in mind, fusoya scanned over 25+ issues in the "big" torrent...so, you might want to think reconsider your comment of telling him to go buy issues on ebay...lol...I highly doubt you've scanned over 20 issues yourself.. :)

as for myself...I bought all 200 issues on ebay! I was pretty determined to have everything from the get go, in the event that any bs came up...

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  KMFDManic said:
well MBJ, keep in mind, fusoya scanned over 25+ issues in the "big" torrent...so, you might want to think reconsider your comment of telling him to go buy issues on ebay...lol...I highly doubt you've scanned over 20 issues yourself.. :)

as for myself...I bought all 200 issues on ebay! I was pretty determined to have everything from the get go, in the event that any bs came up...

Now now .....no need to argue

Phillyman scanned about 30 issues himself :P

Not everyone has the patience to scan like us ......but to MBJs defense he has helped the site finacially to aquire more magazines ......Not everyone likes Nintendo Power .......so lets all try to get along :)

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  KMFDManic said:
well MBJ, keep in mind, fusoya scanned over 25+ issues in the "big" torrent...so, you might want to think reconsider your comment of telling him to go buy issues on ebay...lol...I highly doubt you've scanned over 20 issues yourself.. :)

I hesitated to make that comment and I wouldn't have if Fusoya hadn't been publicly trashing Retromags (see his torrents on Mininova) just before the big torrent was released. I just thought that it was inappropriate to simultaneously make negative comments about an organization and then make a post that sounded like special treatment was deserved from that organization. If I had a friend who I found out was talking bad about me behind my back and then they came and asked me for a favor, I wouldn't feel too kindly toward them.

I understand that Fusoya has contributed in the past and I do appreciate that but I felt that due to the nature of the situation, something needed to be said.

Also, I have nothing personally against Fusoya. I made that comment more as Retromags forum moderator than as myself. I felt obligated to speak up in defense of the organization. If I was not a moderator, I most likely would not have said anything.

Anyway, I'm sorry if I upset anyone. I know that we often maintain a delicate social balance here so maybe I should have just kept my big mouth shut in the interest of keeping the peace. Let's put the past behind us and move forward with the project. :)

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  MBJ said:
I hesitated to make that comment and I wouldn't have if Fusoya hadn't been publicly trashing Retromags (see his torrents on Mininova) just before the big torrent was released. I just thought that it was inappropriate to simultaneously make negative comments about an organization and then make a post that sounded like special treatment was deserved from that organization. If I had a friend who I found out was talking bad about me behind my back and then they came and asked me for a favor, I wouldn't feel too kindly toward them.

All of the trashing I gave was for good reason, and all of it was true. You should be thanking me anyway....my decision to do my own release is what motivated Philly to throw out his "one issue a week" rule and get everything he had out there, since he felt he had to compete with mine :P

Well, I've finally reached my goal of acquiring issues 1-100 of Nintendo Power, so my presence is going to be limited again here. Thanks to everybody who helped out with this project!

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That seems like a very self centered and unnecessary post ...

Not because the help isn't appreciated, but is the tooting of one's own horn really needed?

Also, looks like Eggman made a .dat for the archive:

***Moderator's note: Sorry, this link has been removed as we need to keep all links to copyrighted material off of the forum. If I was incorrect and the link contained no copyrighted material, please let me know and I will restore it. -MBJ***

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I just started but once i finish a couple of other downloads i will un cap the upload speed of it and see what happens, I am running on a pretty fast connection and have seen uploads in the 150's before but we'll see if we can break that here

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Would anyone like to join forces and create a new master torrent with what is currently available? I have renamed everything that was in the original torrent and have specific naming structures for each mag.

In terms of how to do it, I have a spare FTP server which is not being used. If a few contributors would like to join up, I would love to get something cool put together.

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