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Uncle5555's Scan Topic


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Hey, I didn't really want to post all over the place since the threads that I was looking at (your collection, intro topic, ect.) are in different subsections and I kinda wanted to keep things in one spot for the time being.

I'll post the entirety of my collection in the next few days (I have at least 9-10 boxes full of magazines from 1988-2006'ish) I know about the cut off date, which disappointed me a bit since I am very interested in looking at the Official DC Mag -US version and unfortunately the main body of it is post 2000-ish, and considering the publisher doesn't sell any back issues and hasn't for a long time btw, since I tried to buy them about 4-5 years ago from them directly since it was such a short run. I would hope in the near future this sites staff would seriously look at making small exceptions in rare cases. But that is my hope if nothing else.

Anyway a little about me, I'm 32, working on my B.A.S. in I.S.T. and have been playing games for over 27 years and have been scanning my own magazine collection here and there for the past 5 years. Not so much in recent time because I got burnt out a few years ago, with the exception of helping with a bunny mag scanning archive project, I haven't been scanning much in recent time. So I have experience on doing it, at the very least, time is the major factor for me, especially with the new semester coming up in 3 weeks.

I recently got back some old NP's (which look to be well represented here) from my nephew last year, the point here is he only borrowed my magazines for 18 years before I got them back(!?!) Heh, so those are back in my collection again, (some worse for the wear, but mostly all intact).

Umm without posting the complete list, some rarities I own are Nintendo Fun Club News Vol. 5 & 7 (which btw I scanned and posted over at another forum a few years ago) old fanzines from Sunsoft and Taxxan (maybe some more can't think of any off hand) old issues of Game Informer (when Funco land still ran it before being bought out) and the most rare thing I know that I own are old Neo Geo advertisement/fan mags that I got directly from Neo Geo HQ back in the day and from inserts in EGM back in the mid 90's (All these were scanned) I did sell some extras I had (probably for too little, but I made sure I kept one of everything I had) some Neo Geo arcade insert/movelist cards

Some more include a large early run of Gamepro 1989-1991, a lot of old official NP players guides (some I know you need, but I will express my concerns about that in a minute) some old EGM's including the CV 3 issue (not sure what number it is without digging it out, atm) and a large collection (20-30) of mid 90's strategy guides for various systems & games.

One of my main projects in the past few years was scanning old video game ads, from DC, PS1, old Sega and Nintendo games, and I have a extremely large archive of those.

Now as I just mentioned, about the players guides / strategy guides I know most of them are in the process of being done, and I know I have a few that are in need, however every time I read the word unbind and think about seriously creasing the covers to accommodate scanning to the inner edge I cringe, very badly I might add.

I have little to no interest in mutilating my strategy guides, or anything else I have in print. Mostly when I scan if its staple bound its no biggie to get to the center of the magazine, and square bound magazines while a pain I can scan basically the same way with little loss of page information. Which is why I have that apprehension when read about books being mutilated to be preserved digitally.

Why does this bug me, I dunno, part of me wants keep some of these things in good shape, even at the cost of not having a digital copy, while I can see the argument for debinding it and scanning it I have never personally saw the need to do it in my years of scanning.

So that's why I consider it a slight hindrance to any major contributions I could make, because I basically refuse to trash my books at this time. (sorta goes against offering my help in a way I think) But even still I'll throw out my offer of help even if it won't be as significant as it could be.

Also one other note of concern, I see the "fine print" as it were on the FAQ page, and it's something that bothers me, that any scans contributed become the sole property of Retromags, which also includes reserving the right to refuse removal of contributed scans (this last part I can understand) Even though I know we are scanning copyrighted material, I think that some sort of Creative Commons, General Usage agreements / license would serve better to know that this material while was donated and originated from Retromags, was done for non-profit, and also that the original scanners were noted and listed somewhere on the file. That seems to be a fair trade to me at the very least.

I guess I'll leave it at that for now, if you guys are interested in what I might have available and some kind of understanding can be reached with the two above paragraphs, then I might be able to help out a bit, if we can't come to some sort of agreement, I'm not saying it is a game killer, but I will have to seriously consider my willingness to contribute to the project.

(Sorry if that comes off harsh, but I'm considering it from all angles, considering a site like Gamefaqs, does not **Own** the FAQ's per say, only hosts them, and that is what I am trying to drive at here as well)

I'll let you guys let me know what you think, and in the meantime I'll try to get a master list up for your perusal and also for me so I know what I have and don't have (which is how I discovered those missing issues my nephew had)

Cheers :)

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  • Retromags Curator

Hello Uncle5555

We recommend debinding if the person who is scanning has the intent to throw away their magazines after they have been preserved. Many of our members after scanning the magazine simply discard the magazine. By no means do we require this of any member on this site. As for the 1999 rule, we strive to stay back and off the toes of any publisher. We stop at 1999 because that was when the Dreamcast came out and is really the last console that could be considered Retro.

Now I will explain about the fine print, Retromags does not own any of our members scans. The only thing we are doing is distributing those scans under the Retromags banner. Our members are welcome to distribute their scans as they wish. But once they upload the scan to Retromags, they give us the right to distribute that magazine on this site from that day forward. Now why do we do this? In the past we have had members who were extremely helpful with scanning magazines. But the more magazines they submitted to Retromags, the more arrogant they became. These members would be argumentative and not adhere to the rules we had set forward. They were acting like "If you don't like the way I act, I will leave and you can remove all my scans". This kind of attitude around the site was not appreciated, as all our staff goes out of the way to accommodate the members of this site. So a few members that had helped out, had to be let go. In response to that we had to go through our system and clean out their scans. This then lead to other members wondering where the scan of "whatever" went to.

Just because a member of this site scanned 20 magazines, does not mean that they can begin talking about piracy in the forums. Nor does the amount of magazines you submitted give you the ability to start badmouting our staff.

Again we dont own your scans, you are only giving us the ability to distribute them under the Retromags banner.....we just dont want people using their scans as leverage against us. But you are free to do what you wish with your scans outside of this site :)

I hope this cleared it up, in the end we are here to preserve some magazines and have a good time. :)

Welcome to Retromags!

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Welcome. I have the same feeling about debinding but for my scanner, debinding seems the best way to most assuredly get the best scan possible covering the most page possible. I hated to do it at first but it's like pulling a tooth that is rotting out. I think it's for the good of all to share and preserve before they get in worse condition.

As far as the fine print goes, I don't sweat it. The gaming community has given me lots of freebies and good times. If you want credit, put your name in the nfo or personally, I wouldn't have a problem with someone making their own personal credit page to put in the cbz, if that's what you want. Imho, any scan is a welcomed scan.

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Thanks Phillyman and Tony, that about clears up most of my concerns that I had with contributions.

I looked over my scans I archived on DVD last night (and didn't get a lot done because of that, heh) and about 60% of them are edited and cleaned up (I have well over 600+ individual scans of various things from advertisements, to fanzines from various companies, and other odds and ends) so those are ready to go right this minute.

I noticed while looking over some of my Sunsoft ones last night, that I had marked on some of the items as well as name labels being on the items, I read another member who recommended removing them, my only comment there is I will obscure them so the address is not included, but I neither have time or inclination to rescan any of those items by removing those labels and any writing on them (I was 12 whadda want) ;-) If someone has the photo shop magic touch to clean them up, more power to 'em, I edit with HP's image editor and Paint, old school I know, but it serves my purposes, I have Photo Shop, but after one use and it's extreme learning curve I uninstalled it and never looked back.

Also a lot of these were in boxes for over 20 years and actually kept in a cool, dark environment but even with that care, the paper they used yellowed badly (or more than I would have cared it too) but never to make the items unreadable or unusable (hence my wanting to archive them digitally, and also the purpose of this project, as I see) also and unbeknownst to me they were pinned under some magazines resulting in some nasty bending of the material I tried to straighten them out when I scanned them a few years ago, but the results were adequate at best for the amount of time I spent working on scanning them. But all the material is there (with the exception of a coupon I hacked out of one to continue to get the newsletter (one of my Sega Visions suffered that same fate unfortunately)

I will upload a few samples either tonight or in the next few days to show you the work, due to my internet connection here at the house any major uploads of my material will have to wait until school starts and I get access to the better connection speed. I could do some of the Sunsoft and Neo Geo ones as they are fairly small (6-8 scans per issue) and it wouldn't be too much of a burden in that regard.

And lastly I know I kinda hinted at it above, but the material that is already archived is as-is, it is stuff I did for my own personal use, never to be used or given away by me, so as such I really don't want to redo any of it, I personally think it looks fine (I know some of my scans have white lines in the scan, you'll see when I upload certain scans) but there is nothing I can do about that, it is a unfortunate quirk my scanner has if there is a lot of either white paper being scanned or white color being close to an edge, can't complain I guess as the scanner was given to me by a friend for free years ago, and it's something I've learned to tolerate for better or worse.

Anyway, I'll put a few pieces up and see if it is stuff you guys are interested in, if time permits and I move forward with new material to scan, I will take time to increase quality (if need be) but note I'll still be limited by the hardware I own.

Check back soon...Onwards and upwards. :)

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Since most of the NP, EGM, and Gamepro stuff is accounted for on this site, I didn't take the time to be very specific with cover dates and other items for those issues since most are well known and accounted for, if they are missing and thought needed, let me know and I will add that information to the list.

I literally have too much stuff to do a complete fully detailed listing, I spent over 10 hours reorganizing all of my material then pulling out boxes with the other items that are better organized and collected together, putting like issues together, relabeling everything, and making this index while doing that.

I don't think I wanna do that again for another 10 years... O_o Or more.

But otherwise the list below is pretty much completed.

I don't know how much time I want to put into doing any more scanning than what I already have done at the moment, unless there is something that is desperately needed and I can do, this reorganizing last night / today took a lot of my time and while it needed to be done, the complete indexing of what I had as well, I feel burnt out to start tackling a time intensive project at the moment.

I want to help out, but at a pace that I want to work at, which unfortunately due to my habit or overworking myself on a pet project until I can't stand working on it, I tend to burn out with things or I push really hard to get it done (like this project) then loose motivation to do anything else for a long time until motivated enough to do it again.

I still am willing to send any work I have done (another thing that took time tonight is I was also grabbing new game ads, which is my main focus usually when I scan game magazines, since some of those older (and even newer) ads are pretty cool to look at and interest me the most.

Collection Listing Below...

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My Collection Listing


**Note: Pretty obvious, but just in case, I listed runs as noted by the dash so for instance the I have Boot as seen below from Issue 5-11 then issues 14, 17, and 21. This is the same for all the others, if there is any confusion lemme know.

Boot (later Maximum PC)




Jan 1997-No.5 - July 1997-No.11

Oct 1997 No. 14

Jan 1998 No. 17

May 1998 No. 21

Maximum PC (see Maximum PC Section below)

Computer Gaming World


Jan 1997 No. 150

E2 - Electronic Entertaiment


Dec. 1995

Electronic Gaming Monthly (EGM)


9**, 12, 21, 30-39, 63

124 Dec 1999 - 219 Sept 2007

1991 Video Game Buyer's Guide, The

1992 Video Game Review Guide Supplement

1993 Video Game Review Guide Supplement

The 500 Best Video Game Tips of All Time! Supplement

**(Issue 9 has one page slightly cut as I used the picture to send a letter to my Brother stationed overseas during the Gulf War, otherwise it is complete)

Game Informer


Nov/Dec 1991

Jan/Feb 1992**

Spring Issue 1992

Summer Issue 1992

Sept/Oct 1992

Jan/Feb 1993

109 May 2002

111 July 2002

167 Feb 2007 - 178 Feb 2008

Funco Land Video Game Catalog 1995 (includes advertisement for Game Informer)

**Note: (Jan/Feb 1992, I own 3 issues of this one, I must have been buying and selling a lot to Funco Land at this time)

Game Developer


Dec/Jan 1997



May 2000



July 1990 Vol 2. No. 7 - Sept 1990 Vol 2. No. 9

Jan 1992-Sept 1992, Nov. 1992, Dec. 1992

April 1994

July 1995

Sept 1995 - Sept 1999(132)

Oct 1999(133) - Nov 2006(218)

Fighters Edge - Winter 1996

S.W.A.T. Pro - 1995

Codevault 2003

**(Note the July and August Issues, Ninja Turtles and Michael Jackson issues, have the same Vol 2. No. 7 identifier on the cover)

Issue 91 (April 1996, RE1 on the cover) was the first numbered labeled issue of Gamepro

**(Note: I own 2 issues of July 1998)

**All Issues missing or stolen

Oct. 1990 - Dec. 1990

Oct. 1992

Gamer's Republic


March 2000 - June 2000



PC Games version

Dec. 1999 No. 1 - March 2000 No. 4

June 2000 No. 7

Video Gaming Version

Dec. 1999 No. 1 - March 2000 No. 4

Maximum PC


Jan 1999 Vol 4. No. 1

Dec 1999 Vol 4. No. 12

Next Generation


50 Feb 1999

Nintendo Power


1, 3, 5, 6**, 7-12, 20, 21**, 22-44

111 (Aug 1998) - 194 (Aug 2005)

**(Denotes issue was stolen or is lost/missing)

Nintendo Funclub News


No. 5

No. 7

Official Xbox Magazine


6 May 2002

Official Playstation Magazine (OPM)


8 (Vol.1 No.8) May 1998

23 (Vol 2. No. 11) August 1999

25 (Vol 3. No. 11) Sept 1999 - 112 Jan 2007 (Last Issue)

**(Note: I have two copies of 112, as the first one's binding fell apart, so if that issue is ever needed and someone wants to tear it apart and scan it I have no problem giving it away, or if I have time I could do it as well, just wanted to put that out there for future reference)

Playstation Magazine (PSM)


70 April 2003

120 Feb 2007 - 130 Dec 2007

(130 was the Last Issue, see Playstation the Official Magazine below)

Playstation the Official Magazine (formerly PSM)


01 Holiday/Jan 2007/2008 - 13 Dec 2008

PC Accelerator


(14) Oct - (15) Nov 1999

PC Gamer


Sept. 1996 (Vol. 3 No. 9) - 162 June 2007

Every issue is accounted for that I know of and there were no lapses in my subscription.

The Ultimate Hardware Bible - Fall 1999

PC Games


Jan 1997

Feb 1997

April 1997

June 1997

Oct 1997

PC Zone (UK Magazine)


47 Feb 1997

48 Mar 1997

49 April 1997

Sega Visions


Every issue from June/July 1990 until April/May 1994

(June/July 1990's cover is damaged, because I cut the coupon from it and it dislodged from the staples after that point, otherwise it is intact and complete)

Tips and Tricks


Dec. 1996

Mar. 1997

May. 1997

Dec. 1997

Apr. 1999

Nov. 2000

Dec. 2000

Mar. 2001

Sept 2001

May 2002

June 2002

Aug. 2002

Apr. 2003

Codebook Summer 2002

Video Games & Computer Entertainment


Dec. 1992

A quick note, I used to (or I should say my Brother did) have some old Commodore hobbyist magazines from the mid-late 80's I have some pictures that I took of the books, but unfortunately they sold via an auction on Ebay a few years ago so they are not available anymore, I'll see if I can't did out the pictures from that sale and post what we did have at one time)


Company Fanzines


(Nintendo Fun Club News and Sega Visions not included for various reasons, see Magazine section for those titles)



Masters of the Game - Special Sweepstakes Edition 1990

Masters of the Game - Special Sweepstakes Edition 1992



VIP Nooz Vol 1. No. 1 - Spring 1990



Advertisement Flyer / Poster Circa 1992



Advertisement Flyer circa 1995 (includes Secret of Mana and Crono Trigger)

Sunsoft Game Time News


Winter 1989 - Volume 1 Number 3

Fall 1989

Unknown 1989

Spring 1990

Summer 1990

Summer 1992



Videodiction - Fall 1990 (Chunk cut out of it for contest)


Players Guides


Nintendo Official Players Guides and Misc.


Crono Trigger

Donkey Kong 64

Final Fantasy III (aka VI)


Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker

Nintendo Power Pak Source

Nintendo Power Advance Vol. 1

Official Nintendo Player's Guide (poor condition)

Pokemon (Red/Blue)

Pokemon Snap

Pokemon Special Edition for Yellow, Red, and Blue

Pokemon Stadium

Pokemon Trading Card Game

Super Nes

Super Smash Bros. Melee

Super Mario Bros. 2 - Super Power Tip Book - Part II

Top Secret Passwords

Brady Games


The Bouncer

Brave Fencer Musashi

Castlevania: Lament of Innocence


Final Fantasy VII - PC

Final Fantasy VII - PS1

Final Fantasy VIII - PC

Devil May Cry 2

Megaman X Command Mission

Parasite Eve

Parasite Eve II

Resident Evil 0

SaGa Frontier 2


Super Mario Advance - Official Pocket Guide

GW Press


Duke Nukem - Time to Kill

Millenium Books


Metal Gear Solid

Prima Guides


Conker's Bad Fur Day

Dragonball Z Budokai

The Getaway

Half Life

Privateer 2: The Darkening

Resident Evil 2 (Dual Shock Edition)

Timesplitters 2

Versus Books


Maximo: Ghosts to Glory



Die Hard Gamefan subscription flyer sent to me in the mail

Nintendo Power Super Metroid re-subscription / $10 Rebate form

Nintendo Power Complete Nes Game Pak Directory (same as in the Ninja Gaiden issue) this one was sent to me by request and does not bear the Mar/April 1989 date on the top right, is in B&W and is stapled together. (I wanted it so I didn't have to look in the magazine all the time for company names and contact information, since I contacted companies on occasion to order company fanzines and the like)

A lot of Playstation related flyers, promotional material from PS1-PS3

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First up, welcome to Retromags, it is always great to have another member willing to help out with things (especially the releasing of mags part although, nothing is taken for granted as every little bit helps, even encouraging posts).

As far as your scans you have already, I am sure they are great but a couple of sample pages would help a lot in maybe offering tips on future scans.

I see you have the December 1992 issue of VG&CE, is that the one where they have the futuristic fighters representing TG16 and Genesis standing on a facsimile of earth fighting each other?  

Nice list of mags you have there, you have some interesting issues, any idea which are scanned already?

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First up, welcome to Retromags, it is always great to have another member willing to help out with things (especially the releasing of mags part although, nothing is taken for granted as every little bit helps, even encouraging posts).

As far as your scans you have already, I am sure they are great but a couple of sample pages would help a lot in maybe offering tips on future scans.

I see you have the December 1992 issue of VG&CE, is that the one where they have the futuristic fighters representing TG16 and Genesis standing on a facsimile of earth fighting each other?

Nice list of mags you have there, you have some interesting issues, any idea which are scanned already?

Thanks Triverse, if I'm not mistaken (since I just looked at it yesterday, it has Mick & Mack on the cover (well Mick at least, Mac is MIA) aka The Global Gladiators aka the McDonalds boys) I bought it because it had Neo Geo coverage on Art of Fighting in it.

I'll see if I can get a few samples uploaded since I know you like stuff to be HQ quality, just remember that my old work is "as-is", what it is, it is and in all likelihood won't be redone.

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I notice you have the Sept/Oct 1992 issue. I would really be thankful if you could scan pages 55 and 56 in 1440 width so we can have a complete 6th issue. Might be a good start to gauge your scanning and provide you any tips, also.

I assume you mean Game Informer? I'm pretty intuitive, but mind reading isn't a specialty. Hehe. ;-)

Yeah I can do that right now and upload those up along with my older stuff, umm my scanner doesn't have size settings most everything is usually in approx. 1200x1600 at default dpi.

I was screwing around last night to see what settings were and that go from 150-9600 dpi, I don't think I've ever scanned anything up to that resolution, plus I'm kinda limited on hdd space on this partition, and since it saves older scans in the windows/temp directory that will limit going to that resolution. At default, I can scan about 50-60'ish before running out of room, and up to 80-100 if I convert from Tiff to jpg and delete the old files or make dummy files and replace the ones in the temp directory, which is why I said redoing older stuff isn't really in the cards because of the hassle involved. And which is also why I don't scan as much anymore as I did as well.

Gimme a bit I'll get those done and uploaded tonight.

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Some notes on the Game Informer pgs. that I scanned (might as well nitpick with what I see is wrong instead of being told what I already know)

I see someone was a big SFII fan when they ripped the page out of their book (which is why I assume you're missing that page) naughty, naughty. =P

My critiques...

Pg. 55

White "bleeding" off of the picture in the top right, this is what I mentioned that my scanner has a penchant for doing, and I don't know why it does it, nor can I fix it. I could scan that picture another 5 times and still in each one (unless I was lucky) it would bleed either in the same spot or elsewhere on the page, it's always a crap shoot when I scan something, but as I said I deal with it.

Left margin needs slightly trimmed so the other page doesn't show up (no way to do that with software I use without cutting into main part of picture.

Right bottm right margin needs trimmed as well, again nothing I can do with it without loosing anything.

Pg. 56

Slight white "bleeding" on top left margin, further down on left side same issue.

Right margin starts small and widens slightly towards the botton.

Top right page needs trimmed slightly, not possible for me with the tools I have.


I think they look fine (I have an OfficeJet G55, so it's not state of the art by or latest tech) other than that I have no issues with them myself, but then again this isn't my project either, personally I wouldn't expect the quality of my work to improve from these, as I think these are fairly representitive of my overall output.

So I'll leave it up to you guys if you think my work is worth its inclusion into the project or not. I won't take offense if it is not, because as I said I do it to please myself, no one else.

Lessee, what is complete and ready to go...

Nintendo Fun Club News Vol. 5 & 7 complete.

Sunsoft Gametime News all complete with the exception of the mystery issue from 1992 that I'm missing all but 4 pages of.

Neo Geo Flyers 1-3 as well as my AOF 2 movelist, a letter and envelope I recieved for Samurai Showdown 1 movelist (of course personal information would have to be edited out) I mention it because I have official letter head stationary and envelope from SNK.

All of my company fanzines are scanned the only thing omitted was the Sega poster/flyer, I guess I didn't see it when I looked through stuff a few years ago.

And lots and lots of game ads, like I said I have over 500-600 scans approx. but most are ads, pieces of articles or whatever else caught my fancy while I was going through the old issues.

Scans (newer higher quality at 300dpi)


Pg. 55 link.


Pg. 56 link.


Older Scans (aka the "as-is" scans)

These were picked at random


**(I assume they were done at the default resolution which I think is 150dpi)**

Sunsoft Game Time News (this issue is in bad shape)


SNK Flyer 1 Pg 14


Video Games and Computer Entertainment Dec 92 pg???

(Air Zonk ad, only major issue is a little white "bleeding" in the lower right hand corner)


Final Notes


I personally think 300dpi is overkill, and at approx. 2500 x 3200 resolution, I mean how detailed you want it, the problem is a lot of these older mags were printed on junk glossy paper, which unfortunately has not stood the test of time with yellowing, and major imperfections in the printing process either.

Anyway if my older stuff is acceptable I can start uploading a few of the smaller ones here and there, and then (time permitting) start going to town once I have a better internet connection down at school.

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Some notes on the Game Informer pgs. that I scanned (might as well nitpick with what I see is wrong instead of being told what I already know)

I see someone was a big SFII fan when they ripped the page out of their book (which is why I assume you're missing that page) naughty, naughty. =P

My critiques...

Pg. 55

White "bleeding" off of the picture in the top right, this is what I mentioned that my scanner has a penchant for doing, and I don't know why it does it, nor can I fix it. I could scan that picture another 5 times and still in each one (unless I was lucky) it would bleed either in the same spot or elsewhere on the page, it's always a crap shoot when I scan something, but as I said I deal with it.

Left margin needs slightly trimmed so the other page doesn't show up (no way to do that with software I use without cutting into main part of picture.

Right bottm right margin needs trimmed as well, again nothing I can do with it without loosing anything.

Pg. 56

Slight white "bleeding" on top left margin, further down on left side same issue.

Right margin starts small and widens slightly towards the botton.

Top right page needs trimmed slightly, not possible for me with the tools I have.


I think they look fine (I have an OfficeJet G55, so it's not state of the art by or latest tech) other than that I have no issues with them myself, but then again this isn't my project either, personally I wouldn't expect the quality of my work to improve from these, as I think these are fairly representitive of my overall output.

So I'll leave it up to you guys if you think my work is worth its inclusion into the project or not. I won't take offense if it is not, because as I said I do it to please myself, no one else.

Lessee, what is complete and ready to go...

Nintendo Fun Club News Vol. 5 & 7 complete.

Sunsoft Gametime News all complete with the exception of the mystery issue from 1992 that I'm missing all but 4 pages of.

Neo Geo Flyers 1-3 as well as my AOF 2 movelist, a letter and envelope I recieved for Samurai Showdown 1 movelist (of course personal information would have to be edited out) I mention it because I have official letter head stationary and envelope from SNK.

All of my company fanzines are scanned the only thing omitted was the Sega poster/flyer, I guess I didn't see it when I looked through stuff a few years ago.

And lots and lots of game ads, like I said I have over 500-600 scans approx. but most are ads, pieces of articles or whatever else caught my fancy while I was going through the old issues.

Scans (newer higher quality at 300dpi)


Pg. 55 link.


Pg. 56 link.


Older Scans (aka the "as-is" scans)

These were picked at random


**(I assume they were done at the default resolution which I think is 150dpi)**

Sunsoft Game Time News (this issue is in bad shape)


SNK Flyer 1 Pg 14


Video Games and Computer Entertainment Dec 92 pg???

(Air Zonk ad, only major issue is a little white "bleeding" in the lower right hand corner)


Final Notes


I personally think 300dpi is overkill, and at approx. 2500 x 3200 resolution, I mean how detailed you want it, the problem is a lot of these older mags were printed on junk glossy paper, which unfortunately has not stood the test of time with yellowing, and major imperfections in the printing process either.

Anyway if my older stuff is acceptable I can start uploading a few of the smaller ones here and there, and then (time permitting) start going to town once I have a better internet connection down at school.

Yeah, I didn't realize what a big SF2 fan I was at the time. I took good care of my guides but I apparently just couldn't hold out of tearing out anything SF2 related.

But your scan quality looks fine, just need to edit the page boundaries a little tighter. I have to be off to work so I don't have much time to critique. I'm sure Triverse will set you straight there. Again, it's good to have another scanner onboard.

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Heh, Tony, I was just playin' at ya, I didn't know if you did it or not, just took a shot in the dark is all. Glad you didn't get a hold of my Gamepro with the neat SF 2 manga pictures with the moves lists. (Did you ever have that one?)

As promised, the Commodore magazines that we did have, that are no more. They went to a new home soon after I took these pictures.




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Reviewing your scans again, I think you mentioned it before, but the scans do have white artifacts or blotches in them. It might be kind of annoying if it's artifacting every page. Also, if it's me, I'd straighten them by a few degrees. Ones like the SF2 pages usually have a vertical line which you can use to gauge by. I went ahead and straightened your scans, recropped, resized, and uploaded to the server to update the one on the server. That's just me being picky and I'm by no means the final word, Phillyman is. But if you want good alignment as a cbz, it's always best to straighten and as someone tipped me to, use the same size crop. I think the technique is mentioned in the faq and a recent topic here in mag talk. Thanks for the contribution and once again, welcome. It's great to have another scanner who seems to share our enthusiasm and preservational views.

But I really didn't realize how much I was into SF2 until a few of my mags I thought I so preciously took care of had SF2 related pages torn out.

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Is that white splotching area in the same spot on every page you scan?  It may be something on your glass table there, maybe some scratches or something.

If you hit scan and watch the bulb go down does it do anything weird at that location?  You can do this without a magazine on the scanner bed, it won't hurt it.

As far as editing your scans, let me know what software you are using to edit them, I use Gimp, meppi uses Photoshop, the two are pretty different but get similar results (I have heard of people using something I believe by another company to edit their stuff so just let me know).

Sad to see those Commodore books and material are gone without you having been able to preserve them past that picture.

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Is that white splotching area in the same spot on every page you scan? It may be something on your glass table there, maybe some scratches or something.

If you hit scan and watch the bulb go down does it do anything weird at that location? You can do this without a magazine on the scanner bed, it won't hurt it.

As far as editing your scans, let me know what software you are using to edit them, I use Gimp, meppi uses Photoshop, the two are pretty different but get similar results (I have heard of people using something I believe by another company to edit their stuff so just let me know).

Sad to see those Commodore books and material are gone without you having been able to preserve them past that picture.

The white "bleed" is something I cannot fix, predict when it will happen or doing really anything about, its just the scanner acting up, as I said in my first post it's old and gets cranky sometimes, and I don't have the $$$ to replace it, basically it's gonna run until it dies and finds a new home in the dump. The printer portion doesn't even work anymore since the plastic rollers have malfunctioned severely so yeah, this things not long for this world, but it still has it's uses.

As far as your question about where it takes place on the scan it could be the top right/left of a scan or the bottom right/left, I never know when it's going to happen. Some stuff goes in scans perfectly and no problems, other things go in and whatever I try it gets picky and "bleeds" 'em. No rhyme or reason why, even scanning the material a second or third time might sometimes worsen or lessen the "bleed" but it usually won't go away for that image because of the composition of colors that it some how deems wrong.

Case in point say image 1 scans through and gets the "bleeding", image 2 you might expect problems, nope, comes through clean, and maybe the next 3-4 no problems then image 7 again a white "bleeding" somewhere on the scan, like I said it's annoying and there is nothing I can do to fix the issue.

Another thing (which I seem to remember mentioning before as well) ;-) Is I use the image editing software that came with the printer (HP Image Editor), which is basic, it crops, rotates every 45 degrees, color altering, and has other basic and semi-advanced functions, but it suits my needs fine. I have Photo Shop 7.0 but it is too complex and confusing for me to want to invest time/aggravation learning how to use it. I tried it once to try and figure out how to merge two pictures after 30 minutes of fruitless endeavor I said to hell with it and went on with what I was doing. I have lots of 2 page spreads I'd like to merge, but it ain't gonna happen.

So I do the best I can with the tools I that use. I know they are not perfect, nor do I claim them to be. And how I offered my material that's already done "as-is". I'm sorry if I don't sound very conformist with my work, but like I said I don't have time/interest in doing 4-5 passes on one scan to get it just "right". When one pass that's straight, has all the material on the scan and looks nice when edited down is good enough for me, that's my definition of "perfect".

I don't want to hassle anyone to have to "clean up" my work to their standards, but it's looking like it might have to be the case, since I don't see the divide getting crossed in that respect.

I'm still running Win 98se on this rig, so keep that in mind as well, my XP machine decided to blow a transistor in the power supply and fry itself and the mobo as well. So I don't have access to xp except at school atm, until I can afford new parts (I already got a new power supply, which is how I found out the mobo was dead, much to my suprise) which also means I'm limited in what programs I can use that are compatible as well.

Yeah I know about the C64/C128 stuff, back then I was selling items for family on Ebay and time to scan was even more scarce than it is now, at least I have SOME visual record on what I had, maybe had I known about this site 6 years ago it woulda been different. I only briefly scanned the magazines, so I don't even have a clear memory as to what was in them. So at least there is some visual record as to what was available in some form.

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My apologies for not remembering your mentioning of your situation in the previous posts, it has been a rough week.  I promise to read your earlier posts a little more close to my responding to them.

That is weird about your scanner, it sounds like it is going out on you sooner than later.

As far as your releases being released "as is" I see nothing wrong with that and don't worry, no one is going to try and convince you that you HAVE to mee this particular standard before uploading.  All we really ask is that you scan the whole magazine and if it is in such a condition that it looks like it has lost a fight with a lawn mower then maybe your time scanning that would be better spent scanning something else in better condition.

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Thanks Triverse, I will do what I can, been an overly busy week for me as well, as far as new content, I don't know how much I can get done, since the $#!*'s hitting the fan as it were with school, half of my aid being cut for next year and whatnot, so my attention is diverted toward that problem and probably through Dec. so basically the already done stuff is all that I can focus attention on at the moment, as it is the less time consuming of the two.

And I was trying to gently point out the obvious on my older posts without (hopefully) offending you, I know sometimes its easier and quicker to post a reply by skimming, I just wanted to point out I had already mentioned something about it and it was an issue I was aware of or had already discussed.

Depending on how things go I might be able to upload some stuff prior to school starting otherwise I'll have to wait until then.

Lastly, other than the stuff in the D/L section, how can I best gauge what needs to be done out of what I have, I know you guys said stuff is being done, I'm just trying to keep track of something that needs to be done (if time permits) and don't want to step on someone's toes or waste time I don't have to spend on something that is in the works, already done, or not in the downloads section yet.

Speaking of that, I do second a informal list somewhere to let people edit what they are working on so scanners can check it out and not have to ask (such as I am doing) all the time.

If might be a hassle to start, but I'm willing to say it would be extremely beneficial to everyone to have a list like that. One with what is done, and one with what's being worked on and what is missing.

It'll just have to be something that people will have to get into the habit of doing and will have to be a constant reminder from the staff to get people into the groove of doing, those that are serious about contributing will have no problems with it, others, well there are always those others, so what can you do about it, but for the rest of us, it will be a very handy tool to have available.

Just a thought, take it easy.

Edited by uncle5555
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Here you go for the info about what the regulars are working on:


That is a thread that has everyone's list of work in progress's, most have lists of their available mags and then the issue they are working on now.  There will always be those one shot members though that come out of nowhere and donate something, we don't really have any control or intent of forcing people to post their stuff, it is a request and as you can see, many members are willing to help with this too.

After checking out a few of those WIP's you might want to drop any potential members that have stuff you have a note (or start a WIP list for yourself over there and it will be added to the list so others can keep track of what your doing too).  If you have mostly Commodore stuff, I know that your only real competition with older magazines like Compute!, Ahoy! and such would Waremonger.  If you are interested in helping complete the Electronic Games set from the early 80's, then you would have Waremonger and Kitsune and the occasional new member like Crookedmouth that came out of nowhere and released an awesome issue and now is up to two EG's (with more to come).

Don't worry about offending me, or really anyone else, I mean, unless you seriously go out of your way to do it, there really shouldn't anyone getting upset over a post.

We did have a WIP site setup but hardly anyone used it.  It was cumbersome at best but if it could have been streamlined for members to add their stuff, it would have been great as you could see who had what and what issues were at what percent completed.  We ended up letting it go after it was discussed and we only had maybe 4 or 5 members actually using it.

We try and guide the memberbase in ways but we can't really "require" something like members posting their stuff or telling them to report to anyone that they are working on this or that (it is great when members use the available thread and post a WIP so it can be gathered in the sticky for the topic but there are many members that simply don't do that).

Thanks for your continuing interest and insight on stuff, it is greatly appreciated and I wish more members were vocal about their ideas and concerns (no one is going to bite your head off for stuff like this, if they do and I, or any of the other mods here see it, they will be dealt with accordingly, we are a team and there is no place for ridiculing members for their ideas).

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