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  nihonfreak said:
I have a decent game magazine collection from 1991-2003 (from Mexico, Chile and Spain) but they are in spanish, sorry ._.

That's not so bad, on Underground-gamer there are so many people from different countries that you're bound to find quite a few who are interested in the magazines.

I don't speak Spanish myself, but I certainly would like to see some classic magazines from the countries you named, especially Chile and Mexico as those are probably pretty hard to come by for most people. :happy:

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  meppi said:
That's not so bad, on Transexual-Underground there are so many people from different countries that you're bound to find quite a few who are interested in the magazines.

I don't speak Spanish myself, but I certainly would like to see some classic magazines from the countries you named, especially Chile and Mexico as those are probably pretty hard to come by for most people. :happy:

I don't have a scanner, but i can take a few pics with my digicam if you guys want to check it out

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Guest ajfanara

"ello ive actually had a retromags username for over a year now but with work and whathaveyou have been pretty inactve - i work tech support for data and video svc, decided to revisit the site to check on whats changed have not logged in forever, and also would like to fix the holes in my NP collection as well :) I grew up in the 80's on the N-E-S oyea baby .. the 8 bit beauty and otherwise best system ever made and worked my way up thru snes/n64/gen/GCN/and so on

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I'm joe. i don't necessarily rock as much as you guys.

I'm absolutely amazed with the ingenuity of this project, and am scouring my attic to find some way to help contribute to retromags.

seriously. keeping this stuff archived electronically is a godsend. who knows when i may need a Fester's Quest map. :P

Incidentally, since i can't get into the magazine forum, yet. Do you guys have/need Diehard Gamefan or Game Player's magazine?...just curious.

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Woohoo, nice job. I got myself killed even before introducing myself... The internet need more pages like this, even though there are a couple around. I'm 30 years old and still a very active gamer. Me has over 20 consoles, retro and new, and more than 150 games. Looking forward to what this page has to offer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm 22 years old from Winnipeg Canada. I'm mostly looking for old mags such as PC Accelerator, PC Gamer and Next Generation so I can find out what types of games can run on my comp.

Intel 386 ~ 33Mhz

8MB Ram

512MB Hdd

14" Daytec CRT Monitor

Windows 3.1

4200 Baud Modem

Dual Floppy Drives

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Hi, I'm Patrick, I'm from the Netherlands and I've always been a big fan of magazines about videogames. The first one I ever bought was an issue of English Spectrum magazine Crash, an issue I still have somewhere in my attic, along with hundreds of other videogame mags. Many issues of Crash, The Games Machine, Your Sinclair, Sinclair User, The One, Ace, Zero, Official Playstation Magazine, Official Dreamcast Magazine, DC-UK, Edge, games TM and the list goes on. I think it's great that people here are preserving all these mags. It's interesting to see how videogame mags have evolved over the years, though I have to admit I still like the older magazines the most!

Other hobbies are gaming (surprisingly!) movies, travelling and playing with my daughter (though no videogames yet!).

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Er...hello, I'm WiggumBeard. I heard of this place through Racketboy's Retro Gaming site.

At risk of sounding like someone placing a personals ad...

Interests include comics, videogames and movies(or "film;" I use both terms).

Being a sucker for nostalgia, I'm quite happy to join this community. Glad to meet you all.

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Hi ! i'm Street Platoon and i'm french, so excuse me for my english but I'm only seventeen and still learning your language ! (I wonder how bad I am)

Well, I love videogames, especially old.

I have (own ?) the Sega Megadrive (maybe you call that the Genesis), the Sega Dreamcast, the Sony PlayStation 2 (but I play a lot of PSone games on it), the Nintendo GameCube and the Nintendo Game Boy (I used tu have the Game Boy Color but I gave (?) it to my little sister).

I'm happy that I've found your forum beacuse I was looking for something like it for a long time !

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The problem is, even if I am ready to scan any magazine in my possession, I wonder if you guys will... like that ! Because I own only french magazines !!

I own a Playmag from 99. It deals with PlayStation, Nintendo 64 and Dreamcast.

I've already scanned others pages from an other magazine for an other forum, but that's not really interesting : it's from Picsou Magazine (I think Picsou is Uncle Scrooge for you)...

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  street_platoon said:
it's from Picsou Magazine (I think Picsou is Uncle Scrooge for you)...

Or Dagobert Duck in Dutch. :grin:

Anyway, I wouldn't mind seeing scans of classic French game magazines. Not sure what Philly has to say about that. But seeing that millions of people speak french, it certainly isn't a bad idea.

If you're looking for other retro magazines from France, you can download a whole bunch over here: http://www.abandonware-magazines.org/

They don't scan other languages though.

Oh and by the way, your English is just fine. :wink:

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HI, i'm a Mexican 25 yers ol player since 1987, a megaman and street fighter die hard fan.

now i?m gettin in to the PS3 , think is going to be the best.

In my free times enjoy playing all those snes and nes games that i necer reached on my PS. so this retro space is great, cant wait to see how can i contributte.

and yes..... Yoda teach me how to speak eanglish

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm 32, French, and living in Australia. I'm very much into video game history and love to read reviews from the time games were released.

Also, to my surprise, my 7-year-old son is also into some of these old games, despite the sometimes crude graphics, which goes to show how gameplay is everything. It also gives me hope that even the generation that hasn't grown up with these games will be able to appreciate their historical importance and preserve them in the future.

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