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26 year old Helpdesk slave from Miami, FL. I've been a gamer and collector since I got my first NES back in '87. I've been a semi-regular member of r.g.v.c. since 98ish, and a much more regular member of the digitpress community for the past few years.

I originally found out about this group via the seemingly thousands of links for the egm issue 1 scans. Old mags are fun to read and invaluable when actually trying to beat old games so I think I'll stick around and see what's available.

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I'm 22 years old from Ohio. My first video game magazine was the EGM 1994 Video Game Buyers Guide. (I still have it, but time has not been kind to it, so I probably won't scan it.)

Out of all my old ones, my 95-96 issues of Game Players have held up the strongest, so I'll try scanning those first.

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Hey all Im abob and im amazed i havent found you all sooner.

Im 38 and from the UK, I grew up in Grimsby and so had easy access to the "Golden Mile". Ffor those that dont know thats a stretch of promenade over a mile in length at Cleethorpes which in the heydays was back to back arcades, and from my age youll realise im old enough to remember the whole lot having nothing but Space Invaders cabs and the odd fruit machine :D

I lived there till the late 80s so im a bit of a classic games freak, so with all that local i didnt really get into home systems properly until the Megadrive, from there to Amiga and on to PC.

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hey guys. love the site. i found it the other night while searching for np downloads. about me hmm... well im 28 and i live in maine, i work as an agricultural contractor, and i love retro gaming obviously. my favorite kind of games are RPG's because of the sense of satisfaction i get from completing a long and entertaining storyline. best retro console in my opinion is the snes. i would like to contribute to the project any way i can so if there is anything i can do to help please let me know.

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Well I stumbled upon this site and Downloaded EGM #1

Woo Hoo!

My name is Shadow (aka Glenn), am an Aussie and I am a massive fan of EGM

I actually would have every issue of EGM for the past 10 yrs but 3 yrs worth were stolen from me a yr ago!!

These are the issues I do have

114 Jan '99 - 123 Oct '99 + All inbetween

133 Aug '00 - 163 Feb '03 + All inbetween

All of these are in mint condition except the first 6 or so and issue 150 got written in by me circling games I have in the top 100!!

If someone wants me to scan any of these let me know and I will share my collection

I also collect an Aussie gaming magazine called Hyper and have every issue from 65 Apr '99 right through to the very current issue!

If any of these are wanted as well I would be more then willing to share them!!

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Well, I am from the Castle Beyond the Goblin City. [JOKE]

My hobbies are kidnapping infants and tormenting Jennifer Connelly. [JOKE]

I listen to almost everything. Seriously, my iPod has everything from musicals (RENT, Wicked, Rocky Horror, and the like), to Japanese rock and pop (Puffy Ami Yumi, Gackt, and The Pillows are my faves, but I listen to others), to James Bond theme songs, and all the way to more mainstream stuff from the '80s (like Pat Benetar, Joan Jett, and Billy Idol), '90s (have a glut of '90s stuff, including the Empire Records soundtrack and every Green Day album out) and today (everything from Fall Out Boy and Linkin Park to stuff like Maroon 5 and Avril Lavigne). I also listen to The Phenomenauts.

I am also a major film buff, and collection includes a major selection and variety. My fave directors are Tim Burton, Lucio Fulci, George A. Romero, John Waters, and others. My fave horror films include everything from House on Haunted Hill and Night of the Living Dead to new stuff like Hostel and High Tension. My fave fantasy films include Labyrinth, Return to Oz, The Dark Crystal, and more recent stuff like Harry Potter and Narnia. I also have an affinity for '50s sci-fi, kung-fu movies, Asian horror movies, and kaiju films.

I also love video games, comics, anime and manga.

In a nutshell, that's Jareth247.

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  Jareth247 said:
The Dark Crystal

Nice! :)

I only recently found out the name of this movie and then bought it from play.com

Loved it when is was a kid but couldn't for the life of me remember the title, so I went through the whole cataloge of fantasy movies on their site and stumbled upon the cover.

  Jareth247 said:
I also have an affinity for kung-fu movies, Asian horror movies.


I have been thinking about starting a topic in the off-topic forum about Asian movies, but thought that barely anyone would probably be interested in my recommendations.

Now I might actually do it. ;)

I have only been buying Asian movies for little over a year now, but I already a nice collection of around 130 titles.

From Horror (I love A Tale of Two Sisters), to Yakuza flicks, Takashi Miike stuff, a drama here and there, some Kung-Fu and samurai movies and recently I've started getting into classic 80's Hong Kong action films like A Better Tommorow with Chow Yun-Fat, directed by Jet Li.

Heard many great things about these guys but only seen my first movie a couple of days ago.

Now there are already some others on their way over here from play. :D

Some sites to check out:





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Heyo. I just joined up, obviously, but who knows what will happen? I hope to contribute as much as I download. I'll keep my eyes on thrift stores and yard sales.

I feel bad, though. Coming to this site reminds me how I had Issue 28 (Mega Man: Dr Wily's Revenge) of Nintendo Power for so many years, before it ultimately got destroyed! Still, maybe in the future something good will arise...

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest james5150

hey i'm james5150 the 5150 is a guitar amp

i like cracking codes and programming doing hardware stuff

ines is my retro system... thats about it for now lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All

Love the site...

Live in USA ;)

about 30.. not kidding :angry:

have 2 son :D that takes half my time

and the other half goes to my night job

have A+ but never use it ...

I know simple .... but when you don't have time and the kids are taking there naps :P .

You would also try to find some fun :D .. but keep it short because you never know :rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yo! I am konnichiwa.

I am a 21 year old good looking nerd who's born in Avignon (South of France) and have moved from his 7 to Belgium.

If you are annoyed by my grammar mistakes then blame it because I am French if you are wondering where Belgium is located then maybe it will help that it is a neighbouring country of Luxembourgh.

My hobbies: Gaming (who thought that ha!) and reading manga (not the hentai manga so please no PM's 'Can you suggest me a good hentai manga?) and posting on forums (yeah I am a weirdo).

My gaming history:

On a cold terrifying winter night in Belgium (where I saw the first time snow in my life that is also why it was a terrifying night) my uncle (a 27 year old sweeting old troll looking thing who I still suspect of inventing the nerd-style) gave me his old gaming consoles a Nes and the Sega Mastersystem with around 80 cartirdges.

It was a hard choice for me to find out witch game I should started out first and I picked up Zelda (because the cartridge didn't looked like the others).

But I was not directly in love with gaming though, my uncle was sitting behind me yelling at me what I have to do (don't ya hate it when people do that?) and it was a bit complicated for me to find out what is going on especially when you know the game was in English and that I only spoke French and a bit of Dutch.

So my uncle chosen a other game for me and putted Mario Mario in and that was a game that I loved from the beginning so it also started my gaming obssession.... After playing a lot of great games on my Nes and Mastersystem my uncle gave me the Genesis and his Snes (Why? He found a women couldn't really tell though she was female and he tried to convince me she was from Germany but I still suspect that he found her/it in a cave in a Norway);

Oh then something happened with me;...I met a character that I became a big fan of....SONIC.....Yes I really loved that speedy hedgehog especially because he was cool.... I have to tell you I loved other game characters as well but Sonic was really something I wanted to be.....(Come on, don't tell me you want to be that Italian plumber guy..Don't ya?)... If I have to choose the three games I loved the most on the consoles that time then it will be:

Genesis: Sonic games (Well he was my wanne be and I know who wants to be a hedgehog but hey it is normal in my family considering my uncle is a troll)

Story of Thor: Not many people know this game but I still think that is a shame considering it was really a great game.

Puggsy: Also like SoT not many people know it, I really hope people will find this gem someday.

Snes: The Mario games (Every Nintendo owner loves him doesnt them?

Super Metroid: Waaah the memories, the frustrating of not finding what I have to do.....Aaah great.

FFIII or FFVI: Well I played FF before then but I couldn't played the other ones because of my lack of English not that my English was that great when I played FFIII or FFVi but I knew what was going on and it also was the first game that turned me into my RPG fan love..

Then I started with savng money for my first console and I bought the N64 and I can still remember that I was mad that FFVII was on a other system (it is normal considering I didn't got the money yet for another system) and that I was in love with the new 3D Experience Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie etc..

Since then I bought every console on the market till this day and if I have to choose a console that I loved the most it will be PS2. After seven years I am still playing on it almost daily and I am trying to beat my whole RPG collection (probably take another year or two).

Manga: Well I have more than 500 manga at the moment and if you ask me witch three manga franchises I love the most I will tell ya it is Berserk, One Piece and Tezuka's work especially Black Jack.

Posting on forums: Well you can find me on a lot of forums (a lot of them are Belgian and Dutch ones) but also on sites like Gametrailers and on a sales tracking site that can't be mentioned on some sites so that's why I don't write the name down here.

To end my way to long post I want to thank the creator of RetroMags.com for this site and giving me the oppurtinity of reading mags that I never have could read before and I also want to thank racketboy.com for putting up a link to this site.

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I'm a 16 year-old Belgian gamer who stumbled upon this site thanks to konnichiwa (the poster above me) which I know him from the Dutch gaming site Gamed.nl, a site on which I spend a lot of my Internet time. Retromags.com interested me because I wanted to know how magazines thought about games at that time. I've got a PC and a 360 and I prefer shooters and action-adventure games.

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I'm a 22-year-old college student majoring in Computer Science and Scientific/Technical Writing. I came upon this site while doing research for a website idea I'm working on with my friends. If it gets off the ground, then we'll be using this site's resources quite a bit. I'm a firm believer in give-and-take, though, and that's why I'm going to be working on my collection of old PSM and PC Games magazines. Hopefully I'll have the first one up tomorrow, at least in an unedited format.

I've been into games pretty significantly since I got my Genesis back in the day. I was a Sega fanboy and then a Sony Fanboy before figuring out that being a fanboy is way too limiting. Now I've got a Wii and a 360, and I'll pick up a PS3 when I start making enough to cover more than rent and food.

I fully intend to take a writing job after I graduate in December, and I'm going to try my damndest to make it into the video game journalism field.

BTW, konnichiwa, if you're worried about us Americans being too ignorant to know where Belgium is, pointing us to Luxembourg is a step in the wrong direction. Just kidding with ya.

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Again, welcome everyone. :)

  konnichiwa said:
Posting on forums: Well you can find me on a lot of forums (a lot of them are Belgian and Dutch ones) but also on sites like Gametrailers and on a sales tracking site that can't be mentioned on some sites so that's why I don't write the name down here.

I have a suspicion that you're talkinng about vgchartz. :P

  Scops said:
BTW, konnichiwa, if you're worried about us Americans being too ignorant to know where Belgium is, pointing us to Luxembourg is a step in the wrong direction. Just kidding with ya.


It's probably easier to say that we're located somewhere between the 7th and 8th layer of hell. :lol:

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Im Emi_one and i just joined this site couple of days ago.

I'm 16 years old and i live in Denmark on a farm with my family.

I started i passion for retro gaming 2 years ago and i love it. :)

My english aint that good, but i try the best i can.

I only got 1 question: Is there a way for me, so i can download as many magsazines i want to?


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just found this site due to slashdot's recent story on scanning old magazines in. I bought my first subscription to Nintendo Power when I was six or seven with money I didn't spend on vacation. I signed up for the subscription and got the game Dragon Warrior as freebie for signing up (badass) I got a years worth from the four player strategy guide to the Robin Hood Prince of Thieves issue. I think I still have all those. Later I signed up for about three or four years about a year or two before the 64 came out. I got free strategy guides (like the one for Chrono Trigger) when I renewed but eventually let it lapse when I discovered the awesomeness that was N64.com. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

My random video game memories:

I was born in 1982. Older brother born in 1976. Younger brother born in 1988.

My first exposure to video games was my babysitter in 1987. She(!) played Super Mario Bros. When she shut off the NES, I was bound and determined to find "the game channel" (I never did)

My older brother got an NES for Christmas in 1987 from Grandma. My dad hooked it up, and my dad & old brother played 2-player SMB. My dad got to level 1-2 before getting a game over, which is better than my brother did.

My brother got a 1-year subscription to Nintendo Power in 1988, starting with issue #1. I "read" Nintendo Power since before I knew how to read.

Some of my (well, technically my brother's, but he didn't play them as much as I did) earliest games were SMB, SMB2, SMB3, Legend of Zelda, Golf, Commando, Metroid, RC Pro-Am, Ghosts & Goblins, Mike Tyson's Punch Out, Pac-Man, TMNT2.

Eventually I was the only one in the family who still played Nintendo. Although, sometimes my dad & I would play Golf together (the only game he liked).

I learned how to read about the same time as I played Legend of Zelda. "It's dangerous to go alone! Take this."

My favorite rentals of the era were Zelda 2, Mega Man 2, Double Dragon. Our local rental place offered free rentals for good report cards!

Once I traded Commando to a girl at school in exchange for Double Dragon II. My brother wasn't amused when he found out. You know, she was cute... for a third grader. Where are these video-game-playing girls now?

In 1993 my brother sold the NES & all the games for cigarette money. I think he got about $50 for the works (rip off!) I tried to prevent it by stealing the NES and games and storing them at my best friend's house. That didn't work so well.


OK, I think that's enough for now. To Be Continued!...

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Hi, Im DubbaD(Chris)

I've been a gamer since themid 80's(nes was the bomb). I have had all types of game systems from Atari 2600-PS2/XBOX. I had a ton of issues of game magazines growing up, but unfortunately from various moves, have had them disappear. I'm so stoked i found this site, as I miss my Nintendo Power, Gamepro, and old EGM collections.

If I can help in anyway i will, as im trying to accquire some older mags, and equip to scan the mags.

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