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Japanese Sex Egg


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Okay, I hate to be the one to state the obvious....but isn't it always Phillyman that finds this stuff?

I mean first it was...I don't even remember what was first but that stupid duck and now this...

Makes you wonder don't it?  I am surprised that my little comments in some of my posts have gone by unnoticed and no one has even claimed they have seen them. lol  (Hidinger, I will send you a PM with the newest one so you can see what I mean).

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Okay, I hate to be the one to state the obvious....but isn't it always Phillyman that finds this stuff?

I mean first it was...I don't even remember what was first but that stupid duck and now this...

Yeah, its always me because I am sick in the head :P

I posted this as an experiment to see how many people from google would come here.....scroll to the bottom of this post for the results :jester:

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