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Sega Genesis Turns 20 On Friday (let's Have Some Fun With It)


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OK, the Sega Genesis turns 20 Friday, since we can't really do much for it other than post fun stories and such we have been thinking about other things we could do to get some participation going around here.

So, how about who can come up with the best Genesis adertisement ever?  It can be from a magazine we have released here, it could be from your personal collection that may not be available.  Just scan it and post it.  Of course there will surely be someone to put up the "Genesis does what Nintendon't" ads, but come on guys and gals, there were a plethora of great ads for the Genesis and it's games, this is not restricted to the system, if you have a fave ad for a Genesis game/peripheral/whatever let's see it!


While we are at it, anyone have any Genesis related trivia?  I will start:

Who was the original bad guy in the Sonic games?  (hint it would have changed history had Sega not changed it).

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I'll admit I wasn't much of a Sega player. The system was known for sports and fighting games, neither of which I cared for. Nin always had the good stuff. Not that I would refuse to play the Genesis if I was at a friend's house or the Sonic games when I visited my cousin. Then when a friend was selling his I felt it was a good time to get it for my collection and try a few of the games I never saw.

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I'll admit I wasn't much of a Sega player. The system was known for sports and fighting games, neither of which I cared for. Nin always had the good stuff. Not that I would refuse to play the Genesis if I was at a friend's house or the Sonic games when I visited my cousin. Then when a friend was selling his I felt it was a good time to get it for my collection and try a few of the games I never saw.

Then your not a true Sega fan.

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Lox, I fixed your vid there so it works correctly.

Lox, and other members interested in embedding Youtube vids, you only need the part in blue here:


Don't use the emded feature from Youtube, it won't work right. On the left there we have various options available, one is "Insert: Youtube" click that, copy the blue part from your Youtube URL and click OK and your good to go.

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I'll admit I wasn't much of a Sega player. The system was known for sports and fighting games, neither of which I cared for.

Funny how those things work out.

Perhaps it's because I'm in Europe, but over here the system was not looked at for it sports games, a bit for the fighters, but nothing special until Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter came out.

Here it was popular for it's platforming games, shooters, arcade conversions, action games and RPGs.

All of which had plenty to choose from.

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First Sega Genesis commercial.

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type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">

Sonic Pack-in for $199.99

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
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type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">

Super Nintendo is $199.99 Genesis is $149.99, whichone do you want?


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name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">

Street Fighter 2 Championship Edition

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>">
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type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">

Aladdin for Genesis

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>">
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type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">

Jurassic Park on Genesis

Sonic & Knuckles introduces Lock On technology.

Sonic 2

Sonic 3

Sega Pri Fun The Sega Genesis Printer

Michael Jackson's Moonwalker for Sega Genesis

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I did a similar mod to this. I added composite video and audio in the back, but unlike his, I placed mine so that you could still use the Power Base Converter without having to cut part of the back off.

I was also going to do the S-Video mod, but finding the proper S-Video connector has proved to be a challenge.

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Lox, I fixed your vid there so it works correctly.

Lox, and other members interested in embedding Youtube vids, you only need the part in blue here:


Don't use the emded feature from Youtube, it won't work right. On the left there we have various options available, one is "Insert: Youtube" click that, copy the blue part from your Youtube URL and click OK and your good to go.


Thanks for fixing it!

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Oh wow cool and I just finished this the other night.


By darakutenshi at 2009-08-12

I thought I'd share it with you. Another one of my GIMP creations still need to put the old 3 button controller on there too. This is the low res version of course and the high res one will be used in a book I hope to finish some day.

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Funny how those things work out.

Perhaps it's because I'm in Europe, but over here the system was not looked at for it sports games, a bit for the fighters, but nothing special until Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter came out.

Here it was popular for it's platforming games, shooters, arcade conversions, action games and RPGs.

All of which had plenty to choose from.

I've been without an arcade of any respectable quality since the late 80's or early 90's when the BIG mall arcade closed. Anything since has been 'food court' quality.

Besides Sonic and Vectorman I'm not aware of many other platformers, at least not comparable to the Mario games. Shooters I think there was a couple. Action was on both platforms. Finally I never tried the RPG's such as Phantasy Star. I learned of a couple others when I bought the Sonic Collection for PS3. Whether they went unnoticed or they weren't released here I don't know.

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I was also going to do the S-Video mod, but finding the proper S-Video connector has proved to be a challenge.

I went into the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Illinois Urbana/Champaign and ordered the part directly from the campus "electronic parts" store. I am guessing most major universities that have an ECE program will have a parts store. Just say you are a student and that you will come pick it up when it comes in. (Granted I use to be a student and my ID card worked for a discount) They should have or have access to just about any electronics part you can think of. I actually rigged my Gamecube to play DVDs with parts from that store.

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I still have my Sega Genesis and Sega Cd and love every minute when I play them. I loved the 16-bit era. I wish I could go back and do it all over again. I had so much fun with my friends. Eternal Champions was Sega's Attempt to go up against MK and Street Fighter. I loved Eternal Champions! My friends and I would play for hours trying to unlock the stage fatalities. Awesome system that showed what Sega could do. I wish Sega could have gotten over their missteps and stayed in the hardware business. I'm gonna stop now before the tears start to form. :sad:

I remember when Contra Hard Corps came to the Genesis. I was stoked! I had played Contra 3 Alien Wars on the SNES and was wanting more. Hard Corps was spectacular! Hard Corps was one of the best Contras ever made in my opinion. I still have it on my classic shelf with my other 16-bit treasures. I love the meat grinder commercial! The 16-bit era had some of the greatest commercials,but I will always remember those catchy Sega commercials.

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I remember this advert doing the rounds in most of the UK Mega Drive mags...


Funny thing is that one magazine (Mega-Tech) ran the advert one month, and then in the following issue they printed a censored version. They must have had a few complaints the month before or something!

Edited by homgran
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I remember this advert doing the rounds in most of the UK Mega Drive mags...


Funny thing is that one magazine (Mega-Tech) ran the advert one month, and then in the following issue they printed a censored version. They must have had a few complaints the month before or something!

LOL, the difference between this photograph being obseen or not is a good shave.

But not to be a perv I cannot vote this to be the best advertisement just because there's some girl ass. The game wasn't too hot.

I always new they refer to Eggman as Doctor Ivo Robotnik in theAmerican sonic instruction manual but later refer to him as just Eggman in both English & Japanese. So who is Sonic's original nemesis that got changed?

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But not to be a perv I cannot vote this to be the best advertisement just because there's some girl ass. The game wasn't too hot.

Honestly, I liked this game (at the time, anyway). It was extremely fast and, once you got the hang of it, very playable. The two-player split-screen option was really nice, too. Having said that, I recently went back to it for the first time in about ten years and I was absolutely useless at it! I guess Virtua Tennis (as great a game as it is) has slowed down my reactions somewhat. :/

As for the advert, there were better ones... but that was probably one of the most memorable. :P

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Next year it will be old enough to drink! I think out of all of the SEGA consoles, the Genesis is my favorite, with all of the add-ons. The downside was that you needed a power supply for each one in order to get them all to work. Still, it was a lot of fun.

This one is interesting. Seems like a tech demo advertisement for the SEGA CD:


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This one is interesting. Seems like a tech demo advertisement for the SEGA CD:

Yeah, I remember this one. I don't think it was ever aired on the TV, instead it came on a VHS to promote the Mega CD here in the UK.

There were actually two versions of it. One was given away free with issue 3 (December '92) of Mean Machines Sega, and the other was given away for free when you bought a Mega Drive game in (select?) Virgin Megastores throughout the UK. They were essentially the same, but there were some distinctions between the two:

1) The VHS sleeve was different. The MMS sleeve was mainly blue, whilst the Virgin sleeve was black and subtitled "Games Without Frontiers". Here's a picture of the MMS sleeve:


and here's a picture of the Virgin sleeve:


2) The YouTube video that's referenced in this thread corresponds to the MMS version, which has some extra voice-overs added in. For example, in the MMS version it says:

"you remember the old days, don't you? the days of mono-entertainment... before Sega brought you the ultimate games console... that changed everything, didn't it."

whereas the Virgin version simply goes:

"you remember the old days... the days of mono-entertainment... before Sega brought you the ultimate games console. that changed everything."

There are other voice-over differences, but visually they're both the same. I saw the Virgin version first, which is probably why I prefer it over the MMS version (I saw the MMS version for the first time only a few years ago!). I must have watched that VHS until it practically wore out! It got me so excited for the Mega CD. It came at a time when Sega's advertising was at its peak. I had such high hopes. Don't get me wrong, the Mega CD is still great, but it didn't live up to the extraordinary amount of hype that it received over here.

Regarding the VHS tapes, I think the MMS version is the more common of the two. It appears on eBay quite regularly.

Edited by homgran
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