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Dr. Bones' 1st Scan/wip

Dr. Bones

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Great looking scan there.

As far as putting up a few sample pages, just zip them up and goto Rapidshare and upload them and post the resulting link.

Thanks for helping out.

What issues do you have available that you plan on scanning?  It will help in adding your list to the Work in Progress thread.

Here you go: egm 98 scans

As for what magazines I have, check here: What Magazines Have You Got?

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Great editing, things are straight and no excess on the edges. Nice flat scans too. What program are you using to edit the scans?

Here are a couple of side by side shots I made with some quick edits on your work. Your original is on the left.



I used Gimp to do the edits. I applied a Color Enhance, Auto White and a Hue Saturation of 20 to these pics, in that order.

Also, what is your DPI setting on your scanner?

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Looking great there. The only thing I could comment on is the saturation in the end, which might have to do with the difference in screens we use.

I find that the re-saturated version look a bit too saturated actually.

That might also have to do with Dr. Bones using a different scanner with different settings as well.

So a saturation of 20 on other scans might look perfect, while I think 15 or perhaps even 10-12 might do the job here. Making the images much more vibrant, without overexposing the warmer colors.

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Great editing, things are straight and no excess on the edges. Nice flat scans too. What program are you using to edit the scans?

Here are a couple of side by side shots I made with some quick edits on your work. Your original is on the left.



I used Gimp to do the edits. I applied a Color Enhance, Auto White and a Hue Saturation of 20 to these pics, in that order.

Also, what is your DPI setting on your scanner?

Scanner: Memorex 6142u

DPI: 300

Edited in Photoshop 7.0

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Hehe, yeah that's true. Having the real deal next to you for comparison is so much easier.

That tutorial I've made actually is for Photostudio which came with my old Canon Scanner.

I started doing one for Photoshop a while back, but it took so much time and effort to put together that it was put on hold.

I really should get back to it and get it finished.

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Hehe, yeah that's true. Having the real deal next to you for comparison is so much easier.

That tutorial I've made actually is for Photostudio which came with my old Canon Scanner.

I started doing one for Photoshop a while back, but it took so much time and effort to put together that it was put on hold.

I really should get back to it and get it finished.

Whoops! Sorry for posting that guide. I have no experience at all with Photoshop or Photostudio, for me it is either Paint or Gimp so far (now if we ever start talking video editing, then I have a lot of experience there).

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take two:

new egm 98 scans

let me know what you guys think and if I'm worthy of doing a full scan...

Got a link?

Don't worry, we are not the end all word on who can scan who can't.  We just want to help out anyone interested in taking our advice.  Your scans are great, just a little touch up here and there and your on your way to some great releases (your editing is already way above average).

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Worthy of doing a full scan? You're more then ready to join the team looking at these last results! :D

The color balance on these last 4 examples are probably as close to the original as we're going to get, so whatever setting you used for them, I'd say certainly keep using them!

The actual discoloration of the pages due to aging (yellowing) is something which is very hard to compensate for, and in many cases even impossible.

It all depends in what way the magazine is put together. So I wouldn't worry about that too much.

As for cropping the pages and alignment and so forth, I can't find much to comment on really.

So I would certainly say keep up the good work and I can't wait to see your first release. :)

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