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Recommended/best Nds/gba Flash Cart Pack


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Which would you say is the best to get? I've been looking at a few but really do not know what I'm looking for or at. What should I consider before buying one of these? I just want to play GBA and NDS commercial roms, which is the main thing, but I'd also like to mess around with snes and megadrive etc emulation on it. I'm looking to run this flash linker thing on my DS and not the GBA.

Any recommendations, opions or anything? Thanks.

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No doubter here ... the SuperCard. It's affordable (the card itself is only $50), easy to use, and once you have Flashed your DS, doesn't even need a DS card in the top slot to work.

They also just came out with the SuperCard MiniSD, which sits flush in an old-style DS or GBA SP, and comes with some extra memory built in for more GBA Compatibilty, and it's still only $50 for the flash card.

The memory costs extra but MiniSD media is dirt cheap now too.

The equipment to do the flashing of your DS is about $20 for a PassMe or Max Media Launcher, and then you can sell it or flash friends' DS systems with it. Even if they will never use it for flash card purposes, they will love you for getting rid of their Health & Safety screen. :)

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No doubter here ... the SuperCard. It's affordable (the card itself is only $50), easy to use, and once you have Flashed your DS, doesn't even need a DS card in the top slot to work.

They also just came out with the SuperCard MiniSD, which sits flush in an old-style DS or GBA SP, and comes with some extra memory built in for more GBA Compatibilty, and it's still only $50 for the flash card.

The memory costs extra but MiniSD media is dirt cheap now too.

The equipment to do the flashing of your DS is about $20 for a PassMe or Max Media Launcher, and then you can sell it or flash friends' DS systems with it. Even if they will never use it for flash card purposes, they will love you for getting rid of their Health & Safety screen. :)

Although I am sure google could provide some links, could you recommend some reputible SuperCard dealers?

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thanks for the reply, sav. So you're saying that I'd need to buy

1x Supercard miniSD (miniSD to GBA/NDS Adapter)

1x miniSD Card 1gb memory

1x Superpass 2

This is what's needed in order to get NDS commercial roms and GBA commercial roms to work in a NDS? This comes to $125. Am I missing anything here? Just need to be 100% sure. Thanks. I'm also wondering, does the above work on any DS console from any region?

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thanks for the reply, sav. So you're saying that I'd need to buy

1x Supercard miniSD (miniSD to GBA/NDS Adapter)

1x miniSD Card 1gb memory

1x Superpass 2

This is what's needed in order to get NDS commercial roms and GBA commercial roms to work in a NDS? This comes to $125. Am I missing anything here? Just need to be 100% sure. Thanks. I'm also wondering, does the above work on any DS console from any region?

When did you buy your DS and what region is it? I may be able to help save you a few bucks on the Super Pass.


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It's about a year old (last year's april) and it's UK region. Thanks, sav.

That's actually good. You probably do not need the Super Pass 2 then, as it's meant for newer DS systems with newer firmware protections. You could use a Super Pass 1, which you can likely pick up used from a forum like http://www.scdev.org (which happens to be a favored place for talk about the device too) for like 5 bucks.

Or, if you are willing, you can send me your DS if you're in the US and I can flash it for ya too. Just make sure to help these guys out with the big torrent. :)

That'll save you a few bucks too. Everything else sounds great.

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Thanks for the advice, sav, it's helped a lot.

I've found some website selling a SuperPass 2 (only one available - think they're all SuperPass 2 now by the looks of things), Super Card SD and 512 SD Card with 300 NDS roms on 10 CDs. It's a bit shady, but it's all for ?60, ie $114. Looks good - sent the guy an email already. Would've prefered a miniSuperCard, but cosmetic differences don't bother me too much.

Just on a side-note, which are the best emulators for the DS that would play Genesis, SNES etc through this SuperCard? Also, is there a SNES PSP emulator as good as SNES9x or ZSNES for PC?

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i recomend the m3 mini sd perfect adapter and passcard 2 the m3 is great but supercard is also good the m3 is a little better but more expensive. Right now at http://www.divineo.com/php/affstart.php?af...d=dd-ds-m3msdnp there selling the m3 mini sd perfect and passkey 2 for 79.99 you still need a mini sd card. The passcard 2 is the best though if you get a supercard i would still get the passcard 2 its smaller the size of a nds game and works great with the nds litle so does the passkey 2 and superpass 2 but there bigger and need programing unlike the passcard 2. However the passcard 2 is 30-34 bucks as they use a real nds game to make it. I dont recomend just going to google and picking a place to buy these things go on what people recomend and if you dont want to use the sites people here recomend go to http://www.resellerratings.com/ and make sure the company has good reviews and is not going to take your money and run. Its also good to use a credit card to order so that way if you do get ripped off you can make a claim on your card and get your money back. As far as the psp emulator goes there is not a emulator as good as the pc version as you have alot more power with a pc then a psp however snes Snes Tyl V0.4.2 plays games great and i never have any problems. If you have a psp or are getting one make sure to try and get firmware version 1.5 as it will let you play the biggest selection of homebrew out there. You can also get 2.0 and downgrade to 1.5 just dont get a psp with firmware 2.01 or above cause then you get really limited on what you can do with it. You can check the upc codes on the boxs at your local store and tell by them what version of firmware it has type in google this and find the upc pics to compaire. Dont order from a big online company go to a small local shop who is more likley to have older stock with lower firmware. Also there are not many good emulators for the ds like there are the psp so i recomend using your psp for emulation. Dont expect good results with emulators for the ds as of right now. Also i dont recomend buying form that guy just to get roms ( roms are free and should not require you to pay to get them as they illegal to begin with and then someone selling them on top of that is just nuts im not saying i do or dont have a problem with anyone using them but they do not cost anything what people pick to do with there game systems is up to them but you should never have to pay to get roms ) trust me roms are easy to find and someone who is selling a nds cart with roms is shady and likley to rip you off please use a more trusted source i understand you want roms but this is not how to go about it. Order from someone who you can trust or you might end up burned. Anyone selling a nds or gba flash cart with roms is not someone you can trust!!!! Maybe there is a rare people who will not rip you off but i have been buying backup systems for a long time and this is just not how it is done. if you want more info about what games have been made for the nintendo ds try searchirc.com or a newsgroup account. Please dont get from this guy i know how it is to get scammed and trust me its not fun.

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Thanks for info trance,

I finally decided to go with a normal supercard + 512 memory and superpass 2 and 10 cds full of NDS roms (?60) - I hope the guy holds up his end of the bargain. :-|

Emulators on the PC are much more fun for handhelds, you get to play a 2.5" screen on a big 17" LCD! :)

I cherish my eyesight, no wonder half the kids nowadays need glasses by the time they're out of high school. My guess is: Nintendo owns most of the stock in the eyeglasses/contact lens market. The creation of the SuperCard just ensures that enough games can fit on it to make sure the people do go half blind ;)

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I'm thinking about getting one of these after I get a DS Lite. Do the games have to be patched? Can you just copy the roms to an sd card or do you have to use special software to put them on the card? Also, do these cards play retail games perfectly?

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I'm thinking about getting one of these after I get a DS Lite. Do the games have to be patched? Can you just copy the roms to an sd card or do you have to use special software to put them on the card? Also, do these cards play retail games perfectly?

There is software that you have to run the roms through to patch them, which sometimes adds a feature or two (such as in-game reset) along with making it compatible with the device. It's pretty easy to use, so nothing that shoudl phase you.

Both the M3 and Supercard are at about 99% compatibility with DS games, with the M3 belig slightly more compatible with GBA games (although the MiniSD is supposed to help that with some battery backed save ability).

I would agree with the above people, be very wary of people selling the roms and the card together. Divineo is likely a good source for international users, and I'd of course recommend the two I mentioned earlier (tampabaymods and jandaman) through personal knowledge of their work. The roms are readily available on Usenet too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I finally got my hands on a SuperCard SD, SuperPass II and I'm trying to get Sega Arcade Gallery working in it (GBA). When I start outrun it has bad graphical glitching in the sky, any ideas what is causing this? am I doing something wrong? I run it through the SuperCard v2.53 patcher program and everything. Also, why is it that some NDS games won't work? Some just won't run at full speed and some won't get past the menus?

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  • 1 year later...

The R4 / M3 Simply is the best way to enhance the nds. the only thing wrong, is the lack of gba support as it is a slot1 solution. it can be used to act as a passcard anyway...

as it has not only a rate of 100% compatibility but also is very cheap, it is worth a look for everyone.

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  • 4 months later...
  • Retromags Curator

So it's been about 2 years since this thread was started. Has anything new been developed or whatnot to run NES/SNES/SMS/Genesis ROMS on a DS? I'm not looking to run commercial DS ROMS; only ROMS of the old school systems. Is the equipment needed still the same? What about emulators?

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