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Reputation System Online!


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  • Retromags Curator

We now have a reputation system on these forums. Each day you receive the following....

  • 10 Positive Votes
  • 5 Negative Votes

As you are browsing the forums, if you see a topic/reply that is helpful...feel free to give it a Positive vote. If you see a member derailing a thread or being negative....give that reply/topic a Negative vote.

Look at each post....down in the lower right hand corner is a plus/minus sign....those are the reputation points you can give :)

Have Fun :)

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We now have a reputation system on these forums. Each day you receive the following....

  • 10 Positive Votes
  • 5 Negative Votes

As you are browsing the forums, if you see a topic/reply that is helpful...feel free to give it a Positive vote. If you see a member derailing a thread or being negative....give that reply/topic a Negative vote.

Look at each post....down in the lower right hand corner is a plus/minus sign....those are the reputation points you can give :)

Have Fun :)

What does the Positive and Negative votes do? Is there a ranking system for positive votes? Are you penalized if you get negative ones?

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  • Retromags Curator

What does the Positive and Negative votes do? Is there a ranking system for positive votes? Are you penalized if you get negative ones?

They go toward your Reputation on the forums, the total number will show up on your profile :)

I gave you a +1 on the post above so you can see it on your Profile :P

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  • Retromags Curator

I think it's ok to rate threads but for posts it would quite a task to review every single one.

Not really the point of the system, You are not meant to rate every single reply/topic. Its just a way to give feedback to users who tip the scale one way or the other. It will help members on the forum get feedback on how others perceive them. If you see that one week you have a reputation of 50 points......and the following week you have dropped to 40 points.....you know you need to reevaluate what you posted in the past week. Only give feedback if the scale is tipped one way or the other. Plus This system works similar to Youtube, You can now choose to ignore posts that fall under a certain threshold. You can tell the system that if any reply has -10 votes on it....to not even show it to you :)

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I have no shame for posting like I do.  As long as there are people checking them out and enjoying them, I regret nothing.   

End of the year....pft...you know Dreamcast celebrates it's birthday next month.  I will pass Philly when the time comes.

You should see the number of posts on Gamefaqs before I left that pretty much for good....

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  • Retromags Curator

Yeah, they're all mine. <_< I actually gave you a +1 where you had a -1.

But if you're wondering who gave you a -1 on this post I quoted, well yeah, now it was me.

Stop being a grouch. I was JOKING. Hence the laughing face. I know they weren't all you since you can only vote once.

So when I post seriously, I'm being "negative", but when I am joking around, that's not good enough for you guys either? Remind me again as to why I am spending my free time to scan and edit 20 magazines for this site? Seems like nothing will make you guys happy. Would you rather I replied to what people posted using private messages?

I have no shame for posting like I do. As long as there are people checking them out and enjoying them, I regret nothing.

Again, JOKING. I thought you guys understood the use of smilies and such.

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E-Day, calm down.  I wasn't taking your comment badly or anything.  I was just saying that because of the reference to Gamefaqs (where my posts usually receive no replies-but stuff I post to for some reason receives a boost of almost 100 visits within an hour of posting there).  

I don't take everything you say without a smiley, or in some cases with, in a bad way.  For the most part, I try to ignore the stuff that is ennuendo, as most of your stuff is, until it is brought up again and again, or reworded to be offensive so just calm down.

I try to be extremely lenient with stuff, until pushed, so your cool, just go have some fun and stop thinking everyone is out to get you man (is it a lack of naked prince pics that is the problem?).   :notworthy:

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  • Retromags Curator

Sarcasm doesn't translate over the web

Smilies, my friend Exclamation points as well, but smilies, or the lack of them will always tell you whether I am joking or not.

E-Day, calm down. I wasn't taking your comment badly or anything. I was just saying that because of the reference to Gamefaqs (where my posts usually receive no replies-but stuff I post to for some reason receives a boost of almost 100 visits within an hour of posting there).

I don't take everything you say without a smiley, or in some cases with, in a bad way. For the most part, I try to ignore the stuff that is ennuendo, as most of your stuff is, until it is brought up again and again, or reworded to be offensive so just calm down.

I try to be extremely lenient with stuff, until pushed, so your cool, just go have some fun and stop thinking everyone is out to get you man (is it a lack of naked prince pics that is the problem?). :notworthy:

I didn't get an indication in your last post that you didnt take my comment badly. So just scratch my last reply. As I have said before, without you, the forums would be very quiet, which is a compliment to you. And I don't think everyone is out to get me. Even if you were, I wouldn't really care. It is just odd to see EVERYTHING I've posted since yesterday getting voted down, regardless of tone or subject. Just odd; it's not something I am concerned about. :)

An NO, I do not miss that strange naked Prince picture. A pox on the next person who posts it! :lol:

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  • Retromags Curator

OK, game break everybody.

Drag out your NES and see who can beat World -1 the fastest. First one to complete it and provide pics wins bragging rights. :)



No NES here. So I will have to stick with Super Mario World, or Alex Kidd in Miracle World :)

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  • Retromags Curator

So we only rate what we really like and what we hate? I can do that. :D

note: The reply thing at the bottom of the thread takes forever to let me write. Is it just me?

Seems to be just you, though the Quick Reply responds faster to me clicking it at work than it does at home (faster computer at work).

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The page loads fine but it takes forever to let me "use" it.

I have the same problem Gnash...it seems that it has a lot to do with the work Philly is doing behind the scenes. For some reason it will be lightning fast some times and slow as molasses others. Lets wait and see how it is doing in a few weeks. I am guessing it will start running a lot faster then.

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