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Trying To Find/identify Some Strategy Guide Compilations


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Back in the late 90's I once brought a pair of compilation strategy guides for about a dollar each: a SNES and Megadrive one respectively; while at the time they were pretty useful I now would like to have copies of them (and perhaps the rest of the volumes) for retro value but can't seem to identify the, so I was wondering if anyone here could help me out (I have a few pages I could scan, if that'd help).

I think they were called "Ultimate Strategy Guides" or something of the sort; I seem to recall the Megadrive one being Volume 2 while the SNES one was Volume 3; They were both properly bound (square-spined with glue binding, no staples or rings) and about a half-inch thick; at least 100 pages or so; A4-ish sized. I'm pretty sure the Megadrive one -was- titled "Megadrive" and not "Genesis", so it's either a european production or simply had european formatting changes.

The Megadrive guides included Streets of Rage 3, Sonic 3 (Which was prominently mentioned on the cover) and Mean Bean Machine, while the Super NES ones included Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Secret of Mana, and Megaman X. However there was about 40 individual guides in each book so this is by no means a comprehensive list.

I've searched the internet for a while for similar material but only managed to find volumes of the "Ultimate N64 Strategy Guide" - possibly the same series of publications, just for a different system.

Edited by slobbergoat
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Possibly Sandwich Island Publishing. Check out this wiki: http://wiki.dontpressstart.com/index.php?title=Sandwich_Islands_Publishing

If you go down to the Genesis and SNES titles in the list, you can go to sections containing contents and book covers.

Prima also released some early unauthorized guides.

Back in the late 90's I once brought a pair of compilation strategy guides for about a dollar each: a SNES and Megadrive one respectively; while at the time they were pretty useful I now would like to have copies of them (and perhaps the rest of the volumes) for retro value but can't seem to identify the, so I was wondering if anyone here could help me out (I have a few pages I could scan, if that'd help).

I think they were called "Ultimate Strategy Guides" or something of the sort; I seem to recall the Megadrive one being Volume 2 while the SNES one was Volume 3; They were both properly bound (square-spined with glue binding, no staples or rings) and about a half-inch thick; at least 100 pages or so; A4-ish sized. I'm pretty sure the Megadrive one -was- titled "Megadrive" and not "Genesis", so it's either a european production or simply had european formatting changes.

The Megadrive guides included Streets of Rage 3, Sonic 3 (Which was prominently mentioned on the cover) and Mean Bean Machine, while the Super NES ones included Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Secret of Mana, and Megaman X. However there was about 40 individual guides in each book so this is by no means a comprehensive list.

I've searched the internet for a while for similar material but only managed to find volumes of the "Ultimate N64 Strategy Guide" - possibly the same series of publications, just for a different system.

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Thanks for the help - was similar, but not exactly the same. Following the Prima thing, though, looks like I found the serieses:


(Can't find a cover shot of the SNES version so I didn't make a link, yet)

I think the same publisher (Carlton, later to become? Prima) makes both the mega drive power tips guide and the SNES equivilent (same name, just unofficial).

Incidently, If I manage to get hold of some decent-quality samples (There's some on NZ's auction site, trademe.co.nz, at the moment) I'll certainly make scans of them.

Edited by slobbergoat
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