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Wii Internet Channel For Free


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The Wii Internet Channel is now available for free. If you feel like and idiot like I did for paying for it, do not despair, all is not lost. Nintendo will be letting you download a Nes game of your choice for free at the end of October. So keep your eyes open to cash in your game :D

Link: Nintendo

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Not many replies to this so let's get this thread going. Sorry for the double post. But I thought it would be better if I just kept it going here and not a new one.

What Nes would you get in exchange for what you paid for the internet channel?

I'm probably getting Castlevania III.

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I actually updated the browser and used it for the first time in a year. I never used it before because it was near impossible on a CRT television, and because it was rather slow. Since then, I've acquired an HDTV, and the wireless router/modem is 3 feet from the Wii. So I decided to try the browser again. I used the Wii browser to go to the Xbox website and queue a demo for downloading. It was surprisingly fast; faster than my own computer or the computer here at work.

So can anyone recommend a good NES game? None of the Mario games, since I have Super Mario All-Stars for the Super NES. I already have Excite Bike, Balloon Fight, Ice Climbers, and Kirby's Adventure. How are the Castlevania games? What are some of the other gems on that console?

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The Wii Internet Channel is now available for free. If you feel like and idiot like I did for paying for it, do not despair, all is not lost. Nintendo will be letting you download a Nes game of your choice for free at the end of October. So keep your eyes open to cash in your game :D

Link: Nintendo

This is actually a really good call on Nintendo's part. I am glad they are doing the right thing and giving back to the people who didn't have a Wii early enough to get it free.

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I actually updated the browser and used it for the first time in a year. I never used it before because it was near impossible on a CRT television, and because it was rather slow. Since then, I've acquired an HDTV, and the wireless router/modem is 3 feet from the Wii. So I decided to try the browser again. I used the Wii browser to go to the Xbox website and queue a demo for downloading. It was surprisingly fast; faster than my own computer or the computer here at work.

So can anyone recommend a good NES game? None of the Mario games, since I have Super Mario All-Stars for the Super NES. I already have Excite Bike, Balloon Fight, Ice Climbers, and Kirby's Adventure. How are the Castlevania games? What are some of the other gems on that console?

Metroid, Mega Man 2, Mega Man 3, Super C, River City Ransom, Castlevania III, Castlevania, Star Tropics, Ninja Gaiden, Ninja Gaiden 2, Punch-Out, The Legend of Zelda, The Legendo of Zelda - The Adventure of Link.

You could also wait for Final Fantasy if it's released before the end of the year.

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Metroid, Mega Man 2, Mega Man 3, Super C, River City Ransom, Castlevania III, Castlevania, Star Tropics, Ninja Gaiden, Ninja Gaiden 2, Punch-Out, The Legend of Zelda, The Legendo of Zelda - The Adventure of Link.

You could also wait for Final Fantasy if it's released before the end of the year.

Ugh. I was wondering when they were going to "force" me into buying the Original Final Fantasy for the third time.

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downloaded the new version of the internet channel, tried using it, then decided it was trash just like the old version.

For a free web-browser, it isn't really that bad. I find that downloading some stuff is actually quicker on there. I think the 'real' reason Nintendo thought the browser was a good idea (and hence how it was made) was for online websites to have special Wii friendly versions and also Wiimote focused games. If you find some of teh Wiimote focused games the browser works really well.

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Ugh. I was wondering when they were going to "force" me into buying the Original Final Fantasy for the third time.

I had the original back in the Nes days. At least this time it's the original, you can buy it if you don't have it, not like other times that they just update a few things to make you buy them. Besides I'm quite happy on how the Wii makes the Nes graphics sharper and more colorful than the actual Nes. Try a side by side comparison. And that's just the Nes, when you compare the N64 VC versus the original the improvement is amazing.

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Metroid, Mega Man 2, Mega Man 3, Super C, River City Ransom, Castlevania III, Castlevania, Star Tropics, Ninja Gaiden, Ninja Gaiden 2, Punch-Out, The Legend of Zelda, The Legendo of Zelda - The Adventure of Link.

You could also wait for Final Fantasy if it's released before the end of the year.

I would have to choose between River City Ransom, Ninja Gaiden and one of the Zeldas.

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River City Ransom looks like a Double Dragon clone, made by the same company. double Dragon was fun :)

Here's some trivia for ya... Close to the end of River City Ransom, you fight the "Dragon Twins," and they enter to none other than the Double Dragon theme! I remember being pumped the first time I saw that! I don't think it's Billy and Jimmy, though.

RCR is an excellent game if you haven't played through it yet. I recommend playing the original NES version first, but the GBA remake is awesome too. It's not exactly a DD clone, though it's similar. You can buy upgrades, collect money among other things unlike in DD where you level up.

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Here's some trivia for ya... Close to the end of River City Ransom, you fight the "Dragon Twins," and they enter to none other than the Double Dragon theme! I remember being pumped the first time I saw that! I don't think it's Billy and Jimmy, though.

RCR is an excellent game if you haven't played through it yet. I recommend playing the original NES version first, but the GBA remake is awesome too. It's not exactly a DD clone, though it's similar. You can buy upgrades, collect money among other things unlike in DD where you level up.

Me too. But I got the Internet channel back when it was free originally, so no refund for me.

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