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New Psone Re-Releases For Psn (Tomb Raider, Sim City 2000, Syphon Filter 2 And Others)

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As posted from VG247.com recently, here is the list of PSOne games that the ESRB has rated for PSN release.  Take a look, kick the tires, check them out and speak up if you like any of these:

Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain

Bloody Roar

Cool Boarders 2

Cool Boarders 3

International Track & Field

Oddworld: Abe’s Exodus

Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee


SimCity 2000

Syphon Filter 2

Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider 2

Um Jammer Lammy

Source:  VG247.com

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  • Retromags Curator

As posted from VG247.com recently, here is the list of PSOne games that the ESRB has rated for PSN release. Take a look, kick the tires, check them out and speak up if you like any of these:

Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain

Bloody Roar

Cool Boarders 2

Cool Boarders 3

International Track & Field

Oddworld: Abe’s Exodus

Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee


SimCity 2000

Syphon Filter 2

Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider 2

Um Jammer Lammy

Source: VG247.com

Both Tomb Raider games, Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain, Syphon Filter 2, and the two Oddworld games are very much worth experiencing in my opinion. Why they are bothering to release sports games via the PSN is unclear to me, but if they can make money doing it, I say go for it. :)



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Well, TR1 is $9.99, but TR2 (considered by most to be the best game in the series) is a mere $5.99. $15 gets you the two best Tomb Raider games for your PS3 if you don't already own the PS1 discs...a heck of a steal. :)

Actually, all 3 Syphon Filter games are really good as well. 1 and 3 are already up for download...my guess is that Syphon Filter 2 being a two-disc game featuring a pretty robust multiplayer mode, took a bit longer to adjust to PSN standards.



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  • Retromags Curator

I am happy as all heck to see Sony finally stepping up and offering a TON more PS1 classics for download via the PSN. I never understood why, with a library of literally HUNDREDS of games at their beck and call from the PS1 era, Sony wasn't doing more to utilize this. Offering some weak sports titles was little more than a joke. Now, though, they're dumping AA and AAA titles on the PSN like it's going out of style. Seriously, Symphony of the Night, Tomb Raider I and II, Syphon Filter I-III, Legacy of Kain, SimCity 2000, the Oddworld titles, Final Fantasy VII...they're really starting to give gamers a reason to part with money for their classics libraries, and this can only be a good thing in my opinion. I'm not using the service much for PS1 titles, as I already own virtually all of what they've released so far, but for those looking to re-build their old school libraries, this is invaluable. :)



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I am happy as all heck to see Sony finally stepping up and offering a TON more PS1 classics for download via the PSN. I never understood why, with a library of literally HUNDREDS of games at their beck and call from the PS1 era, Sony wasn't doing more to utilize this. Offering some weak sports titles was little more than a joke. Now, though, they're dumping AA and AAA titles on the PSN like it's going out of style. Seriously, Symphony of the Night, Tomb Raider I and II, Syphon Filter I-III, Legacy of Kain, SimCity 2000, the Oddworld titles, Final Fantasy VII...they're really starting to give gamers a reason to part with money for their classics libraries, and this can only be a good thing in my opinion. I'm not using the service much for PS1 titles, as I already own virtually all of what they've released so far, but for those looking to re-build their old school libraries, this is invaluable. :)



This doesn't interest me too much as I still have hundreds of PS 1 games but from a business standpoint it's a great idea. A new generation of gamers who were not around during the original Playstation would be prime stakeholders for this idea.

Or maybe they saw how well the Nintendo Wii was doing with this idea and figured hey what the hell?

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