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Happy Birthday Dreamcast!


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Yeah, Rock Band: The Beatles and the Mono and Stereo Remasters of The Beatles catalog come out tommorrow (which sound freakin great, btw) but the real reason alot of us gamers remember 9-9 every year is SEGA!!!


New article on "The History of the Dreamcast"

Personally, my favorite games are MvC2, Shenmue, Rez, Crazy Taxi, Soul Caliber, MArs Matrix, GigaWing, Ikaruga, and Border Down.

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I remember being blown away the first time I saw a Dreamcast. I had been reading about Sega's new console in EGM for month's and then one day I walked into an electronics shop and there it was, running a demo of Power Stone. This game looked amazing compared with what I was playing on my Playstation at the time. Even though I really wanted one I decided to wait and see how well it would sell before commiting to buying one.

Eventually, after some time, two thing's persuaded me not to actually buy a Dreamcast. The first was the fact that no Madden would ever be release for it and the seccond thing was Sony's huge hype machine which kept promising that their new machine would be so amazing. So I never bought a Dreamcast and now I really regret it.

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Sega's biggest advertising was the units they set up in Blockbuster Video. For six months before the US launch they had Sonic Adventure playable. Seen as how I was a Blockbuster regular I think this is what set my purchase in stone. I had the money saved for 9/9/99. I never thought football games were so hot until I tried the NFL 2K series. Everything about that game is perfect plus the graphics were as good as any Playstation 2 game.

There were too many Dreamcast games to discuss in one thread but I never heard of Omikron The Nomad Soul until years after I purchased Dreamcast.

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You're right about the NFL 2K game's being great, I recently got one seccond hand for my Ps2 and it rock's. If I had known more about the NFL 2K series when the Dreamcast was released it might have persuaded me to get one. But then again I still probably would have been seduced by Sony's marketing campaign.

I'ts still kind of hard for me to understand exactly why the Dreamcast didn't succeed. Sega seemed to do so much that was right in term's of the amount of game's and the type of game's that were available for it's launch. I guess a lot of it comes down to people like me who already owned a Playstation and weren't brave enough to give this great console a chance. It's a shame because I really like Sega and wish they were still designing great hardware.

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The Dreamcast was a great system, I especially loved the graphics! The game library was pretty excellent, too. I never bought a DC new but I had a way of always finding them cheap, and my friend gave me his collection of 20 games for free when I bought his system from him for $25 back in '01. Another friend wanted to sell his to me for $5 but I already had one.

I'm surprised no one mentioned Jet Grind Radio! I also really like Virtual On! Oratorio Tangram.

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The arcade ports were stunning on the Dreamcast. Sega knew how to shift the Naomi Arcade games across to the Dreamcast without sacrificing just about anything quality wise. Mind you ..... looks didn't mean they were necessarily a great game eh?

Fave games around the TV in my house [in no particular order] were Soul Calibur .... Hydro Thunder .... Powerstone 1/2 .... SF Rush 2049

Miss that little console I do ....

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I check out ebay from time to time to see what kind of price's Dreamcast's are selling for. Occasionally I see a bargain but man the added postage price is usually really high. The only thing I'm not so sure about is the Dreamcast controller. I don't know what other people's experience's with the controller are like, but the fact that it doesn't have two analog stick's make's me wonder about it.

It probably work's just fine, I guess I'm just used to the dual shock type of controller.

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The DC controller was actually a pretty nice one. The triggers on the back were springy, and usually the in-game controls are mapped well. Make sure you buy a VMU(virtual memory unit?) too, it fits into the controller and saves your data.

I was happy with my Dreamcast, it has a few really good games available.

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