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I solved the magazine cover problem!


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I have been up against a unique problem with the redesign of Retromags.....How can I upload 1 magazine cover and use it in multiple places around the site? We have many different sections on this site, and its just purely inefficient to have 3-4 different sizes for every single cover that could exist. I figure that we can easily upload 3000-4000 magazine covers to this site, so when you start talking about duplicate files .....it gets big....fast. You may be asking why we need to use different sizes? Let me explain.....

Our Weekly Updates that show up on the front page.....we try to keep those images small (160x120) because we usually put anywhere from 2-8 of those images up at a time.

General Posts around the forums, we usually like to post magazine covers at 320x240, its a decent size that is displayed nicely

Our Project Tracker, this is a new section on the site, and we would like to display covers for each entry that is added. I think 640x480 shows up very nicely in this section.....its a lot better to have a graphical representation of what that issue looked like....rather than Nintendo Power Issue 114

Our Static Webpages, this is where we would allow users to view the 320x240 thumbnail.....and click through to the full resolution photo.

Anyways, I finally thought of a way to fix this issue today, and it worked.....without further delay.....I release our new BBCodes

EDIT: Before anyone goes crazy, dont link from the Wiki like I just did below. I will be uploading all covers to Retromags.com and using a very simple directory structure such as....







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