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Do you have a PS3 slim?

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I just got my PS3 slim last week, and so far I'm pleased with it. It is much nicer than the original 'turd' that has been out for awhile now. The console is still a bit large in my opinion, but it's not a major problem. The system is quiet while in use for both blu-ray movies and game playing. The dashboard resembles the PSP's dashboard; it's nice and easy to use. The movies and games boot quickly.

The one major gripe that I do have is with the controller. The dualshock 1 & 2 controllers were both very excellent controllers. Responsive and smooth. But the dualshock 3 feels very light and cheap to me. I thought all three were cast from the same mold? Also the sticks seem to be very loose and 'twitchy'. I do like the R2 and L2 buttons now being the trigger-type. That was a nice touch.

So far I'm happy with my purchase. I'm glad I waited for the slim.

How do the rest of the slim buyers out there feel?

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Nope, original 60GB owner here. Backwards compatibility was a must for me. smile.gif



I'm guessing you'll cry when your old 60GB unit eventually claps out.

Mind you ....the cheaper price on the slim means you can buy that AND a slim PS2 for the same price anyway. Just a tad messier cable/connection-wise with 2 units.

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I haven't had a chance to mess with PS3, so I have no opinion there. It seems they're just phasing out backwards compatibility to make a bit more space.

I don't like when they take away backwards compatibility, either. I like to be able to just pop a last-gen game into my system and play it right there. Understandably, quite a few people that play the current-gen systems didn't play the last gen or earlier, but it's nice to have for those who did and aren't really done playing those games.

360 does it's backwards compatibility in a shoddy way, only working with so many original XBOX games. I do like how Wii has the Virtual Console(which has a lot more than just old NES games on it) and, for now, is backwards compatible with the GCN.

If I were to buy a PS3, I'd go slim for sure, because it's a humongous system as it is now. Plus, I wasn't that big on the PS2, anyways.

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Had I not already bought a 360, and they had backwards compatability with this new PS3, I would have bought one in an instant. The first thing I would have done was take out my PS2 & use the newly liberated shelf space for the 3. The price is right, but I really want to play my older PS2 games.

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I'm guessing you'll cry when your old 60GB unit eventually claps out.

Mind you ....the cheaper price on the slim means you can buy that AND a slim PS2 for the same price anyway. Just a tad messier cable/connection-wise with 2 units.

I actually already had one get the YLOD after about 2 years, but a quick trip off to Sony's repair center got me a nice replacement 60GB one. My first one was purchased used, so I dunno what the previous owner did to it. The one I got back from Sony appeared to be brand freakin' new with that wonderful factory-fresh look and smell. :)

And I already have a PS2 I could hook up, but space is kind of at a premium, so if my options include an all-in-one, then that's the route I'll take. :)



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I actually already had one get the YLOD after about 2 years, but a quick trip off to Sony's repair center got me a nice replacement 60GB one. My first one was purchased used, so I dunno what the previous owner did to it. The one I got back from Sony appeared to be brand freakin' new with that wonderful factory-fresh look and smell. smile.gif

And I already have a PS2 I could hook up, but space is kind of at a premium, so if my options include an all-in-one, then that's the route I'll take. smile.gif



Absolutely agree with you ..... but at some stage all consoles die and go to the great Gaming Paradise in the sky and I don't think Sony is in a position to keep replacing old 60GB gen 1 units forever. So I was just saying here's hoping your existing unit doesn't die any time soon tongue.gif

I have the same issue with my PS1 .... LOL

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  • Retromags Curator

Absolutely agree with you ..... but at some stage all consoles die and go to the great Gaming Paradise in the sky and I don't think Sony is in a position to keep replacing old 60GB gen 1 units forever. So I was just saying here's hoping your existing unit doesn't die any time soon tongue.gif

I have the same issue with my PS1 .... LOL

Well, naturally all electronics die. But given that my NES still works just fine after some 20 years, I'm hoping that my PS3 will keep working for a while longer. I think part of the problem was that with my original unit, when I wasn't gaming on it, I was having it do Folding@Home which, while very cool, also generated a crapload of heat which I expect did nothing to help the situation. Nowadays when I'm not using it, it gets shut off. Simple. :)



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