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Mega Man is a fan favorite


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Mega Man was always the type of game you could pick up and play. Capcom has created the franchise for many different systems, starting with the NES.

They made 6 games for the NES each one adding something new. It wasn't until the third game that Megaman could slide and the fourth he could charge his shots.


Nintendo definitely got the most love from Capcom but the Sega Genesis was given the first three games from the NES series all in one package. It was remade with sharper graphics and more color but that was the end. Super Nintendo got Mega Man 7 and then started the X series. There were three of them.



Mega Man 64 got low scores for technical reasons but it was another great experience for Mega Man fans. I enjoyed it almost as much as when Sonic had his first good 3-D conversion with Sonic Adventure. After the series got beat to death on the Sony Playstation, Capcom came up with another great idea with the Mega Man Battle Network. While everyone was playing Pokemon on their Gameboys, I was playing Battle Network on Gameboy Advance. So very addicting.

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Great post, man. It sound's like you really know your Mega Man. I actually haven't ever played a Mega Man game but I hope to change that eventually. I didn't know that there were any Mega Man game's for the Mega Drive, I thought Capcom only ever made them for the NES and then the Playstation.

I'm not sure how the Mega Drive version compares with the NES one's but I'm going to keep an eye out for it. Enjoyed looking at all the cool old school NES Mega Man screen shot's. :)

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Mega Man games are one of my favorite series. For a long time they were too hard for me, but around 7th grade I finally got the hang of them with the help of emulation save states.

My personal favorites are 1-4, 7-8 and the X1,2 and 3. I was also a big fan of Megaman Legends, a game that at first seemed weird, but on play through, was an excellent mix of Megaman shooting action and RPG elements.

Great article, I love the use of pictures. Hopefully atik will pick up a MM game soon!

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Great post, man. It sound's like you really know your Mega Man. I actually haven't ever played a Mega Man game but I hope to change that eventually. I didn't know that there were any Mega Man game's for the Mega Drive, I thought Capcom only ever made them for the NES and then the Playstation.

I'm not sure how the Mega Drive version compares with the NES one's but I'm going to keep an eye out for it. Enjoyed looking at all the cool old school NES Mega Man screen shot's. :)

If you want to start out with a classic, not to difficult I would advise Mega Man 2 Awesome game MM1 is way harder to master in my books anyways...enJoy!

tin :)

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From what I've heard from friend's, Mega Man 1 is pretty hard alright. Sound's like a plan to start with Mega Man 2. Thank's for the advice man. :)

Mega Man 3 was the first MM game I owned for Nintendo. I agree the 1st one is the hardest but the rest are only just hard enough. I found out by accident that when you hold either the left or right direction on control pad 2, Mega Man can fall down a pit and live. If I remember correctly, he can also jump higher and is invincible. It's been almost 20 years since I did this.

Try battle network. It's a great strategy game.

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Cool thread! I'm a big fan of Mega Man. I own MM 2 and 3 on the NES, and a couple copies of X on the SNES. One copy of X is in mint condition, with the box and everything. It looks like it's never been played, and I picked it up at a garage sale for $2. Ah garage sales, is there anywhere better to find old games?

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Mega Man series is a personal favorite of mine as well. I am currently trying to finish Mega Man 9 on the Wii. They are all tough games, but if you stick with it you will find you just need to memorize the patterns of bosses and stages to make it further without dying so much. I don't think they will ever top the 2D versions though. You just can't beat the retro games.

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Just played Mega Man for the first time this morning. Man, I know that many old school game's are harder than today's game's, but even so this game is tough. Then again maybe my gaming skill's are just not what they used to be. I'm glad the game give's you the option to pick your stage at the start. After a while I picked Bomb Man's stage and eventually beat him.


Even though I'm finding the game a little tough, it's really addictive. Every time I loose a life I just want to have one more go to see what's up ahead. And with every attempt I get a little bit farther. The old school Nes graphic's and music are really great too. :)

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Even though I'm finding the game a little tough, it's really addictive. Every time I loose a life I just want to have one more go to see what's up ahead. And with every attempt I get a little bit farther.

That's exactly what you have to do on those games, just keep plugging at it and memorizing. That's half the battle, really.

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