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Super Street Fighter IV Confirmed!

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News from Kotaku: http://kotaku.com/5369773/super-street-fighter-iv-confirmed-is-standalone-title


Capcom today have announced Super Street Fighter IV, a new, standalone title which is Street Fighter IV with eight new characters added and some tweaks made based on community feedback.

Of the eight characters, three have been announced: classic characters T. Hawk and Dee Jay (Dee Jay's reveal coming in the latest issue of Famitsu, below), and newcomer Juri. The rest could be anyone; new characters, old favourites, a mix of the two. We have no idea!


In terms of improvements to the game itself, producer Yoshinori Ono says that every character has been changed slightly based on comments from both players and the dev team, while an improved online experience is also promised.

Which begs the question: why an all-new title, and not just a range of DLC? Ono says the changes are so extensive that they couldn't just be tacked on, so a disc release was necessary. Those crying "RIP OFF" should know that the game "won't be sold at full price", and that those owning both the original and Super will are in store for an as-yet-unspecified treat.


More info at Gamespot: http://tgs.gamespot.com/story/6230625/super-street-fighter-iv-impressions-first-look

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  • Retromags Curator

Wait, nobody else saw this coming...?

This is Capcom and Street Fighter we're talking about. It took them six years to get from Street Fighter 2 to Street Fighter 3, with every conceivable iteration of titles released in between (Champion, Turbo, Super, Super Turbo, Alpha, etc...), and then a further twelve years to go from SF 3 to SF IV with another plethora of titles released in between (The Movie, Zero, 2nd Impact, 3rd Strike, etc...).

Seriously, raise your hand anybody who didn't expect to see "Street Fighter IV Turbo/Hyper/Super/Excessive/<insert new adjective here>"? :)



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I know Capcom will probably milk Street Fighter IV for all it's worth and release sequel after sequel but I'm still really looking forward to this game. I'd like to see some of the character's from Final Fight included in the game and maybe a few from Street Fighter 3 as well.

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The first of each iteration has never been its best

SF2 turbo >SF2 - World Warrior

SF3 3rd Strike > SF 3 - New Generation

I am sure it will be the same in the case of SF4.

I say let Capcom refine the game til people settle into what is felt to be the best edition, its what they do best

If your a person who is not interested in buying them all, wait till you can see which becomes the crowd favourite (I highly doubt it will stay as SF4)

Just my 2 cents

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Update from Shoryuken.com:

Some of the information was listed as two new characters, Juri, and Hakan (Hakan being a Arab grappler associated with lots and lots of oils), and EIGHT returning cast members from other Street Fighter games. Dudley, Ibuki, and Makoto from the Street Fighter III series. From the Street Fighter Alpha series, we have Cody, Adon, and Guy, and from the Super Turbo series, we have T. Hawk and Dee Jay. We will have to wait and see what Capcom reveals to see if any of these rumors turn out to be true.

Expect massive changes in all the old returning cast as well. Improvements and overall gameplay will be fine tuned to make this the best Street Fighter to date.

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  • Retromags Curator

If your a person who is not interested in buying them all, wait till you can see which becomes the crowd favourite (I highly doubt it will stay as SF4)

I haven't enjoyed a Street Fighter title since Hyper Fighting back on the SNES. My reflexes just are not what they used to be back when I was a teenager and could actually play these things. :)

Sadly, the experience I did have watching a friend play it on the 360 is that the online arena is filled with nothing but rage quitting wankers or else people who play 23 hours a day and have no other hobbies outside of beating people with Ken/Ryu. Doesn't exactly inspire me to buy the game, though I am fully aware my my experience is not indicative of the entire Internet. I just think it's a riot that people haven't figured out that Capcom will make 4-5 sequels to this game that are little more than minor updates and maybe new characters, but they'll happily charge you again and again for their "tweaks". If they can get people to keep paying for them, though, more power to 'em. :)



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Just saw a video interview with Super Street Fighter 4 Producer Yoshinori Ono at IGN.com. He was saying that the game will have new opening and ending animation's for all the character's and interestingly he also stated how much he would love to be allowed to make a new Darkstalker's game some day. How cool would that be. :)

I also saw some footage of new character Juri, the possibly evil, Korean hottie. She looked really good with some cool move's.


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I'm hardly surprised by this news, but as someone else pointed out, the first incarnation of any SF game is not the best.

So as far as this new SF4 is concerned, I'm glad they're including Dee Jay, who was one of the few 'Super' characters I really enjoyed (the other being Cammy). Of all the characters in the SF universe, why bring back T-Hawk? I'd much rather see the return of Karin (SFA3), Urien (3rd Strike), Alex (3rd Strike), or Skullomania (SF EX).

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That's a pretty good price on that fightstick. Gotta love newegg!

I'm glad they're including Dee Jay, who was one of the few 'Super' characters I really enjoyed (the other being Cammy). Of all the characters in the SF universe, why bring back T-Hawk? I'd much rather see the return of Karin (SFA3), Urien (3rd Strike), Alex (3rd Strike), or Skullomania (SF EX).

I love Cammy, she's my main girl right now. I'd love to see Karin again, her moves were useful and she had some good combos. Skullo was sweet, too. I liked SFEX a lot, they tend to always leave it out of the SF timeline even though it was the first 3D SF game in the series. I didn't play much SFIII, I was in CA at the time and could only play it at arcades, where I would get my ass handed to me.. <_<

I hope they take out those badly animated anime cut scenes that they had in IV... I really would have much preferred anything else besides cheaply done anime. Now if it were on par with the SFII animated movie or even SFII V, I wouldn't have minded. It was so bad that I skipped watching everyone's ending. I still don't know the storyline and I've had the game for a while now.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just heard from a friend of mine that final boss Seth is going to be a lot harder in the single player mode of Super Street Fighter 4.

Apparently, Capcom Community Manager Seth Killian, in an interview with Kotaku said that Seth would be "even cheaper and more irritating".

That's just great. Like he wasn't tough enough already. :P


Still looking forward to finding out who the new character's are going to be. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yet another update from Joystiq: http://www.joystiq.com/2009/11/06/super-street-fighter-iv-trailer-unlocks-bonus-stages/ (Trailer available @ link)

This latest trailer for Super Street Fighter IV shows off the new online modes, including the "Endless Battle" mode that allows up to eight players to play multiple matches, with the loser of each match going to the end of the virtual line; the "Replay Channel," which allows players to record and view replays together with voice chat; and a bunch of new tournament options.

It's all great stuff, but we know what you came here to see: If you skip to about the 2:30 mark, you can watch Ryu car bashing and barrel bashing! Check out how excited the kilted barrel-dropping machine operator is -- he loves watching his barrels get smashed!

I could bitch for days on how bad SFIV is now that I've spent an extended bit of time with it. This game should hopefully be a fixed version with more bonuses and better online play. I can't wait to tear into a car again!

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  • Retromags Curator

I've had a big smile on my face ever since seeing the new's about the bonus level's returning in SSF4, especially the car smashing level.

I still say Final Fight had a better "car smashing" bonus round than Street Fighter II. Especially considering that after you've beaten the crap out of the car, you see one of the gang members run out and start crying about the damage done to his wheels. :)



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Wait, nobody else saw this coming...?

This is Capcom and Street Fighter we're talking about. It took them six years to get from Street Fighter 2 to Street Fighter 3, with every conceivable iteration of titles released in between (Champion, Turbo, Super, Super Turbo, Alpha, etc...), and then a further twelve years to go from SF 3 to SF IV with another plethora of titles released in between (The Movie, Zero, 2nd Impact, 3rd Strike, etc...).

Seriously, raise your hand anybody who didn't expect to see "Street Fighter IV Turbo/Hyper/Super/Excessive/<insert new adjective here>"? :)



Especially when this was announced quite a while back. This is old news.

I'm going to buy it!!! Street Fighter 4 is a great game and Super SF4 will be that much better. The new Tae Kwon Do chick I hope is going to be sweet... then again I'm partial to Tae Kwon Do :P

When they first announced this I was hoping for just a download but I guess there are so many tweaks in this game that they can't just do a download they have to release it as a full fledged game. But it won't be $60.

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Just heard from a friend of mine that final boss Seth is going to be a lot harder in the single player mode of Super Street Fighter 4.

Apparently, Capcom Community Manager Seth Killian, in an interview with Kotaku said that Seth would be "even cheaper and more irritating".

That's just great. Like he wasn't tough enough already. :P


Still looking forward to finding out who the new character's are going to be. :)

The first few times I fought Seth I thought he was difficult but on the hardest setting I find Seth to be very easy to beat.

That's a pretty good price on that fightstick. Gotta love newegg!

Actually that's a horrid fighting stick unless you modify it. Good for people who are used to playing with Japanese arcade sticks. But for US players you will need to re-learn how to use the stick effectively. Very clunky movements on the joystick.

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Actually that's a horrid fighting stick unless you modify it. Good for people who are used to playing with Japanese arcade sticks. But for US players you will need to re-learn how to use the stick effectively. Very clunky movements on the joystick.

Yeah, I know that already. I'm just saying the price as compared with other places is good for that stick, which has a decent base for modding. I think I'm going to buy a custom made in Japan stick from this guy I know for cheaper than that price. It even has my favorite two characters on it.

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I saw footage of some of the new SSF4 character's at Kotaku a while back. I was glad to see that Cody, Guy and Adon from the Final Fight and Alpha game's are going to be included in the game. As well as the bonus round's there are going to be new stage's in the game too which is cool.

Juri is looking very good and it's good that Dee Jay is returning too. I never liked T-Hawk much, mainly because he kicked my ass so much back in the day. Apart from these 6, I'm not too sure if any more new character's have been announced for the game. I think there may have been some rumour's about Ibuki from Street Fighter 3 appearing in the game but I guess we'll have to wait and see.


Really looking forward to this game. :)

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Yeah, I know that already. I'm just saying the price as compared with other places is good for that stick, which has a decent base for modding. I think I'm going to buy a custom made in Japan stick from this guy I know for cheaper than that price. It even has my favorite two characters on it.


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