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I'm totally stumped on this. I got the Moonwalker and Toe Jam and Earl one's for the Mega Drive/Genesis but I haven't a clue what the Decapitation game is. I'm not even sure what console it's running on. I don't think it's running on a Mega Drive, Snes or Pc engine but I could be wrong. Maybe it's something like the Mega CD.

Looking forward to finding out the name of the game and the console it's running on.

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hahah! I still play that game sometimes. It's Altered Beast on arcade and Genesis. So many things about that game are funny:

1. The Bald Dude

2. The Bear transformation

3. Two-player glorious air-humping dragons(what, you didn't do that?)

4. The opening story synthesized voice, "WISE FWUM YOR GWAVE!"

5. Transforming means losing more clothes

All that said, it's a pretty fun game!

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  • 2 weeks later...

hahah! I still play that game sometimes. It's Altered Beast on arcade and Genesis. So many things about that game are funny:

1. The Bald Dude

2. The Bear transformation

3. Two-player glorious air-humping dragons(what, you didn't do that?)

4. The opening story synthesized voice, "WISE FWUM YOR GWAVE!"

5. Transforming means losing more clothes

All that said, it's a pretty fun game!

It would have looked better if I squeezed all of the animal transformations, and stuffed them into one video.

The transformations were cheesy good and it looked cool if you punch out the baddies to get your Power Orbs.

You gotta memorize the patterns of the killing techniques.

2 New Challenges!



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Yes on China Warrior.

No on Raiden.

I'll fix this conundrum. :)

The second game is "Lords of Thunder", also from the TG-16. :)

Looks like you're using the Air Armour there, Jake...? The detail is kind of small to make out, but it looks like Air to me. :)



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Name That Game

I don't know if some of these are too easy but I would enjoy if nobody got it. I'm thinking of trying some RPG's soon and it takes alot of time because I have to play through the whole game while recording but I'll bet those would be harder to guess than the classics are.

Okay let's move on to the first one.



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Hey, I love these game challenge's.

I'm pretty sure that number 1 is Xevious and I think it may be the Arcade version but I guess it could be the Nes version too.

Number 2 kind of look's familiar but I can't remember what it's called and I have no clue what number 3 is. In fact I don't think I've ever seen the game before.

I think number 4 is Dragon : The Bruce Lee story. I'm not sure if it's the Jaguar, Snes or Mega Drive version though.

Hope you keep up these game challenge's Jake, there a lot of fun. :)

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Wow these game's are tough. Well the first and last one anyway. I haven't a clue what they are. I do know the seccond game though, and not just because the title of the game is written on the dashboard.

It's Day's of Thunder on the Nes. I remember reading about it in magazine's back in the day, most probably in C&VG or Mean Machine's Magazine.

As for the other two game's, I'm at a loss. The first game look's like it could be a Nes game but that's as much as I'd guess.

I'm sure someone out there will recognize them. :)

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