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Stop using Windows for banking & shopping


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I got this email today. Apparently Windows is susceptible to phising scams and it is not recommended to do your shopping and banking online. Instead they say to boot a cd operating system of Linux for these activities because nothing can be written to a ROM.

It's kinda scary. I don't do my banking online for just this type of reason but I do shop Ebay and make automatic payments with my credit card which is just as dangerous.


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The solution is much simpler than that: just don't click any links in an email that says it's from your bank. That's it.

Yeah, if people could just resist the stupid email tricks it should be fine. If I ever recieve an email from "my bank" I always call them (or go in) and ask them about it. I never click on the the emails.

Then again I have the worlds most paranoid firewall / spam filter on the planet (that I coded myself).

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Sometimes I get hooked by an unknown protocol when I'm doing day to day activities. I know I've be hooked when a screen that I'm used to seeing doesn't show up and at the bottom of my browser it tries loading a strange url.

For all I know it could have phished all my cookies which can be deciphered to reveal my password.

I always use task manager to stop the Mozilla program (Or press Alt + F4). At this point I don't want to be click jacked as well.

Before I start my browser again I clear my cookies and cache.

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Sometimes I get hooked by an unknown protocol when I'm doing day to day activities. I know I've be hooked when a screen that I'm used to seeing doesn't show up and at the bottom of my browser it tries loading a strange url.

For all I know it could have phished all my cookies which can be deciphered to reveal my password.

I always use task manager to stop the Mozilla program (Or press Alt + F4). At this point I don't want to be click jacked as well.

Before I start my browser again I clear my cookies and cache.

Yeah, "click jacking" is becoming more and more of a problem as people (some of them) learn to stop opening stupid emails.

Seriously, my mother in law gets upset at least once every month because "her computer is going so slow". Mostly because she opens (and forwards to my house) just about every email virus/spyware/scam/etc known to man. Her computer is about as "clean" as Pamela Anderson. People really should be forced to read something on internet scams/etc before being allowed on the interweb.

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