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Top 5 16-bit games


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I found it pretty hard to pick my top 5 16-bit game's, there are so many great game's from this era to choose from. These are my current top 5.....

1. Street Fighter 2 : The World Warrior (snes)

2. Super Mario World (snes)

3. Super Metroid (snes)

4. Legend of Zelda : A link to the Past (snes)

5. Sonic the Hedgehog (mega drive)

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Some good choice's there. The nhl hockey video brought back some memories. I think nhlpa 93 and nhl 94 were my two favourite's on the Mega Drive. You had the cool fight's and the blood on the ice in nhlpa 93 and you had the real team name's and logo's in nhl 94. Both great game's. :)

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1.) Final Fantasy 3/6

2.) Zelda LttP

3.) Super Castlevania IV

4.) Super Mario World

5.) Street Fighter II Turbo

Spent a lot of time back then playing DBZ Super Butoden 1, 2, 3, especially 2. No one can beat me in a straight up Fireball clash, even to this day.

Wish I still owned those games, I imported them all, spent nearly $200 USD in 1995 for DBZ: SB3 >.< Now they come out like every 6 months for the 360 and Wii but they aren't as fun as the 16 bit fighters were. Stupid americanized DBZ dumbed down violence and being a damned kids show -.-

Edit: By the way, MSNBC's list is full of fail. I never liked DKC, it was just not fun for me. I wanted to like it, but I couldn't. And SONIC over MARIO?! Blasphemy! Mario had a lot more substance and fun gameplay than sonic ever did, including Sonic 2 and 3. I would take SMB1 over Sonic anything anyday. Don't get me wrong, I Looooooooooooove old Sonic games, but not more than Mario ones.

Edited by KMFDM_Kid2000
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Spent a lot of time back then playing DBZ Super Butoden 1, 2, 3, especially 2. No one can beat me in a straight up Fireball clash, even to this day.

Wish I still owned those games, I imported them all, spent nearly $200 USD in 1995 for DBZ: SB3 >.< Now they come out like every 6 months for the 360 and Wii but they aren't as fun as the 16 bit fighters were. Stupid americanized DBZ dumbed down violence and being a damned kids show -.-

Edit: By the way, MSNBC's list is full of fail. I never liked DKC, it was just not fun for me. I wanted to like it, but I couldn't. And SONIC over MARIO?! Blasphemy! Mario had a lot more substance and fun gameplay than sonic ever did, including Sonic 2 and 3. I would take SMB1 over Sonic anything anyday. Don't get me wrong, I Looooooooooooove old Sonic games, but not more than Mario ones.

Those games were so much fun. I used to dream of playing them back when they had them on import lists in magazine ads. Finally when my friend and I found out about emulation back in 97 I finally got ahold of a rom for it and played it on ZSNES. The only DBZ game comparable to those is the one for PSX- Super Battle 22, or whatever it's called. I'll admit, I had some fun playing through Budokai Tenkaichi 3 on PS2, but nowhere near as great as the SNES and Genesis games. I always felt the Genesis games had the better graphics.

When I make lists I try to stray from the usual games that are basically shoo-ins. This is a tough list for me to make for that reason and because I'm constantly finding old gems that I never got to play when I was a kid.

I love Donkey Kong Country, I always have a lot of fun playing through it. I'm not sure exactly what it is about that game, but it's very enjoyable. I think if you play far enough into it, you'll probably find a level you like because there seems to be a little something for everyone in there. The controls feel kind of muddy to me sometimes, and that can definitely put a damper on your experience.

I played a lot more Sonic than Mario once I got a Sega, but Super Mario World is always king over all of those in my eyes. That game is just so massive and intricate. It's a masterpiece. And that star road stuff, the Gnarly, Tubular, etc... That was so awesome and fun to figure out! The only Sonic that compares to it is Sonic 3 with Sonic & Knuckles added on(the full-game playthrough). Even then, it's not as deep a game as SMW, at least in my eyes.

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I kinda thought of this thread as, "if everyone had to bring five 16 bit games to a party, which ones will you bring"?

I figured someone would bring Super Mario World, Super Mario Kart, A Link To The Past and Donkey Kong Country so I made sure to bring some alternatives that likely wouldn't be thought of. I agree that Super Mario World was a 10 star game for it's depth and control but it did seem a little easy after the first time through. The hardest part of SMW was unlocking the paths from Cheese Bridge to Star World.

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Sonic and Knuckles was ingenious. Just fantastic to be backwards compatible with even Sonic 1. And of course, Sonic CD was a gem. I never disliked Sega, I just favored Nintendo. I owned both, bought games for both. The Genesis had some REALLY great titles I still play to this day. Forgotten Worlds, Altered Beast, Decap attack. I do remember playing the Mega Drive's DBZ game, it was actually very good. Ultimate Battle 22 was fun at the time, but it hasn't aged well. Go play it to see what I mean. DBGT Final Bout has aged well on the other hand.

And also to mention, we're forgetting to even mention a classic I wasted many, MANY hours on, that being Sewer Shark. Not all FMV games were terrible, that one I absolutely loved. Better on the 3DO though, as was the case with most of those Sega CD FMV games. Just too much win during the 16 bit era.

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