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New Prince of Persia film footage!

Mister Zero

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The trailer indicates that the film's story will stick to that of the 2003 game Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, which centers on a magical dagger that can be used to speed up or slow downtime. The movie's script was co-written by Jordan Mechner, creator of the 1989 original Prince of Persia as well as Sands of Time, which was a critical hit on the PC, PlayStation 2, and original Xbox.

Directed by Mike Newell (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Donnie Brasco) and starring Jake Gyllenhaal sporting a decent British accent, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is due out on May 28 in the US and May 27 in the UK.

Around the same time the film opens in theaters, Ubisoft will reveal the next Prince of Persia game, according to unconfirmed reports. Tech site Neoseeker reports that at a press event last week where Bruckheimer was on hand, unidentified members of the film's crew revealed Ubisoft is planning to announce a follow up to last year's hit, Prince of Persia.

Article care of Gamespot: http://www.gamespot.com/news/6238634.html?tag=latestheadlines;title;2
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I remember playing POP on DOS and then on all 8 and 16 bit consoles. The controls were deep for the time and popular. I even remember some rip-offs like Sinbad and another that escapes me.

I never new there were movies so I assume it wasn't all that popular. The new one looks like your typical action adventure movie. I doubt it will be a blockbuster. It doesn't look as though they used as many effects as The Mummy.

I took a shot of the two Super Nintendo games Prince of Persia 1 and 2.



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I haven't been a fan of the whole Jake Gyllenhaal as the Prince thing so far and I'm still not. Why don't they have someone who is actually Persian? I'm sure the movie won't suffer, it more bugs me than anything.

Other than that it looks pretty epic. Your thoughts?

Other than that it looks pretty FAIL. --- Fixed.

Come on...Prince of Persia is one of those games that Does NOT translate to a live action. Maybe a cartoon (See Mega Man) but definently not a live action. Jake Gyllenhaal as an action superstar is kinda like Jim Carrey in a serious movie (See Cable Guy) or Adam Sandler in a multilanguage drama (See Spanglish). I could go on forever....this movie is destined for IMDBs bottom 20 of all time.

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That look's really good but then I have been burned by misleading trailers in the past.

I agree with Mister Zero that it would be better if someone more authentically Persian looking was cast in the part but I guess it was felt that a recognizable actor would ensure more ticket sale's.

Still not sure about Jake Gyllenhaal but the trailer look's really impressive. :)

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That look's really good but then I have been burned by misleading trailers in the past.

I agree with Mister Zero that it would be better if someone more authentically Persian looking was cast in the part but I guess it was felt that a recognizable actor would ensure more ticket sale's.

Still not sure about Jake Gyllenhaal but the trailer look's really impressive. :)

If you do a really good google search you should be able to find the fan made live action trailer for a PoP film. It makes that trailer look like Menos the Hand of Fate (for years the worst film of all time according to IMDB).

I repeat - this film will blow.

I just read an article where the director was talking about "boss battles" in the film and how he is "reinvisioning" PoP. These are two things that should never even come up in making a live action film based on a game, let alone bragged about. Again, reinvisioning and boss battles are perfect for cartoons and games, not for live action films. Watch and learn as more info/footage of this comes out.

Remember...He-Man the live action movie was all about epic "boss battles" and a "reinvisioning" of Masters of the Universe set in a live action world. Even I have a hard time watching that film...and, of course, I have the power.

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Ugh. I had hope that this would be one video game movie to turn out okay. They should just leave video games alone and stop trying to make them into films for those who have already played the games which are always far superior.

One video game movie I can stand, mainly because it's full of cheese and I like that, is the Double Dragon movie. It was terrible, but it's so cheesy and stupid that I actually like to watch it from time to time.


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