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Gamepro Issue 2


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Also, I said this in the shout box, but I'll say it here too: if anyone wants to buy the actual GamePro #2 and get it scanned, I'm willing to throw $20 at the cause. I'm also willing to be the person who buys it, if it's easier to just donate to me, but since I'm not an established member here I wouldn't expect that level of trust yet. This issue seems to be the hardest one to find, and I'd really like to get the scan out of the way.

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It was listed as issue 2. If the one I bought isn't issue 2, is this one?


Ebay Gamepro issue 2.

This one has no bids yet and I'm watching it to end in 3 days. I'll bid on it within the last minute if the price doesn't go way up. I hope the guy doesn't visit here either or he might have someone jack the price up on us.

Doh! I'll go to the bank tomorow and see if I can reverse the charges on the first purchase. I don't know who's stupider the guy who advertised it wrong or the sucker who bought it. ;) Either way, I'm not looking forward to communicating with this francophone. All I know are the dirty words. :P

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  • Retromags Curator

It was listed as issue 2. If the one I bought isn't issue 2, is this one?


Ebay Gamepro issue 2.

That is indeed issue 2.

Issue 7 that you bought is already uploaded to the site. So try hard to get a refund, since that's a lot of money for nothing, unless you want to collect the actual magazines. :)

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Also, I said this in the shout box, but I'll say it here too: if anyone wants to buy the actual GamePro #2 and get it scanned, I'm willing to throw $20 at the cause. I'm also willing to be the person who buys it, if it's easier to just donate to me, but since I'm not an established member here I wouldn't expect that level of trust yet. This issue seems to be the hardest one to find, and I'd really like to get the scan out of the way.

I can throw some money towards it too. I can also scan it even though it will require a bit of extra work. But I have nothing else to scan at the moment. We should probably try to pool some money together since it does seem to be a hard issue to get.

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I got my refund this morning after explaining why I was mislead into believing his magazine was issue 2. B)

I'm going to ask the seller of the real issue 2how much it will be to ship to Canada. $62.90 is steep but this is near mint condition so it won't take much to edit and only 79 pages.

This isn't going to turn out like season 2 episode 21 Three Men and A Comic Book where Bart, Millhouse, and Martin buy the 1st issue of Radioactive Man then can't share it because once I scan it and make it public there will be no question. :)

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Thanks for letting us know about this issue Redeye. The Gamepros and the EGM's are my favorite magazines and one big reason why I live here. I spent a fortune on them off the newstand. They had the best writers and reviewers and the biggest magazines that kept me reading them months after I purchased them.

Why do you two want to keep the magazine so bad? Do you guys have a collection of these things? If so I could understand because I admit to having a shelf full of Archie comics. If you want to hold on to these magazines for 100 years when they'll truly be rare items, you would need to bag them.

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Thanks for letting us know about this issue Redeye. The Gamepros and the EGM's are my favorite magazines and one big reason why I live here. I spent a fortune on them off the newstand. They had the best writers and reviewers and the biggest magazines that kept me reading them months after I purchased them.

Why do you two want to keep the magazine so bad? Do you guys have a collection of these things? If so I could understand because I admit to having a shelf full of Archie comics. If you want to hold on to these magazines for 100 years when they'll truly be rare items, you would need to bag them.

Yes, I have a very large collection of game magazines, about 19 short boxes full. I'm a journalist and historian, I use them as a reference library.

Not a big deal if someone wants this one more than me, I just like having them around. For me it's a lot easier to go to my files and pull a magazine than it is for me to flip through digital versions if I need some information.

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  • Retromags Curator

Why do you two want to keep the magazine so bad? Do you guys have a collection of these things? If so I could understand because I admit to having a shelf full of Archie comics. If you want to hold on to these magazines for 100 years when they'll truly be rare items, you would need to bag them.

I don't want it badly at all. I have a few issues here and there. It'd be cool to have, but I'm not a collector. The RedEye is, so by all means sell it to him. As a non-collector, I don't need it :)

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A lot of scanned mags exihibit the discoloration due to their thickness when scanned. It all boils down to whether the scanner is prepared to destroy the mag to get a perfect scan, especially if the mag has a straight glued binding. Personally, I wont destroy a mag I own just to provide a 100% perfect scan but I do press the inside edge manually rather than relying on the top cover to get as close to the centre as possible.

So whatever suits you is fine. People should just be grateful for anything that you provide rather than being picky.

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The Magazine showed up today and I already started scanning. About halfway through I noticed the pages weren't laying flat enough on the glass so I'm going to have to remove the staples.

Notice the shadows along the edge. It's especially noticeable on the white pages.


I personally wouldn't worry about that too much. Not everyone is willing to dismantle a magazine, so some issues have that. I don't consider it a big deal. And on the white pages, the shadow can be erased in Photoshop or a similar program :)

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