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I want Namco Museum!


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Ok sure not the current Namco Museums but I'd want them to go back to the way PSX Namco Museums were.

(By the way I'd also like a classic Nintendo arcade disc like this)

Instead of just putting the games all on one disc I want to actually get some info on the games. Videos, Interviews, History.

The current Museum games are so lame. Yeah you can play the game but I like to have the history along with it. Maybe I just need to get the old Namco Museums but then I'll have to buy a working PlayStation to play them on too :P

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The Midway Arcade Treasures compilations were pretty good on this front, with many of the games having video interviews, artwork, arcade instruction sheets and other assorted tidbits available for those interested in the history of the games to browse and peruse. Likewise, the Ultimate Genesis Collection that was released last year has TONS of artwork and videos to unlock and view for the games featured. Some of the other compilations, though, are just a "game dump" as it were, where you get to pick what you want to play and that's all, which is sad.



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I have both.

I have the 360 title with a handful of Namco titles, some updated(with originals), some obscure. It's okay.

I do have one of the PSX compilations(weren't there 5?), which I just wish had more games on it. You can fit a lot on a DVD or CD when it comes to older games.

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I loved the old Namco Museum games for the PSX for the same reasons, as well as the Williams Arcade Classics games, too. The Taito Legends and Capcom Classics games are also pretty good, and Atari Anthology is jam-packed with info, even though it isn't just about arcade games. The Activision Anthology is good, too, as well as the Genesis collection Areala mentioned. When the companies that made the games include a history and videos and neat extras, it makes it all the more worthwhile.

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