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Mega Man TEN


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This series jumped the shark long ago after MM4. Capcom insists on not letting this die. MM9 was nice, I must say. The Retro throwback was awesome, and is quite a nice novelty. But seriously, they need to find some new IP's. Capcom is notorious for milking franchises. SF2 anyone? Of course MM10 will be fun, they all are. And being Wii Ware, at least it won't be expensive. But seriously, why can't we have a new UN Squadron? Or another Captain Commando? Like a really good one, not how they goofed up on Bionic Commando (NOT rearmed, that was AWESOME). I would love to see a Bionic Commando sequel in the fashion of Rearmed.

I have lots of faith in Capcom, they are a quality brand, but they do focus on certain franchises way too much while starving others.

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They really want to go back to their roots with this one. It looks exactly like the 8 bit Nintendo version.

Personally, I enjoyed the Playstation versions of MegaMan X. The redesign was ultimate cool with lush animations and colorful backgrounds. Not to mention the CD sound which complimented the rest of the game. Nowadays having high quality sound isn't too hard for a company with vast amounts of samples hiding in their folders.

Everyone whined that MegaMan strayed too far from his roots on the Playstation (well enough did) but now I'm whinning that Mega Man should have more complicated graphics and environment instead of the same process of memorizing the pattern of each level and guessing which attachment hurts which baddie the most.

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I had a lot of fun trying to play through one of the later MMX games on PS2 with a friend of mine. They had added a new character to the mix, Axl(another of their GnR references), and he wasn't terrible. The game was either pretty challenging, or badly flawed. Either way, we had a few beers and a good time. Almost beat the game, to boot.

I loved MM9. Sure, it's all the old stuff over again, but honestly, that's what I miss. I'm tired of them trying too hard to revamp the series and totally missing the point. Really, I'd like to know how Capcom does their research and development sometimes. Are they interviewing children or longtime players?

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