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Why the magazines are gone?


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  • Retromags Curator

Public trackers suck, but private ones like Demonoid are good. I uploaded the Taz-Mania cartoon series on Demonoid in January 2007, and it was seeded until the site wnet down a couple of months ago. Over two and a half years isn't bad :)

But MegaUpload seems like the simplest permanent solution.

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  • Retromags Curator

Just an update so you guys know what I am doing behind the scenes.....

I am currently bringing things back online, I have started with the Nintendo Power section first. Now I could just go to town getting the Nintendo Power Download section back up....Or I could get everything Nintendo Power related up to date and organized. I have decided to get each publication fixed across the board....so what does that mean?

1) Find the Nintendo Power section in our Gallery, rename those cryptic names such as "np 07-06" to "Nintendo Power Issue 216"

2) Go into the Nintendo Power section in our Download Manager....and remove the broken Rapidshare and Local links. Replace the local link with a working MegaUpload link. Link the Screen shot from our Gallery to the Download Manager...and approve the file for viewing by the rest of the site.

3) Go into the back end of the website and find the Nintendo Power category for the Download Section.....and enable everyone to be able to download (since they are no longer hosted here)

4) Go into the Project Tracker and find the Nintendo Power category and make sure that statuses are set correctly. Also link the screenshot from our Gallery into each magazines status page.

I know that looks like a lot of work, and for the bigger publications it will be. I will be bringing up the biggest ones first....

Nintendo Power



Bear with me as I get us back on our feet

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  • Retromags Curator

Well .... let me know when Teamies have editing capabilities so I can add PDF download links to the description field. Do you think this may all be invalidated though by the new download module coming soon?

For the PDF versions, I do think it may result in more work if we put them in the descriptions now. Probably best to wait for the next release of the software to see how we can implement them in

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No worries.

I have them all uploaded to MU anyway so it's just a case of copy/pasting in the link anyway ... but if you think it's easier with the next release then it's all good. Considering I'm sorta the only one doing the PDF conversion/uploading here I'm the one it impacts the most so anything that makes my day easier is obviously going to be appreciated.

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  • Retromags Curator

Let me know if I can help in any way. I don't have too many magazines backed up here, and my DSL upload speed caps at around 40K/sec, but if you need somebody to sacrifice some bandwidth getting magazines on to a media hosting site like MU, I can tell you what I have and help with the chore of getting our archive back up and running just to take a smidgen of the strain off everybody else. :)



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Let me know if I can help in any way. I don't have too many magazines backed up here, and my DSL upload speed caps at around 40K/sec, but if you need somebody to sacrifice some bandwidth getting magazines on to a media hosting site like MU, I can tell you what I have and help with the chore of getting our archive back up and running just to take a smidgen of the strain off everybody else. :)



I can do the same. My upload speed is about the same at 50 Kilobytes/sec. I could get 5 gigabytes uploaded to Mega by tuesday morning and add the links to the download section at the same time.

I have uploaded all the Atari Age and EGM's that I had to my own Mega account. I could make them available right now.

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Well ..... it looks like I am at a loose end until Phillyman get's all the other esoteric mag area's sorted out anyway so I am on a hiatus until then. Probably until he gets the next release of the site software up and running actually, when we should be able to easily incorporate alternate links rather than having to add them to the description field.

So at this stage I am not scanning anything new .... just taking some much needed time out with family & friends.

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