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Retro Holiday Memories

Mister Zero

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What are some of your best holiday gaming memories?

One of my favorite memories is of the year I was given the Ninja Turtles game for NES. I had wanted it for so long, and my parents told me they weren't getting it so my hopes had been all but dashed. We lived in Virginia at the time and some family were coming to visit for the holiday week. Little did I know, my grandparents had bought the game for me and that's why my parents hadn't. I can still remember opening it up that morning, and I kept the box for a long time until it was all beaten up and I had to throw it away.

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My list of games for Christmas was short. We got the Colecovision and that was the best. Then years later I got an NES Action Set.

I got Dr Mario, Super C, Battletoads and Double Dragon 3 for Nintendo. That was it.

We rented games and I got games for my birthday then eventually found it easier to earn money and get what I want.

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Getting River City Ransom for the NES from my grandparents was one of the best retro (though not at the time) presents I ever received (this was around 1990). One of the best beat-em-ups in the world, it and Super Dodge Ball are two of my favorite NES titles of all time. So much playability, fun, and and two-player support packed into those little carts. My brother and I spent most of the rest of the evening beating the crap out of the bad guys (and each other) and laughing our heads off until mom made us turn the NES off and go outside for a bit. :)

And again, it isn't exactly retro, but Christmas 2007, my beloved Jessica got me the 60GB PS3 I had been trying to save for all year long. :)



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Not exactly retro but this Xmas I got a PS2 at long last .... the slim version .... so I am sure that qualifies as retro ...sort of ....

And if you want real retro .... I just picked up 2 x Amiga A1200's to go with the 4 x Amiga A500's I obtained a few weeks back. The A1200's both came with 8MB's of RAM instead of the standard 2MB. Both function perfectly. Also picked up a Commodore 1942 monitor, bulk power supplies[very handy for those A500's], bulk software on disks and original manuals. Quite a haul ... and the whole lot cost me $51.00. Nice chrissy prezzie if I do say so myself.

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Not exactly retro but this Xmas I got a PS2 at long last .... the slim version .... so I am sure that qualifies as retro ...sort of ....

Nope sorry. PS 2 is last generation which means you can find all the games at major discount. Picture a 16 year old who wants to upgrade to PS 3 except he has low funds, so he gets 20 bucks for the game system and 2 bucks per game from the pawn shop. Ebay might give a little more but you have to pay to advertise on Ebay and transferring funds between Paypal and bank account costs percentage and a 5 working days. What I'm saying is now's the time to collect PS 2 games.

And if you want real retro .... I just picked up 2 x Amiga A1200's to go with the 4 x Amiga A500's I obtained a few weeks back. The A1200's both came with 8MB's of RAM instead of the standard 2MB. Both function perfectly. Also picked up a Commodore 1942 monitor, bulk power supplies[very handy for those A500's], bulk software on disks and original manuals. Quite a haul ... and the whole lot cost me $51.00. Nice chrissy prezzie if I do say so myself.

It's funny how the best Christmas presents are the ones you buy for yourself but then again, that isn't a present.

You must have a lot of rooms in your mansion to set up and work with all these antique computers.

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Nope sorry. PS 2 is last generation which means you can find all the games at major discount. Picture a 16 year old who wants to upgrade to PS 3 except he has low funds, so he gets 20 bucks for the game system and 2 bucks per game from the pawn shop. Ebay might give a little more but you have to pay to advertise on Ebay and transferring funds between Paypal and bank account costs percentage and a 5 working days. What I'm saying is now's the time to collect PS 2 games.

That's what I was thinking. With the Crashbox 360 & PS3 out for 2 years now the PS2 is now old school and the game prices have dropped through the floor so indeed a great time to grab one. No incentive to even consider modding it at this point in time & I always like original games sitting on the shelf.

It's funny how the best Christmas presents are the ones you buy for yourself but then again, that isn't a present.

And what's wrong with buying yourself a prezzie when you know the wife loathes anything to do with old PC's or consoles? And the kids don't have jobs so cannot really buy much for the wife and I, nor would we expect them to. Anyway, I didn't know what games came with them so you could say I was definitely surprised by what I got ... sounds prezzie like to me biggrin.gif

You must have a lot of rooms in your mansion to set up and work with all these antique computers.

Well ... I do have the whole basement area to myself. So I have the Amiga 1200 setup next to my old Compaq Deskpro EN which will be used to transfer floppy games over to it via null-modem cable. The rest of the Amiga's & Atari's are sitting on the shelf at present.

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  • 2 months later...

Best retro video game holiday, of course, everyone's favorite bar none, hands down, your birthday. On my birthday i think i remember getting a NES back in 1990 or 1991 with Zelda and Super Mario and Duck Hunt and that atheletic game with the 6 number gamepad like the ones used for DDR but it wasn't DDR. then in 1992 or 1993 i got a SNES on my next birthday or was it some random day not holiday.

i don't care i miss these video games

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It doesn't matter. To me, birthdays count. Actually, I was just thinking of my fourth, when I got my NES Action System with the dual cart Super Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt. BEST GIFT EVER! I still have it to this day- 22 years, 40 something games and a new 72-pin connector later. My dad was always greedy to play it in those early days, so I kind of get the feeling looking back that it was a bit for him as well as me. :P

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