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Rumour: Shigeru Miyamoto quitting Nintendo?

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This is really ashame if its true, he pioneered soo many of Nintendo's franchises :(

Some unconfirmed news via www.wiisos.com that Shigeru Miyamoto, game designer and developer of Nintendo, one of the most prestigious developers known today, famous for being the creator of Super Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong and other famous Nintendo franchises and considered the best game designer in history, announced he will retire from the Big N at the end of 2010, due to differences with the company.

The father of Mario Bros. has not given details about the "differences" they have with Nintendo, but an internal source asserts that Miyamoto does not like the direction being taken by the company with respect to the hardcore gamers, who Shigeru feels disappointed to have to focus more on games for casual gamers.

Miyamoto has been talking about Nintendo lately without much hesitation like before, so it seems that there is less respect from Nintendo and out siders. Other major developers and various other workers within the industry have been poking Shigeru Miyamoto, plastering all other gaming sites that he is now a liability to Nintendo and should retire. Maybe this disrespect had pushed him to wan't to retire early? who knows, lets wait and see.

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Retire early and start a new franchise with his connections and experience. He could make more money developing games for all the consoles if money was even the concern. It's probably about making the games you want for the people you know who will like them and N is about collecting treasure chests. Interesting. He could have left long ago. 5 years at any job is long enough for anyone to move on, but I guess it might be different when you make games for Nintendo.

Phil Collins had a wonderful career after he quit Genesis to go solo. Maybe the same could happen for Shigeru.

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I'd like to see him go and take all his creations with him. Hah! That would be the day Nintendo dies.

I love Nintendo, but without him they'd be nothing. Just look at them now, licensing a bunch of crappy games trying to make a buck. Sure, the whole active gaming thing caught on, but just who innovated that?

I'd like to see him go and get rights to his creations, make his own company with the good programmers from Nintendo, and burn Nintendo and all it's crappy third party franchises like an old Barbie doll.

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Whoa, I think Nintendo would fair well with the crew they have now with or without Shigeru. Young artists and designers/programmers have fresh ideas and are a vital part of the future of gaming.

Let's pretend Miyamoto has left the building for good. He may have alot of Nintendo's secrets tucked under his plumber's cap but he won't be releasing anything with the name or likeness of any of Nintendo's franchises. Nintendo's lawyers will chew him up and spit him out.

He is talented in all the fields of videogame design but his strength is in leadership and direction. He just needs a team who will work for him and the cash to buy the workstations, building rent with utilities, Networking, and of course wages.

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Phil Collins had a wonderful career after he quit Genesis to go solo. Maybe the same could happen for Shigeru.

That's true .... but his solo career music is all Pop & while it appeals to the masses his best MUSIC definitely came out of his time with the Genesis. That's usually the way though, when everyone teams up to produce something special. YES is another band for example, where all the members produced solo efforts but when you put them together they sound so much better than their individual efforts.

No one person should ever be indispensible. It would be a travesty if just because Shigeru left that Nintendo were to fold. And that is a little disrespectful to everyone else employed by them. Now IF it came to pass that they collapsed ...well ... that's a different story ...

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