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EGM Magazine to return March 2010


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I know I will be resubscribing.....how about you guys?

EGM Re-Launch to Be Handled By Nation’s Leading Newsstand Magazine Distributor

December 18, 2009 - Beverly Hills, CA – EGM Media LLC, publisher of leading independent video game magazine "Electronic Gaming Monthly," announced today that it has entered into an agreement with Time/Warner Retail Sales & Marketing to handle newsstand marketing and Sales for the title when it returns to bookstores, newsstands, and other retailers in March 2010.

“Time Warner Retail is the preeminent player in the single-copy field so it should be no surprise that we have selected them to represent the print version of the publication,” said Steve Harris, publisher of Electronic Gaming Monthly and president of EGM Media, LLC. “The fact Time/Warner Retail’s relationship with the title goes back nearly twenty years made this an easy decision and one that will immediately benefit our efforts.”

“We’re thrilled to once again be representing one of the leading titles in its category,” said Mike Bogas, Senior Marketing Manager of Time/Warner Retail Sales & Marketing. “Electronic Gaming Monthly is a brand that is synonymous with the gaming field and one that has consistently performed well for us in the past. The new changes that EGM is making to integrate print and digital will only enhance the product further.”

The new print version of Electronic Gaming Monthly includes a special code included in each newsstand copy that upgrades each reader’s access to the new weekly interactive version of the magazine. This enhanced version of the digital publication, called EGM: The Digital Magazine contains exclusive article extensions and original content throughout each issue.

"With our new weekly digital format, and the premium enhancement that newsstand purchasers will receive, we're changing the value proposition in a new and meaningful way," explained Harris. "Not only does the digital companion allow us to offer additional content that is complementary to the print magazine, but it also gives us a way to communicate with our readers and update the print product in an ongoing manner."

This first issue of the new print edition of Electronic Gaming Monthly will carry an April cover and include a special cover story continuing the EGM tradition of highlighting the best games of the year. The premier issue of the re-launch will also boast game previews, a new review Crew featuring the return of Sushi-X, and commentary from a host of columnists including EGM personalities such as Quartermann, Dan “Shoe” Hsu, Sean “Seanbaby” Reiley, and many others.


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No I will not. I was subscribed up to 2011 Jan and they just up and dropped the publication with out saying anything and with out even offering an alternative for my subscription. Forget EGM.

This is a different crew though. Aren't they using a different publisher as well? It was Ziff Davis that let the magazine fail. They bought up EGM and Videogames.com in the late nineties/early 21st century and got too commercial.

I all but forgot about Gamespot/Videogames.com & Ziff Davis by 2003/04 when 1up.com got involved.

I liked EGM up until the PS 2 launch then I dropped of the map of buying console games therefore I do not need to read about it. The internet sadly replaced the printed paper for no other reason than money.

If EGM is diverse enough to include PC/Mac and other future and past information and articles I might be interested but cash shortage is preventing this at the moment. They would also need to make the issues weigh in around 300 pages. It's hard to keep price down when color printing is so expensive and the crew needs to make a living and you don't know if anyone is going to buy it.

I'll be watching.

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If it comes out and impresses me, I might buy a copy or two. If the subscriptions are cheap enough and it's a great magazine, count me in. I like the ideas he had with the website going along with the mag. If they could do that in a new, creative way, I'd probably be on board. I'd love to see back issues hosted on the site, but alas, we have a lot of them here anyhow. ;P

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Well I kind of lost interest in EGM many years ago anyway. I get Game Informer and Nintendo Power I think that's enough anyway. I miss the days of the old EGM when they were the leader in information on the video game front. I don't know if it's the internet that has really killed them or my lack in interest with video games. Don't get me wrong I still play games and buy new ones but I'm not as into video games as I used to be. Who knows maybe at the age of 31 I've started to grow up. (No that can't be it). I need a video game console to come out that will make remember what it was like to really and truly be excited in video games again. I thought the Revolution was supposed to do that, granted I do like the Wii but none of the consoles since the Dreamcast has really grabbed my attention and shook me like a baby with SBS.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm hoping with Steve Harris and a lot of the old crew on board, that EGM might be an entertaining magazine to read again. I was also completely jipped on a subscription attempt that resulted in recieving NO issues of what i paid for....but...for what it's worth, i'm willing to give it a shot--all my other mag subscriptions have run out anyway, so....why not?

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