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Game system prices.. just wondering..

Mister Zero

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I don't remember that far back. The two systems my parents bought for us were back in 1980 or 1981 the Atari 2600 I know the system was quite pricey back then. The other one was the Sega Master System 3D set with light gun. After those I bought the systems my self. My brother bought a Genesis and Turbo Grafx. My other brother bought also a Atari 7800, under fifty bucks - fifty bucks isn't that nice. Oh and a Genesis/Sega CD/32x as with a Game Gear. And me... I was buying the Nintendo stuff. NES, SNES, Gameboy after that point in video games I started to become a teen and had a good job and well it all went down hill from there. More and more and more expensive video games and what do I have to show for it now. Not much because I've sold off much of it.

I still have my favorites though.

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$150 for a Vectrex in '96. Just the console + controller. No packaging. I was happy. Sold it many years later for $70. I don't mind. I never got the multi-cart for it.

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Well, Thor, I thought you did just fine! :jester:

It's amazing some of the prices tacked onto old systems I come across in some mags. I was just wondering if anyone actually paid that back then. Seems like most people here are pretty frugal, though, so no major losses recorded so far!

I've managed to hold onto my old systems throughout the years. They're nothing rare, but they have a big sentimental value to me so I think I'll always set aside some closet space for them. Does anybody look back and regret selling their old systems?

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It`s hard to remember what we paid for stuff. When we got the Colecovision with the Adam computer and printer I believe it was around 800 dollars. I never asked for the computer part but it came with the Coleco and plugged into the expansion port. The printer was loud and their was no operating system. You turn the Adam on and you had a word processor. Too much for a dumb 8 year old like myself, I played the data tape of Buck Rodgers. I think that was the only game we had for the computer part. We had about 35 games for Coleco.

I think the NES Action Set was going for $200.00 in 87 when I got it. I played with Super Mario Brothers and Duck Hunt so much and I slept with the controllers the first night.

The Turbographx 16 cost my old man 300 bucks in 89.

Sold it for 50 bucks with extra controllers and 13 games.

Bought another for 50 bucks at a Radio Shack clearance.

Sold it and bought another one in 2001 off Ebay for 20 bucks with some games.

I bought a Genesis in 92 for 30 bucks at a pawn shop. First generation with the volume switch.

Bought 3 more Genesis over the years fo 15 bucks new style.

Bought N64 for 200 bucks.

Dreamcast launch I spent 400 and change for the console, a vmu an extra controller Soul Calibur and Ready to Rumble.

Bought a second Dreamcast for 130 bucks in 2000 and a third in 2001 for 99. Always new.

Bought used Gamecube in 2004 with wireless controllers, Madden and True Crime for 60 bucks.

Sold all that stuff or lent or gave it away. Stolen sold or broken. I don`t have room for consoles anymore.

I`ve spent over 10,000 dollars on computers through the years being a smart shopper and building myself and have never been more happy.

Thinking back to the good old days of video gaming, when the Turbographx, Genesis, Nintendo and Super Nintendo were mainstream, I always wanted the Neo Geo. For 800 bucks you could get the system and two controllers. It was truely as close as you could get to bring the arcade cabinet to your television set. In 1990 the sound and Graphics were about 10 years ahead of it`s time. The games were expensive to make but SNK supported this system for over 10 years. There was one game I loved and that was Baseball Stars 2. I have a nice video of that I need to crop before I can upload it to youtube another day. There were other great games like the Metal Slug series some great shoot em ups tons of fighting games and CyberLip. Too many sleepers to mention in this thread but it was not the best investment for a kid when you could get more for less with the weaker systems.

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Aww man Dreamcast launch... I don't remember how much I spent.

Lets see.


1 extra controller

2 VMUs


Hydro Thunder

Ready 2 Rumble

Sonic Adventure

Tokyo Extreme Racing

Mortal Kombat Gold

I loved the Dreamcast and still do. I think the DC had the best launch ever. No other company will be able to as good of a job. The sad thing was the man who set up and headed the launch of the Dreamcast was fired a few days before the actual launch.

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I remember thinking that the original Playstation was pretty expensive when I bought it. I can't remember the exact price but I'm sure it was well over 300 Irish Punt's ( long before the Euro became our currency).

Even though it was expensive, as soon as I saw one in action I had to get it. I remember the first time I saw a Playstation I was walking past a cool little independent video game store and in the window there was one playing Battle Arena Toshinden. I must have stared at the game demo in the window for at least five minute's, I was that impressed. Of course the Battle Arena Toshinden game's were never the best of the fighting game's but I was knocked out by the game's 3D visual's. It was just such a huge leap graphically in comparison to the 16 bit console's that I had been used to.

Actually speaking of the 16 bit console's, I'm sure the Snes was fairly expensive too when I got one. Can't remember it's price though, way too long ago. :)

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SNES on release was only $200. That is one thing Nintendo always tries to do is make their consoles afordable. I don't think they have ever broke the $250 barrier.

But you want expensive how about CD-i $699.99 or 3D0 $699 or even Neo-Geo $599.

Of course the PS3 was I think 5$99 as well. The hardcore gamers will always pay the price.

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SNES on release was only $200. That is one thing Nintendo always tries to do is make their consoles afordable. I don't think they have ever broke the $250 barrier.

But you want expensive how about CD-i $699.99 or 3D0 $699 or even Neo-Geo $599.

Of course the PS3 was I think 5$99 as well. The hardcore gamers will always pay the price.

I bought my SNES when it price-dropped to $149 and came with the coupon to send in for "Super Mario All-Stars". Saving $50 off the purchase price let me get Wanderers From Ys as my first title, which I naturally played to death. :)



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