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Let's play a game!


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Ok though I've only drawn 2 so far I plan on doing many more after this.

What I'm going to do is draw a character from a video game using GIMP then I will post it here and you have to name the character and the name of the game they came from.

As a bonus name the platform or platforms the game was on. And try not to cheat try and keep this with out searching the net for the answer.

Here is the first one and should be easy to say the character and game. But do you know all the platforms it's been on?


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Okay, so it's Princess Daphne from Dragon's Lair. Off the top of my head, Dragon's Lair has been on:

The Arcade Game

Sega CD

Philips CD-i


Game Boy Color

Countless DVD releases

There were also releases for the

Commodore 64


Game Boy

But they were all new adventures based on the original, so I don't know if they count.

Are you also including the new adventures made for Xbox, Game Cube, and PS2?

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24 reads but no more replies. Ok

Gameboy Color





Here is the next one. And this one wont be as easy it's from a pretty obscure video game.


I didn't reply because I didn't know who that chick was. I was going to add that Dragon's Lair was on Pioneer Laser Disc and one of the Amigas but because I couldn't use google, I wasn't sure. And Dragon's Lair is not on Pioneer Laserdisc.

I don't know this new one either. It looks like an FMV of Magic Knight Rayearth on Sega Saturn but I wouldn't bet on it.

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I did say Game Boy Color, so there! ~hmph~ ^_^

No you said Gameboy. There was a Gameboy (side scroller) and the GBC version that was much closer to the Arcade.

But I forgot to say NES version as well.

But for the new picture no it's not an FMV game.

I will give you a hint. She is a bounty hunter.

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No you said Gameboy. There was a Gameboy (side scroller) and the GBC version that was much closer to the Arcade.

But I forgot to say NES version as well.

Au contraire, mon frere. Now, I did say Game Boy as well, but I did say Game Boy Color.

It's right in between "3DO" and "Countless DVD releases". ^_^

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24 reads but no more replies. Ok

Gameboy Color





Here is the next one. And this one wont be as easy it's from a pretty obscure video game.


Easy- Popful Mail, or Mail, from the game Popful Mail which appeared on Sega(Mega)CD and possibly Sega Genesis. I'm surprised no one knew that one.

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Au contraire, mon frere. Now, I did say Game Boy as well, but I did say Game Boy Color.

It's right in between "3DO" and "Countless DVD releases". ^_^

LOL! I don't know how I missed that!!! WOW

Easy- Popful Mail, or Mail, from the game Popful Mail which appeared on Sega(Mega)CD and possibly Sega Genesis. I'm surprised no one knew that one.


I love Popful Mail such a great game. Yes Sega/Mega CD but it's also on 2 other consoles.

The Sega CD version is the most known for Popful Mail. But there is another version that looks so much better than the Sega CD. Then there is one that does not have the cut scenes.

I still have a little more work to do on the next drawing but if the other consoles get called out I may post the picture before it's finished or I'll just finish it first I don't know.

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Well if naming all the systems Phantasy Star was on, I can take an educated guess.

Master System


Game Gear


Playstation 2


Game Cube

Playstation Portable

It is also on the GBA if you include the Phantasy Star Collection, and the Xbox 360 and PS3 if you include the Genesis Collection. And the Wii if you include the virtual console. Do those count?

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It is also on the GBA if you include the Phantasy Star Collection, and the Xbox 360 and PS3 if you include the Genesis Collection. And the Wii if you include the virtual console. Do those count?

Well since Noah was only in the first Phantasy Star game it will only be PS1.

But with all of those it has been hit.







PS2 (Remake)

I think that's it.

These don't really count.

Only on Genesis with the Power Base Converter

Only on Master System with Master Gear Converter

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