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Retromags Weekly Update 1/9/10


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Retromags Weekly Update

Week Ending 1/9/2010



300+ Magazines Fixed, 300 To Go!

I would like to thank everyone who is helping me restore this website! There was an incredible amount of work to be done to fix this website and at the current rate we are getting things done, I have little doubt that next week at this time we will be 100% functional. Not only did our entire collection of magazines need to be uploaded to a new home, but permissions in the backend of this site had to be redone. The year 2010 will bring a great deal of structure and organization to Retromags. I will be doing my best to make processes easier and also to give you guys all the necessary information you need. More surprises coming in the near future B)

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Sorry, english is not my first language so I don't quite get what you mean, but I just wanna make life a bit easier for those who want to download the mags.

The whole problem I have with this is that if a person dumps all our mag links on a website people can bulk grab them without coming here and seeing what we are all about. This potentially results in the loss of someone who could potentially help out by donating mags, scans or whatever. In effect, like torrents, it caters to the leecher horde out there who have no interest other can collecting.

I mean to say ... if you just wanted was all the CBR links all you needed to do was ask Phillyman or for PDF's ask me as the facility exists with Megaupload for us to export a text file with all of them anyway. Would have saved you some time. But again .... the benefits are?

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I didn't put this on any other site besides here, but I see your point and if you are afraid someone else does it, then I won't do it anymore. Its just that it is much easier to download through JDownloader and I wanted to make it easier for other members as well.

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I didn't put this on any other site besides here, but I see your point and if you are afraid someone else does it, then I won't do it anymore. Its just that it is much easier to download through JDownloader and I wanted to make it easier for other members as well.

I know. I am not questioning your intentions for one second .... don't get me wrong ....

But all that needs to happen is one leecher visiting the site who grabs your .dlc file and next second it'll be on every leech forum and we've in all probability lost getting every single one off their users from actually visiting our site. We could make a case for say it'll ineveitably happen at some point anyway or that the thanks page might encourage them to visit ... but why make it any easier for them that it is already?

Just my own thoughts on the matter though ....

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It's unfortunate that regardless of what you or I and any of us do, the scans will all one day be found on a DVD in Ebay or on a torrent site or other file sharing site.

We go to great lengths to make browsing these old magazines as enjoyable as possible and it takes away Karma when nobody gives two sh**s about us.

I thought it was a little unusual for you to be posting this on our front page.

Was that aimed at me?

I just replied to the initial post with my own viewpoint on the matter.

@kuaneos ... thanks for removing the links. Now ..... if Phillyman weighs in on this and says it's all good hosting the DLC links to all content then that's a different kettle of fish. Until then better to have them removed. So good on you for seeing the other side of the equation and taking action.

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I don't think my posts were unrelated, specially the first one. Even though I haven't donated anything yet, I'm trying to help the site in any way I can and I just found out I have 3 EGM magazines which are listed as 'unfiled' and I intend to scan them. But I think you should be nicer to everyone here regardless if they are able to contribute or not.

Sorry for any troubles I have caused.

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Well, I assume whatever updates were done during the last update affected the forum scheme, and hence was relevant to said post.

I would expect a bit more courtesy from someone who just got a ton of magazines from me for free.

Your right, I'm sorry. You have every right to vent your problems with the forums. After kuaneos posted his jdownloader link I got shooken up.

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I just visited the Electronic Games DL section and my original posts are gone and it says uploaded by Jake and the file says "by Jake".

While I am appreciative, those links were already in place and I can't edit my original posts.

I also noticed that Waremonger's name isn't on his either?

Can this be fixed.


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Hey Guys,

Everyone just needs to settle down a little bit & chill out.

Jake is probably right in that the front page update is usually just to let people know what is new, is happening soon etc. General day to day problems are better dealt with in the usual forum posts so not to divert the original message.

However, things around here have been a tad messy lately with some of the Mod's etc working long hours to get magazines/cover scans etc back online as only they and some Team Members have the necessary access. This invariably means some of us have been a tad tired ... read cranky as a consequence ... so replies might have been a tad blunt as a result. This is in no way an excuse .... everyone deserves respect and should receive it 100%, however I am merely expressing the reason why people might reply in a vein not normally seen from them ... hey, I know I have ....

@badinsults .... your sending other guys here your magazines is an amazing act of generosity given everyone here knows the sort of money spent to obtain these. Giving them to members here ensures they will, when the appropriate time comes, be available for all our visitors and I am sure Jake will be doing everything possible to get your status here changed to reflect your positive contribution to our endevours.

@kuaneos .... I appreciate your comments and agree that things may have been better handled. I know if I had seen the post about the DLC's BEFORE you posted the links I would've probably just PM'ed not to post them until Phillyman had given the idea some thought and an answer.

@Crookedmouth .... hiya buddy .... Phillyman stated quite clearly that when he bombed out the unapproved links last week that we lost the records on who had made the original posts of ALL the magazines hosted here. It was a real bummer for sure and couldn't be rectified unfortunately. Since then four of five of us have been getting all the files back online and when you do the reload it always shows you as the submitter. Where we know the originator we definitely name them but I personally have no idea who submitted what other than the files I myself uploaded.

That's where you and anyone else who submitted content comes in. If any of you know who submitted particular files just let us know in a forum post and we'll happily edit the magazine page to reflect that. We want people who contributed mags to get the recognition they deserve 100% & Jake and everyone else getting the site back up and running will agree with me wholeheartedly.

Things here have been pretty full on for the last week but we are now not that far off getting back to full-steam ahead and where some of us can get back to actually scanning magazines again. I know I will be way less stressed when that time comes. So everyone relax and remember this is a hobby that should be enjoyed. So go grab a magazine you haven't read yet and chill with some great literature & if you're old enough ... a good beer or two. biggrin.gif

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  • Retromags Curator

I just visited the Electronic Games DL section and my original posts are gone and it says uploaded by Jake and the file says "by Jake".

While I am appreciative, those links were already in place and I can't edit my original posts.

I also noticed that Waremonger's name isn't on his either?

Can this be fixed.


Hey CrookedMouth, Only I have the ability to change who a file is from. The entire Download section was erased due to a stupid mistake, as such right now we are mass uploading everything yet again. I am planning to mass email every Team Member and ask them to let me know what files are theirs. Go ahead and compile a list of what you uploaded and I will change the ownership back into your name. Sorry for the mess up, but we are trying to rectify it as fast as possible.

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Was that aimed at me?

I just replied to the initial post with my own viewpoint on the matter.

@kuaneos ... thanks for removing the links. Now ..... if Phillyman weighs in on this and says it's all good hosting the DLC links to all content then that's a different kettle of fish. Until then better to have them removed. So good on you for seeing the other side of the equation and taking action.

I really dont mind if they compile the links for Jdownloader, even if we stop it from being posted here.....we cant police other websites.

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And if you're happy with it Phillyman then that's fine ....

Jake and I only wanted your view on having these sort of bulk links made available before posting them here given we could just as easily created these ourselves from our MU text export facility.

The only sad part is its a double hit on our traffic, Lets say someone puts up Jdownloader links.....not only does it bypass them coming here...but also a return person coming. For every person who clicks to MegaUpload from Retromags.....MegaUpload refers someone here the following day. Again though I will not prevent it, but it will not be a supported option that is monitored by our staff. This means you will be relying on a member like Kuaneos to keep the list updated.

Carry on :P

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The only sad part is its a double hit on our traffic, Lets say someone puts up Jdownloader links.....not only does it bypass them coming here...but also a return person coming. For every person who clicks to MegaUpload from Retromags.....MegaUpload refers someone here the following day. Again though I will not prevent it, but it will not be a supported option that is monitored by our staff. This means you will be relying on a member like Kuaneos to keep the list updated.

Carry on tongue.gif

Hence my personally not really liking the idea. The whole point of retromags is to preserve mags but in my mind the sentiment behind the site is also to make it interesting for people to come back by providng interesting information about the mags, content so they know what is in the mag before they download it and to provide a medium where people are encouraged not just to take but also to give back to the cause.

Bulk links provide none of the above. They merely provide a conduit for someone to just grab and run in one fell swoop. If that's the case we may as well have just created a torrent and not even have this site at all.

I know someone can just grab a mag at a time and then create a list and place it somewhere else. I know we can't prevent that happening. But that doesn't mean we should host the links here. It's a principle thing as far as I am concerned. If we're going down that path why not grab and make all OoPA's links available in one list here too? Or stop scanning ourselves and just find any old scans on the internet and make lists of those too?

Sorry ... that's my opinion. No-one will make me feel any different about it. You have to draw the line in the sand on a principle somewhere.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey CrookedMouth, Only I have the ability to change who a file is from. The entire Download section was erased due to a stupid mistake, as such right now we are mass uploading everything yet again. I am planning to mass email every Team Member and ask them to let me know what files are theirs. Go ahead and compile a list of what you uploaded and I will change the ownership back into your name. Sorry for the mess up, but we are trying to rectify it as fast as possible.

I've been MIA recently because I had to relocate and it took quite a lot of my time. Needless to say I was a bit shocked when I came back after (at least) a 6 month layoff and saw my submissions changed (mostly w/o giving me credit). It's good to see that ownership will be given back to the original uploader. Here is the stuff that I uploaded:

Electronic Games Vol. 1 No. 2 (Mar 82)

Electronic Games Vol. 1 No. 17 (Jul 83)

Electronic Games Vol. 2 No. 6 (Aug 83)

Computer Fun Issue #1 (Apr 1984)

Ahoy! Issue #1 (Jan 84)

COMPUTE! Vol. 9 No. 10, Issue #90 (Nov 87)

How to Win at Donkey Kong (Jun 1982)

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Official Player's Guide

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Official Player's Guide

I've noticed that some of the stuff doesn't look like it's been re-uploaded yet so I can do that if needed?

CrookedMouth: Thanks for looking out for me :-)

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