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List Your Magazines & Games For Sale On Retromags!


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New Section opens up for Buying, Selling and Trading!

I have noticed over the past few months that an increasing amount of members like to list items for sale here. I asked myself how I could better serve our community of members here...and it hit me! Rather than just open up a section on the forums for members to post about items they put on Ebay....Why not allow them to create virtual stores to sell their items! I worked tirelessly last night to create a way for members who already have Paypal accounts, to create "Buy It Now" buttons that would work on the forums. Now members who wish to sell some old video games or magazines can create individual listings and set the price, shipping and quantity of the items they have! Any member with at least 10 posts can post items they have for sale in our new section, our Staff, Team Members and Premium Members....have the ability to create "Buy it Now" buttons and sell directly from Retromags without the need of having a Ebay listing.

Why not check it out and start listing your items? Retromags gets indexed by Google every day, and we show up near the top of any search terms that have to do with games/magazines. Be descriptive in your titles and you are sure to get some bites on your items! Members are encouraged to create as many listings as they wish in this section!

Retromags does not assume responsibility for items listed within this system. Any issues should be taken up with the seller/buyer and Paypal directly!


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  • Retromags Curator

The only problem is deciding what to sell your stuff for instead of letting the (eBay) market decide for you :)

True, but if you know what you want out of the items. You can leave it in this system until someone comes forward. I probably will prune old items out at the first of the year.

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The only problem is deciding what to sell your stuff for instead of letting the (eBay) market decide for you :)

I see it more of a choice than a problem, now we can go with eBay or RETROMAGS each has it's pros and cons just like life...killer idea Phillyman ;)

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havn't been here long but thats one great idea :notworthy: .

i stopped selling stuff on ebay as the fees plus the paypal fees

i had a right go when paypal took money from my reiceving money. even

if you get sent a refund payment paypal takes % from it.

what gets me is ebay and paypal are all but one. just differnt departments.

i see the future and its not ebay there will be other compition sooner

or later and im not talking ebid.

so great idea im with it have if i have some stuff will use it and of course

will look out for thoses maga i need.

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  • Retromags Curator

havn't been here long but thats one great idea :notworthy: .

i stopped selling stuff on ebay as the fees plus the paypal fees

i had a right go when paypal took money from my reiceving money. even

if you get sent a refund payment paypal takes % from it.

what gets me is ebay and paypal are all but one. just differnt departments.

i see the future and its not ebay there will be other compition sooner

or later and im not talking ebid.

so great idea im with it have if i have some stuff will use it and of course

will look out for thoses maga i need.

They took quite a bit of my money when I sold a bunch of old Sega games last spring. I had to refund one person, and Paypal didn't refund me the fee they took. I had to btch it out with them in order for them to refund t because my account then had a negative balance and I couldn't use it. I won that one though. It was only 88 cents of something, but it was the principle of it. I wish there was an alternative to eBay that was popular. I know there is gamegavel, but it doesn't seen that busy.

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havn't been here long but thats one great idea :notworthy: .

i stopped selling stuff on ebay as the fees plus the paypal fees

i had a right go when paypal took money from my reiceving money. even

if you get sent a refund payment paypal takes % from it.

what gets me is ebay and paypal are all but one. just differnt departments.

i see the future and its not ebay there will be other compition sooner

or later and im not talking ebid.

so great idea im with it have if i have some stuff will use it and of course

will look out for thoses maga i need.

For big cities, I think the future is Craigslist. I haven't bought a thing off ebay in a long time. It's usually a big hassle and sometimes people take forever to send it out. It's also usually littered with people who jack up the price more than simply buying it at Amazon.com. You can't beat Craigslist because people come to you (no shipping hassles) and give cash (no fees to pay). It's also not traceable in case they ever start taxing transactions on the internet (probably not, but who knows).

I've sold about $300 worth of stuff on Craigslist and wouldn't do it any other way.

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  • Retromags Curator

For big cities, I think the future is Craigslist. I haven't bought a thing off ebay in a long time. It's usually a big hassle and sometimes people take forever to send it out. It's also usually littered with people who jack up the price more than simply buying it at Amazon.com. You can't beat Craigslist because people come to you (no shipping hassles) and give cash (no fees to pay). It's also not traceable in case they ever start taxing transactions on the internet (probably not, but who knows).

I've sold about $300 worth of stuff on Craigslist and wouldn't do it any other way.

The problem with Craigslist is if you happen to find someonthing on there in another city, like 450 game magazines from the 80s and 90s,chances are you are S.O.L. because the person doesn't want to ship the item(s) and/or doesn't use Paypal. Then you end up sad and depressed that the goldmine is too far for you to go and get.

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The problem with Craigslist is if you happen to find someonthing on there in another city, like 450 game magazines from the 80s and 90s,chances are you are S.O.L. because the person doesn't want to ship the item(s) and/or doesn't use Paypal. Then you end up sad and depressed that the goldmine is too far for you to go and get.

If it's a good enough deal, driving a few hundred miles might be worth it. I usually only search in my county, so the most I drove was 45 min for an almost brand new weight bench. I spent 2 hours in time, $10 in gas, and saved about $100 bucks. Well worth it if you ask me.

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  • Retromags Curator

Not having a car makes it hard to drive. If I had one, I would have driven the 4.5 hours to Toronto for the magazines listed on Craigslist, and the 4.5 hours back to pick up the stuff I wanted. Nothing good gets sold in Ottawa :(. My only hope is that he still has them when I pass through there at Easter.

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yes seems when paypal got took over it all went

pete tong. it's getting harder for the collectors.

i saw that 450 mags ad while back and i know that

if he did send to uk that the cost would be bonkers

ive just spent a fortune on gamefan mags from usa

to import them was costly. should get those in 2/3 weeks

i will scan covers for my gallery coming soon.

i have probs getting stuff sent so i feel

sorry for anyone who is in locations with harder any stuff


i also used to use nochex website for payment the way paypals

going i will go back to them. im at my limit with paypal its not

like they are skint. ive got a refund coming from a 007 case with

dvds i brought before xmas it arrived scratched so ebayers are bad

even though the feedback is great. ebayer have kicked there butts.

but this thing is happeing more and more that brings me to the post

service its getting worse the more we pay for it. i just hope those

cvg and gamefans arrive in the condition its sent or this time i will

sue the post service. anyway going back in topic sorry. i got magazine

covers scans coming soon.


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just quick update as i cant sleep.

i got on way dew 1/2 weeks

about 15 cvgs, 8 or so meanmachine,

n64 magazine 1st issue plus more

some super pros, afew amstrad mags,

dew 3/4 weeks about 40ish gamefans

and sorting a deal for some old video game entertainment.

thanks night

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got a nice parcel today

that included.

amstrad action's

super pro's

n64 magazines


mean machines

will try and scan covers then put them up

in an album of mine. im still waiting for

gamefans. should be here soon as im going on holiday

for 2 months soon and have to put collecting on hold.



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Amstrad Actions .... nice. I have the complete collection on PDF .... Mort's scans I think ..... but it will be nice to seem them here. The N64 Gamer is new on me though ....never seen them before.

hi im having major issues with pc so im backing everything up and then reinstalling windows :help: .

after that i will scan the covers :Yahooo: .

cool amstrad ones are a nice read. and the n64 ones are called ( n64 magazine ).

i will be back just as soon as i get this pc up and running again.


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