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Your favorite hand held system.


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I know that not everyone is really into the whole handheld thing but I've had so many good memories with my hand held units. It's actually really had for me to pick a favorite out of all of them. In the past I've owned just about every (official) hand held system from Gameboy to DSi. Of course this would inculd all releases in between; Turbo Express, Gamegear, Nomad, Wonderswan, GP32 and so on. I think my favorite out of all of them has got to be the original Gameboy Advance. I've had great memories with all of them but the day I went and picked up my GBA I took 4 of my friends and we all went and picked one up. It was such a great day, we all went back to my place and played some games together and some appart from each other. But there was something about that handheld that I just loved. I still need to buy myself another original GBA with the white case because I sold it off to buy my GBA SP. I've got all incarnations of the Gameboy system with exception to that one and Gameboy Lite.

I also just ordered a Dingoo and can't wait to get my hands on that (looks so cool). But I've stopped messing with most of those Gamepark systems like the GP2X F200 or any others. I do want an Open Pandora but it's a bit too pricey for not knowing what kind of quality I'm actually going to get but it's going to be a collectors item that's for sure.

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If you can call the extremely limited battery life and enormous size of the Nomad to still make it "portable," then I'm voting for that. Take my Genesis around and play it in the car, or use the system itself as a normal Genesis and plug in a 2nd controller and TV cables for 2-player gaming at somebody else's place? Sign me up! :)

Without the Nomad, though, I'm going with the DS. It is hands down the greatest portable system ever invented, and I am really kicking myself for not getting one sooner.



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I was always a big fan of the old Game & Watch games. Nothing spectacular but before GameBoy they were fun little versions of classic NES and arcade-style games. I have fond memories of visiting my aunt and cousins in New York every few Christmases as a child and once I arrived, we'd all start on the NES playing while the ones who waited could play the Game & Watch until their turn.

I haven't actually owned many handhelds aside from the GameBoy series, though I always coveted the Nomad when it was released. I was a huge Genesis fan and that was like a dream to me. My little group of friends and I were big into card fighting on the Neo Geo Pocket Color there for a while in high school, but other than that I haven't touched much aside from Nintendo portables.

Also, I guess we're including Tiger handheld games, which were fun but always lacked a lot of substance. I had a ton of these off and on as they arrived/broke down. I still have some sort of Street Fighter II barcode battler thing tucked away that I found at a flea market that wasn't too terrible. Overall they were okay for quick gaming, but lacked too much for me to care about for long.

So I'd have to say my favorite is GameBoy Advance SP and the DS Lite. I've had the most fun with these systems and they've lasted me the longest. I have good memories of buying them and playing with friends, too- Both of these systems I got with my best friend, and he bought the DS Lite for me, which was awesome. Afterwards we'd play them together and talk about the features and games for hours.

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I found a guy who has Supervisons available and Gamates. But because of just buying the Dingoo I don't think I should waste money on a Gamate.

The Turbo Express is the best I never had and then the order would be

Nintendo DS

Gameboy Advance

Watera Supervision - You're Jelous aren't you?


Tiger Games

Barcode Battler

Game Gear is only good for Shining Force portable.

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Here's the list of my favourite hand held system's.

1. Ds lite

2. Game Boy Colour

3. Original Game Boy

4. GBA

5. Psp

I really like my Ds lite and definitely play it as much as my 360 or Wii. I've been playing a lot of Henry Hatsworth and Yoshi's Island lately and am thinking about getting Zelda : Spirit Tracks. I read recently at 1up.com that the Ds successor is rumoured to be pretty close with development kit's already in the hand's of developer's. If this is true it will be interesting to see what new feature's it has.

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Also, I guess we're including Tiger handheld games, which were fun but always lacked a lot of substance. I had a ton of these off and on as they arrived/broke down. I still have some sort of Street Fighter II barcode battler thing tucked away that I found at a flea market that wasn't too terrible. Overall they were okay for quick gaming, but lacked too much for me to care about for long.

I only seen and played the plain Jane Barcode Battler that was in the Sears Christmas Catalog 1993. It came with premade cards with barcodes on them but you could use anything with barcodes. Collect the best ones and it would be like, "here's my soup label vs your chocolate wrapper... alright I win"

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We used to play these Tiger games on the hour long bus ride to school. They'd pass the time but there was no long lasting play value to them. I would like to gather all the old handhelds one day that were sold at Radio Shack and Sears. Ebay is too expensive but I don't know any easier way of obtaining them. There is a website that has them categorized. How exciting to see them all. I liked Larry Bird. The shoot button was so intuitive. You hold it longer for a three pointer and tap it for a close up. Karnov, Double Dragon and Madden 95 were good.

To see them all go to http://www.handheldmuseum.com/Tiger/index.html

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Yup I had Karnov ... umm... what else did I have. Gauntlet, Simon's Quest, Shinobi, Street Fighter II and then some more recent one that were just given to me. I think Sonic, Aladdin, and a couple more but I can't remember. I also still have my Game.com if that counts :lol:

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Since the release of Final Fantasy Tactics and Person 1, i'm going with the psp.

I was not a fan of Final Fantasy Tactics 1. Because I was so hooked on Vandal Hears FFT just seemed like a lame rip off, I tried so hard to enjoy it too. I loved FFTA on the GBA though.

Oh yeah and I got my Dingoo yesterday :woohoo:

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I was not a fan of Final Fantasy Tactics 1. Because I was so hooked on Vandal Hears FFT just seemed like a lame rip off, I tried so hard to enjoy it too. I loved FFTA on the GBA though.Oh yeah and I got my Dingoo yesterday :woohoo:

I am a great fan of Vandal Hearts, but I think it is mostly because

it was the first one of its kind I have ever seen. Did not like the

second game battle system though. I though we all had learned after

NES's Final Fantasy that having your guys hitting the air because

the enemy is not there anymore was not exactly clever game design.

Back to the topic:

The Nintendo DS had it all to be the best. All I ever wanted was a

portable SNES and finally Nintendo had come up with a system with

all required buttons. And it had not stopped there. A Mario 64

version was released for the system. I was like: "Whoa! Not only a

portable SNES, but a portable N64?????" And it was also capable of

playing your GBA games! What else could anyone want? Well... a

digital directional capable of registering diagonal input would be

nice. I mean, my NES, my SNES, my GBA and my N64, they all could do

it. What went wrong???

I think the orignal (the big brick) NDS was the best version. At least

"input-wise". It was the only one with a decent directional.

Unfortunatelly it was not sold anymore when I finally had the oportunity

of having one.

So, since all I wanted was a portable version of NINTENDO's finest consoles,

the PSP is the absolute winner.


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Back off topic.

I know I really hated Vandel Hears 2 I was so excited and it let me down. So bad that I have not even tried the new on on XBL or Sony

Back on topic.

You might be interested in the Dingoo then. Way better battery life than the PSP and it's smaller. I can't believe how cool this handheld is.

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  • 2 months later...

Old-school hand-held black and white Game Boy brick, baby. And not the two battery version either - no, the hungry four battery original. Then again, this is the only hand-held I ever owned, so I might be a bit biased. :jester:

diTTo :)

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Right now I am leaning towards the GBA, I really like the lineup of games that they had. The Nintendo DS is a close second, but I need to seriously expand my GameGear collection......and start an Atari Lynx collection B)

I agree, GBA did have a great library. Its at the top of my list, the rest are:



3 Gameboy


5 turbo express

6 iphone - if you consider it a handheld system.

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  • 2 years later...

I have quite a few handhelds Including a Turbo Express which was cool but sometimes codes were hard to see and the games were not very challenging or original. It doesnt touch any of Nintendos handhelds. The PSP is a pretty sweet ride too but in my opinion the Gameboy advance is by far the best. Not only is it like a handheld SNES, but the library is huge.

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