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What Retro Game Will You Try To Beat In 2010?


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I think that 2009 was a good year for me, I started playing the original Legend of Zelda and beat it....and I also beat Link to The Past. My goal for 2010 is to beat Metroid and Super Metroid. As these are two games that have eluded me for far too long. I may also decide to try my hand and beating the original Super Mario Bros game....its my nemesis :lol:

Anyone else got some Retro titles that they want to finally beat this year?

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Zelda 1 & 2

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Jet Force Gemeni

MegaMan 64

It's hard to believe that you haven't finished Super Mario Brothers. The last two worlds are tough. Some people say they can beat SMB in one try but most fail and fail again. I lose 3 lives if I use the warp pipes and 4 lives if I take the long route.

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- Final Fantasy (current playing)

- Dragon Quest II

- Final Fantasy II

- Dragon Quest III

- Final Fantasy III


- Super Mario 3 (level by level. From Mario All Stars)

- Actraiser

GBA (is this considered retro yet?)

- Mario Kart Super Circuit (current playing - wanna the 3 star rank on all cups)

N64 (is this considered retro yet?)

- Paper Mario


- Warcraft (again)

- Über Soldier

- Simon The Sorcerer II

Well... this is probably going to take way longer than the rest of this year.

Perhaps if we change the topic title from "2010" to "your remaining life time"


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  • Retromags Curator


Zelda 1 & 2

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Jet Force Gemeni

MegaMan 64

It's hard to believe that you haven't finished Super Mario Brothers. The last two worlds are tough. Some people say they can beat SMB in one try but most fail and fail again. I lose 3 lives if I use the warp pipes and 4 lives if I take the long route.

The sickest thing I have ever seen with regards to NES game playing skills was a friend of mine who could beat Blaster Master without getting hit once. Seriously, Blaster freaking' Master. Without taking damage. He knew the patterns of the game so well that we could even blindfold him on certain levels and he'd still be able to traverse from Point A to Point B. I'm a pretty decent game player, but my God, watching Adam play Blaster Master made me feel like I was an utter noob. I hadn't felt that insignificant since the day I read about the Nintendo Game Counselor whose claim to fame was beating Bionic Commando with one hand tied behind his back. BIONIC COMMANDO. WHAT THE F*CK?!



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That is impressive because Blaster Master beat me.

One claim to fame I have is being able to play Mega Man 3 well with both my toes.

I learned to do this because there was a trick in the game that required pressing Right on the D-Pad on the 2nd controller whenever you fall in a pit and you can jump out. Well I played alone most of the time and there was no way to press this button while I was playing. After awhile I switched the first controller to the floor and held the second controller in my hands. I got so used to using my toes that I developed ambidextrous feet. Still can't skate or dance worth 5h1t though.

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RetroGames and Classics alike this should sum up what im about to say to all of you Veteran Games "Bring it ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL OOOOON!!!!!!!!" I'll beat all of you guys again like its 1990 all over again starting from Alphabetical order. I'll take on all of your from 10 Yard Fight to Zoop!

Let the fight begin! :Yahooo::o

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  • Retromags Curator

RetroGames and Classics alike this should sum up what im about to say to all of you Veteran Games "Bring it ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL OOOOON!!!!!!!!" I'll beat all of you guys again like its 1990 all over again starting from Alphabetical order. I'll take on all of your from 10 Yard Fight to Zoop!

Let the fight begin! :Yahooo::o

Thou shalt eat thy words, knave, as I proceed to manhandle (or is that womanhandle?) you from one side of the court to the other in Super Dodgeball. :)



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  • 4 weeks later...

RetroGames and Classics alike this should sum up what im about to say to all of you Veteran Games "Bring it ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL OOOOON!!!!!!!!" I'll beat all of you guys again like its 1990 all over again starting from Alphabetical order. I'll take on all of your from 10 Yard Fight to Zoop!

Let the fight begin! :Yahooo::o

1990-1995 were the best years of my childhood. So I plan to relive it this year! Working on both Zelda I and Link to the Past simultaneously, I already beat FFIV (hardtype, not the easytype "II"), Mega Man (never beat this, so I want to) and Mega Man X, Metroid and Super Metroid (these also I never beat, ashamed to say), and SMB3.

I'm not sure if my poor little controller can take it!

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By the way, just beat FDS's (NES) Super Mario 2 (aka Lost Levels),

from world 1 to 9 and from A to D.

So, just to make things clear, if you read my last post you will

see a huge list of games, which I will probably never have enough

time to play in my whole life, and I went and played a game that

is not there...

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Although I said SMB3, I just beat SMB1 instead. Ferneu's post now makes me wanna play the lost levels. 65 pages of research to do this spring? Bah! I'd rather play my NES!

I wouldn't do that if I were you. Altough I am not you and I did that... Ha!

Anyway, the only reason I played lost levels was because of a bet. Well, not

really a bet, but I saw a friend of mine browsing through the Lost Level's maps

(found on gamefaqs) and then I was like: "Oh, I remember how hard it was to

finish this game. Luckly the only one left for me is SMB3, which is way more


And then he said something like: "I remember when I was little I managed to

reach this level here, but I have never been able to finish it." And then he

pointed the level to me. Well, I was pretty sure that I had already finished

Lost Levels as part of my "Finish all NES's SMB level by level" project, but it

did not matter how hard I tried, I just could not remember playing that darn

level. And so we have decided to try to finish the game level by level.

I won't lie to you. It was a pain. The original pirated cart version we had

rented once only had unlimited continues, but that meant one would have to let

his NES turned on the whole time if he does not wish to lose the progress he

made so far. And if you have a NES you know that it might literarily burn if you

let it turned on for a couple of hours. I know the FDS (which I have never had)

modified the disk data, saving at least how many times you've finished the game,

but I don't know if it would save your progress.

The bottom line is, without saving, I would have probably thrown my controller

on the TV after dying for the 500th time on the same spot because I did not had

the required pixel and frame perfect accuracy to make some jumps. Before playing

this I have always found lame that "that game was too hard for the american

players" excuse we have heard to justify why we got a different SMB2. But now I

understand. And I am thankfull for that decision.

Ah, just to add a little more "incentive" for you: you must finish the game 8

times to access the A-D levels. But you only need to finish it once level by

level to go to level 9 (which, despite the craziness all around, is the only

sane world of this game, "difficultywise"). Good luck

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I wouldn't do that if I were you. Altough I am not you and I did that... Ha!

Anyway, the only reason I played lost levels was because of a bet. Well, not

really a bet, but I saw a friend of mine browsing through the Lost Level's maps

(found on gamefaqs) and then I was like: "Oh, I remember how hard it was to

finish this game. Luckly the only one left for me is SMB3, which is way more


And then he said something like: "I remember when I was little I managed to

reach this level here, but I have never been able to finish it." And then he

pointed the level to me. Well, I was pretty sure that I had already finished

Lost Levels as part of my "Finish all NES's SMB level by level" project, but it

did not matter how hard I tried, I just could not remember playing that darn

level. And so we have decided to try to finish the game level by level.

I won't lie to you. It was a pain. The original pirated cart version we had

rented once only had unlimited continues, but that meant one would have to let

his NES turned on the whole time if he does not wish to lose the progress he

made so far. And if you have a NES you know that it might literarily burn if you

let it turned on for a couple of hours. I know the FDS (which I have never had)

modified the disk data, saving at least how many times you've finished the game,

but I don't know if it would save your progress.

The bottom line is, without saving, I would have probably thrown my controller

on the TV after dying for the 500th time on the same spot because I did not had

the required pixel and frame perfect accuracy to make some jumps. Before playing

this I have always found lame that "that game was too hard for the american

players" excuse we have heard to justify why we got a different SMB2. But now I

understand. And I am thankfull for that decision.

Ah, just to add a little more "incentive" for you: you must finish the game 8

times to access the A-D levels. But you only need to finish it once level by

level to go to level 9 (which, despite the craziness all around, is the only

sane world of this game, "difficultywise"). Good luck

Virtual Console for me. First time I played the game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I still have the remaining solo challenges to do in FF1 besides Fi/Kn.

Also, I was up to FF5 & DQ5 in games to finally play through, in order of release. However, I added a bunch of older games to the list again in the past year, so I'll likely back up to Solomon's Key. And then again, I may go through some other older games again uploading the whole game to Youtube if someone else hasn't already.

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