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Pokemon: The PokeGod Phenomenon


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So I'm currently involved in a research project seeking to document and discuss the PokeGod phenomenon and other early rumors and speculation related to the Red and Blue versions and Gold and Silver versions of Pokemon. Not sure how many of you would be familiar with this (most of you seem to be of the previous gaming generation), but it occurred to me that some of you may have some insight or perspective to offer.

For that that aren't aware, the "PokeGod" phenomenon was the explosion of early Pokemon fansites and sometimes legitimate coverage sites that spread rumors on how to obtain Pokemon that weren't actually available in the games. For the most part, these Pokemon (dubbed "PokeGod" due to the widespread belief that they were far more powerful monsters than the available Pokemon) were inspired by misconceptions or brief sightings of actual Pokemon that would be in the sequels.

The cartoon series, which premiered in the US concurrent to the games was a big influence on this phenomenon, as it showed several new Pokemon that weren't actually in the games. The reason for this is because the cartoon actually premiered several years after the games in Japan and were meant to advertise the sequels, which in the US wouldn't be expected so early. Many people simply assumed that these new Pokemon were hidden in the games that were already available.

Essentially, this is a project similar to SNOPES in that it's tracking the origin and circulation of online rumors in a way that has distinct folkloric (and almost mythological) parallels. Much of our early research can be read here: The PokeGods: Secrets and Rumors. This page is a free-site, mostly in homage to the early fansites of which we're researching, but the information has become so in-depth and long that we're in the process of moving it to our actual project site ahead of time. Feel free to check out here in the meantime if you want a better impression of some of our (outdated) work, or a nostalgia trip.

So, anyone have any thoughts on this project, or memories of the phenomenon if they were involved in it? Any perspective would offer some good discussion.

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PokeGods are a myth...

Ok so they arn't a myth but they are fake. All they are is a glitch. The only way you can obtain them are by using a Game Genie or Action Replay. Only one of the original PokeGods made any sense and that was Mew (why they blocked him out of the US release I will never fully understand). But with the remakes Fire and Leaf the "PokeGods" actually have a form or a sprite that hidden in the games. I'm assuming hackers just found the sprites and made an Action Replay code to bring them out.

In the end it's just all a dream of hackers they are not real (obviously or they would be obtainable without a cheating device).

Thank you for this post, it has brought back so many memories of days past. I was thinking about canceling my Pokemon Gold but I think I'll still get it now.

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Well the common perception that the PokeGods were a "myth", "fake", or simply "glitches" are all inaccurate. Making it clear just what they were is one of the main reasons we're doing this, as they certainly won't any of those three. But glad some of our work could help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks. We've been working on it for several weeks, and the navigation was becoming a real issue. As this project is sociological in nature, the way we organize is extremely important. We decided to just get it up there now until she learns PHP and can more efficiently code the site.

Any suggestions or questions would be appreciated. Outside perspective is especially useful, especially since we're so "into" it that we can't see it the right way anymore.

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