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Final Fantasy XIII

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Well from what I've seen it really looks great but this has happened before. Since the series left Nintendo there has only been 2 FF games (in the original series) that I've really enjoyed. This would be FF X and FF VII. Did not like VIII, IX, X2, XII. I did enjoy XI for a period of time but I don't like spending money month after month to play a video game. I have not decided if I am going to the midnight launch or not, I know I can't play it after getting home because I do have to work on Tuesday morning and I really won't be able to get into the game until Thursday anyway.

Anyone else picking up the game?

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  • Retromags Curator

Final Fantasy died for me when VII was released and Square decided they were making interactive movies instead of video games. I'll be ignoring Final Fantasy XIII just as I've ignored XI and XII. :)



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  • Retromags Curator

From the review in the April GamePro, it doesn't sound much like Final Fantasy. No towns, no exploring (except for one chapter), linear passageways and corridors. I had very little interest in the game because of the sci-fi setting (yet again). But after reading the review, all my interest has been removed. They gave it 4 out of 5, which normally means it will be a good game, but for me the review told me that I would not like the game.

Apart from Final Fantasy II on the Super NES, Final Fantasy IX was my favourite in the series.

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From the review in the April GamePro, it doesn't sound much like Final Fantasy. No towns, no exploring (except for one chapter), linear passageways and corridors. I had very little interest in the game because of the sci-fi setting (yet again). But after reading the review, all my interest has been removed. They gave it 4 out of 5, which normally means it will be a good game, but for me the review told me that I would not like the game.

Apart from Final Fantasy II on the Super NES, Final Fantasy IX was my favourite in the series.

I tried to like IX but just couldn't do it. I was happy they went back to the old formula though.

But will all this new info I'm a bit scared now. I think I'll still buy it because it looks so beautiful and I really have enjoyed what they have done with the series since 7 (when it comes to the cut scenes and stuff) if you think about it FF6 was no different when it came to that stuff but now they are able to do it more efficiently. So that doesn't bother me. But FFX was too linear and very little to do outside the box and sounds like this will be the same.

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You know... there is one thing that Final Fantasy is really known for. The beginning of the gamem the game always gets your attesting and draws you in. Not this time! I'm only an hour into the game but wow does it not impress me at all. I'm willing to give it a full chance to impress me though.

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Final Fantasy died for me when VII was released and Square decided they were making interactive movies instead of video games. I'll be ignoring Final Fantasy XIII just as I've ignored XI and XII. :)



You know its funny you should say, i woke up at the middle of the night to attend to the midnight release of FFXIII at gamestop, waited there for about 40 minutes while watching my gay friend who works there [hes not gay im just saying he is :P] host a Final Fantasy Quiz Contest and Karaoke contest, didn't let me participate, and i spent $60.00 on this piece of Awful Final Fantasy series.

I didn't open it two days later and today when i got my hands on it, already the first 5 minutes into the game, my reaction is "i don't like it, this is disappointing, i want my money back"

It didn't have that same initial feeling of Final Fantasy anymore, it felt more like a different game itself that detached itself away from the Final Fantasy genre.

What happen to the Dungeons and Dragons and Ye old medieval type genre, what happen to the castle and far away lands environment that felt like it was the 1400s or so?

Holy shit and your right there turning Final Fantasy into some fan whore game.

i asked one of my colleagues at college and i asked him one of the FF Quiz questions that i've heard that night at the release "Who was the main character of Final Fantasy V?" he said to me "I don't know, I started playing Final Fantasy only from 7 and all the way up"

Ever since FFX came out thats when alot of people started claiming to call themselves "FFFanatic" or "i'm a fan of Tifa and Cloud because they make a cute couple"

None of these guys know their shit and none of them are true gamers.

I've started and to be honest with Final Fantasy IV then worked my way up and then when it got to Final Fantasy X, i was upset so i went back down the ladder to the series that was on the NES.

So i think the FF Series has FINALLY died off and become nothing more than mushy love storylines,graphics whore, and "oh is there going to be a movie released for this?" type of genre towards to Kawaii, Otaku,and Anime fans.

You can never really find any true gamers today walking the lands except on the net like here in Retromags who know their Video Game History shit.


Also my reaction towards the FFXIII game, I HATE IT, the battle system is simple they just made it look complicated by adding chain commands and One Potion can heal an entire party like Elixirs or X-Potions, its becoming way too easy for the younger and wannabe generation.

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Yup I think it's dead. FF x2 I think killed it and FF 12 put the nail on the coffin and 13 probably threw the dirt on top. Anyway I'm going to give this game a strong chance tomorrow on my day off. I'll be pack to post my full and true feelings.

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I'm about 8 hours into this game, i'll give a quick review on this.

Pros -

1. Awesome battle formation system, you can customize your strategies which is useful. You can also level up your battle formations.

2. The battles flow very seamlessly and the action is plentiful. People are shooting off spells, guns, swinging swords, flipping, dodging, you name it.

3. The summons are as fun as ever, and earning them is pretty cool too.

4. The fact that the mouths were redone for the english language is pretty cool.

5. The weapon creation system is neat. You actually level your weapons.

6. The enemies fight each other too, which leads to 3 way battles when you enter.

7. Lightning.

8. The stagger system is cool too. Gotta weaken your enemy before you utterly destroy them.

Cons -

1. Hope.

2. You don't level up in this game, you just level your abilities and weapons.

3. The ability level system is a dumbed down version of the FFX level system.

4. The graphics look like someone took a crap on my television screen and i'm playing in it. (I bought the 360 ver. the ps3 ver. looks great however)

5. No open world exploration, feels kind of like i'm playing phantasy star online.

6. The music is entirely forgettable.

7. The story so far is very predictable.

8. There's only 2 stats in the game, Str and Mag.

Overall, it's really not that bad. Maybe not worth buying but i would say it's worth renting. I still haven't played a worse FF game than crisis core, that game made me want to puke blood. X was alright, X-2 was like playing with barbies, and 12 had very backstreet boy looking male characters and a mmo playstyle which doesn't really work in a single player game.

Note - my opinion may change as i progress through the game for better or worse.

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Yeah I put a lot of work into the game yesterday but because of a meeting I had to get to I did not have a chance to post all my thoughts. I'll get around to it but I just wanted to say...

3. The summons are as fun as ever, and earning them is pretty cool too.

Are you kidding? Come on Shiva and Nix transforming into a motorcycle that's just down right stupid. Or Odin turning into a horse. I mean I get the idea but still they could have had the Summons interact with the character in a different manner.

4. The graphics look like someone took a crap on my television screen and i'm playing in it. (I bought the 360 ver. the ps3 ver. looks great however)

Serious??? You put that as a con??? The graphics look very nice how could you say it looks bad. Oh and by they way the 360 and PS3 graphics are identical. But serious???


Well because I'm so high on hours at work right now I was told not to come in till later today so I got around to writing down my thoughts.

Here they are if your interested http://www.retromags.com/forums/blog/20/entry-129-square-enixs-final-fantasy-please/

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O-M-G i only got like 4 hours into the game were after fighting the first Fal'Cie whatever the hell their called, i'm now in a place where everything is frozen and there finding their way, and i'm already getting impatient seeing where the storyline gets interesting, for me, the storyline isn't getting interesting.

for the first time ever, this is the First Final Fantasy game i don't want to continue playing. I've dealt with Final Fantasy X, that was the first FF game i wasn't too sure about but just kept on playing even though i didn't do much but just straight forward get to the end.

Final Fantasy X-2, never tried it, didn't want to give it a try, so i didn't bother because it was like some product made just for Anime fans right after FFX instantly made fans saw that Tidus and Yuna made a cute couple and starting putting shit like this > "Tidus and Yuna make a very cute couple than Cloud and Tifa kekekeke ^_^"

*rolls eyes*

Final Fantasy Online i don't even know what number that is, i didn't even want to bother touching it, never took a look at it as a matter of fact, it made me go to WoW instead of going to it.

Final Fantasy XII, was decent, what i liked about it, no love storyline, it was about war, but it didn't feel like Final Fantasy anymore, felt more like some political warfare game like if Call of Duty was to go RPG it would look like this.

And Finally, [no cliche intended], Final Fantasy XIII, your a huge disappointment, i thought you were gonna save us and bring back "Old School" Final Fantasy but nah, you did brought back the mushy love storyline but that didn't do justice.

Lets see what Final Fantasy versus will bring to the table.

The genre is starting to remind me of Pokemon, it first had pokemon battle games, now pokemon party games. When it comes to old school fans vs. new school fans it reminds me of Old ECW vs. WWE's ECW.

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Hey guys hang in there because I'm at around 20 hrs into the game and the story is really starting to pick up. Sure it was horrid taking the time to get there but it's getting better. And from what I understand is around chapter 11 there will be a world to explore. No one has really gone in-depth about it but I'm still curious to see what may happen.

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You know what's so bad about this game, everything, and since it didn't capture my attention for the first 4 hours, i just put down the controller, turned off my PS3 and didn't want to continue. as a matter of fact, when i first played the game i was waiting for the old "Final Fantasy Main Theme" to be playing just like all the other Series, but you know what? it didn't play it played something else!

it didn't go *sings the overtune of Final Fantasy*

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I know that made me really sad too. You wana hear something else that's sad. I just got Pokemon tonight and I'm afraid that will take the place of FF for my game playing time (of what little I get as it is) oh and I picked up FF7. So I'm ready to play some fun games.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok I give up! I'm done with FFXIII I'm taking it in to Game Stop today to sell it and put that money down on a good game.

When it feels like a chore to play a video game it's not worth it.

:) I told you so and you didn't want to believe us, now you spent your money on something worthless and meaning less a game without emotion, i don't blame you because i did the same and refunded it at my local Game Stop, What did I tell ya?

It's not worth your time. its like the game was just thrown in together without any love in it or capturing emotions. And really when you ask people that cook your food for you, you ask them "what's in this recipe that makes it so good?" and they say "It's the love" really it really is the love that they put into it.

but with FFXIII i didn't feel any love, nor attention compared to previous FF titles.

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The bad thing is I didn't even listen to myself. I kept saying I'm not going to buy it, I'm not going to buy it. Then a week before or so before release ok I'm going to buy it. 2 weeks after it's release Ok I'm going to sell it. I do that all the time with the GTA games as well. Except I keep those longer than 2 weeks. Final Fantasy 12 I only rented.

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The bad thing is I didn't even listen to myself. I kept saying I'm not going to buy it, I'm not going to buy it. Then a week before or so before release ok I'm going to buy it. 2 weeks after it's release Ok I'm going to sell it. I do that all the time with the GTA games as well. Except I keep those longer than 2 weeks. Final Fantasy 12 I only rented.

Don't be mad at yourself, i was having high hopes for FFXIII too, but it didn't live up to any FF Fans expectations. For the first time EVEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR in history, i had to turn down a Final Fantasy Game, and i was sad that i felt that way when i played the first few minutes of FFXIII, yes minutes not. the first 3 minutes i was already saying "your going back to Gamestop"

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