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I need help from my addiction!


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Well for the longest time I was selling off all my old consoles and said I would not even bother with them anymore. I'm not sure what happened but I've been slowly buying them all back again. Today I just bought a Genesis and Sega CD and will soon have a 32X again. And many of the other systems I've sold in the past I have again over the past year or so. This has to stop!

What can I do?

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I'm doing the same thing currently.. I'm buying board games as well. -_- Running out of room. I always recommend people just not sell their stuff unless it is something pointless. I have regretted selling/giving away/trading in everything that I have over the years. Now I want to play them all again! The joy of being an adult is not having to ask mommy to buy me things! :rolleyes:

I obviously cannot help you with this matter. Good luck, buddy!

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I'm doing the same thing currently.. I'm buying board games as well. -_- Running out of room. I always recommend people just not sell their stuff unless it is something pointless. I have regretted selling/giving away/trading in everything that I have over the years. Now I want to play them all again! The joy of being an adult is not having to ask mommy to buy me things! :rolleyes:

I obviously cannot help you with this matter. Good luck, buddy!

One way you can halt your addiction is to ask your wife how she really feels about you spending some much money, time, and space on the stuff you buy.

Recently, I've come to realize that collecting stuff is nice, but if you never use it or feel like it's not fun anymore, sell it. The reality is that most stuff, if you change your mind 5 years down the road, can be bought again. Yes, it may be expensive, but it's probably not and just has sentimental value. I used to be a hoarder, but now have embraced the simple life where anything I don't use for a year or so is put on CraigsList or thrown out.

I actually have been holding onto my SNES console, but now that I know most of the good games can be purchased again on the WII, I may put it up for sale. It's been collecting dust for the last 5 years.

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I actually do get use out of all it! I try to get my family together a few times a month at my place to play board games or break out the old systems. It's also nice to have them around if I feel like playing a certain game. I'm pretty glad I have it all. I agree though, if you're not using it ever and you need a bit of cash, maybe you should sell it. And definitely don't hoard!

Everything I buy usually only ranges about $2-5. It's not a very expensive hobby as of right now. I don't pay large sums for things I used to have, I just don't like to. Been there, done that- not going to pay a current price on an old thing.

I usually only buy things if there are three key factors:

1. It's dirt cheap

2. I don't have to order it

3. It can fit under the bed or in the closet

I actually have been holding onto my SNES console, but now that I know most of the good games can be purchased again on the WII, I may put it up for sale. It's been collecting dust for the last 5 years.

This is a good point, too.

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I'm doing the same thing currently.. I'm buying board games as well. -_- Running out of room. I always recommend people just not sell their stuff unless it is something pointless. I have regretted selling/giving away/trading in everything that I have over the years. Now I want to play them all again! The joy of being an adult is not having to ask mommy to buy me things! :rolleyes:

I obviously cannot help you with this matter. Good luck, buddy!

Same here, got rid of my nes in the mid 90's, kicking myself for doing that cuz all the games i had the manuals and boxes for them in great condition. Started collecting NES games again in 2004, buying the ones i used to own and ones i wanted when i had the system but had no money to buy them then. A couple years ago i started collecting SNES, N64, PSone, Gameboy, and Gameboy advanced games. I'm not going for every single game that came out for each console but ones i either owned before or ones i wanted to play. But still its an expensive hobby and can take up space depending on how much you buy, which is the problem i'm currently having.

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Ok so I bought the 32X and I still have to wait for games to come in the mail.


I also got an Atari 800 XL with a tape drive. Man it came with the box directions and even a huge book for Atari basic, which is why I got it. I wanted an Apple II so I could do Apple Basic again but this works just the same. It also came with a piece of paper that had listings of new games you can order and they were $44.95 per game. If you add inflation each game cost around $93. And I thought $60 was too much for X360 and PS3 games.

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I was laying here in bed playing Sonic, the way God intended, and I was thinking that exact thing. I've played Sonic recently on the Wii or Gamecube but nothing quite cuts it like playing it on a Genesis. I'm scared, I'm really scared. (about how much money I'm going to be spending again).

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