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Have You Appeared in Print?


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Hehe ... well you did say "is there anything else really?" ... so I added something else tongue.gif

Well the book is this one ..... http://yvonnemckissock.com/harmanBook.html

But that's from my father's English paternal side. My Mother's paternal line goes back to King John of England [my 26th Great Grandfather] & earlier. Much more interesting if a tad bloodthirsty. My Father's side only had a slaver out of the ordinary. LOL

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I had a letter published in a newspaper a few years back. It was a response to either an article they'd published, or another letter sent into the commentary section. Nothing big, like the New York Times, but fairly respectable paper here in California.

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  • Retromags Curator

I had a letter published in a newspaper a few years back. It was a response to either an article they'd published, or another letter sent into the commentary section. Nothing big, like the New York Times, but fairly respectable paper here in California.

Oh yeah, that reminded me of something. I had a letter printed in a local liberal rag here in Ottawa (Xpress), criticizing the lovefest they printed a couple weeks previous about David Suzuki. That was fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Retromags Curator

To correct an earlier post, I do have a letter printed in the new issue of the relaunched EGM that I wrote over a year ago, before Ziff-Davis shut the magazine down. And of course, a non-helpful, snarky reply from the magazine to go along with it.

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To correct an earlier post, I do have a letter printed in the new issue of the relaunched EGM that I wrote over a year ago, before Ziff-Davis shut the magazine down. And of course, a non-helpful, snarky reply from the magazine to go along with it.

Yeah, I've always hated that. I believe Nintendo Power was usually more helpful prior to their reboot several years ago, but all gaming magazines seem to relish in not being helpful.

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  • 1 month later...

On topic:

I've appeared in print a couple of times. My name is on the back of the Sega Saturn NetLink Gamepack box, as well as in the credits of Planetweb 3.0 browser credits that came with it.

My Counter-Strike screenshot has appeared in a lot of advertisements and one of them in an Xbox Magazine. It's weird that they showed a PC screenshot for Xbox Counterstrike. Here it is: http://static.myce.com/images_news/userimages/counterstrike.jpg

Edited by nirv
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On topic: I've appeared in print a couple of times. My name is on the back of the Sega Saturn NetLink Gamepack box, as well as in the credits of Planetweb 3.0 browser credits that came with it.

I was so very upset when the Planet Web browser was discontinued on the Dreamcast. Picture it, 2001, HTML 2 was just beginning to emerge as the new web standard. Flash was becoming more and more prevalently intertwined with HTML web sites and the Sega Dreamcast had a choice between a null modem or a broadband adapter, something new for a home console. The millions of Dreamcast owners who bought a Dreamcast keyboard and mouse could shop Ebay, check their email and everything else a computer owner could do, minus downloading songs from Napster because the Dreamcast had no hard drive, only the memory card.

The development team in Japan for the Planet Web browser had to halt work on this project for lack of money.

This was disappointing to say the least. What role did you have with Planet Web?

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Off Topic

I was so very upset when the Planet Web browser was discontinued on the Dreamcast. Picture it, 2001, HTML 2 was just beginning to emerge as the new web standard. Flash was becoming more and more prevalently intertwined with HTML web sites and the Sega Dreamcast had a choice between a null modem or a broadband adapter, something new for a home console. The millions of Dreamcast owners who bought a Dreamcast keyboard and mouse could shop Ebay, check their email and everything else a computer owner could do, minus downloading songs from Napster because the Dreamcast had no hard drive, only the memory card.

The development team in Japan for the Planet Web browser had to halt work on this project for lack of money.

This was disappointing to say the least. What role did you have with Planet Web?

The NetLink community was a pretty small, close community. I was an editor for the http://www.netlinkworld.com/ fan website and through that, had direct communication with both Sega and Planetweb.

Our main contribution to the Planetweb browser was testing betas and discussing features people wanted. Downloading beta browsers was a slow, agonizing process (28.8 modem) and if you reset your Saturn or it locked, you'd have to redownload it because it was only temporarily stored in memory. Beta testing the browser for 3.0 was very important and many people contributed.

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