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Memory travel.


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I was thinking about this today because of playing old games from my youth on the correct systems rather than emulation.

I wish there was some way you could go back into your memory and actually view and feel emotions from past memories. As if you were watching a movie only stronger because you would still have all your senses. Playing some of these old Sega CDs have brought me back to many days of past. I remember being at the video rental store when they just stared adding video game consoles at the store so you could try out games before you rent them. I remember the smells but not distinctly. But just remembering times like that of my youth makes me want to go back and just partake or at least let me see it once again.

I don't want time travel because I don't want a chance of messing something up in the past. But if I could be a bi-standard but in the first person. That would be so cool.

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Ever tried a guided imagery meditation, Thor? It's kind of the same idea, almost like putting yourself into a lucid dream. They're really powerful at helping you to relive or re-experience memories like that.



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I'm constantly in a state of remembrance. I don't know why, exactly, or how, but so many things every day spark memories from my past, many going back to when I was 2-4. Things that spark it are scents, doing things I used to, or pretending with my daughter. I guess this is yet another reason I love being on this site and talking about old stuff all the time.

Also, randomly it seems, things pop into my head all day long. Things I haven't thought of for years. Wish I knew why this happened to me so much, I don't always like feeling like I live in the past. It's what my mind seems to choose, though.

You would think since you lived all of those things before, watched all those TV shows, played all those games, that you could dip back into your memory and re-live it all again like it were happening, albeit maybe a bit cloudy. I haven't really tried deep meditation for it, but I think my constant calm mind state is a bit like meditation and maybe that's why I get so many memories flowing back all the time.

My time travel fantasy was always to go back and tape all the old shows I loved so I could watch them again, or go back and buy games I love when they were new. Nothing that would change anyone else's life but my own too much. :P Nowadays its so possible that I guess I don't really have any need for a time machine anymore.

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Ever tried a guided imagery meditation, Thor? It's kind of the same idea, almost like putting yourself into a lucid dream. They're really powerful at helping you to relive or re-experience memories like that.



No never heard of that.

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