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Cancun Mexico, Here I come!


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Thats right, I am taking my first vacation! I need to get away and recharge the batteries, in the past 18 months I have conquered $18,000 in debt, so after hitting $0....I booked a $3600 trip to Mexico :lol: Anyways that is now paid off as well, and I am only days away from leaving. I can't remember ever taking a vacation, a few summers back when I was 7-10 years old...I would accompany my parents to my uncles beach house. But since I started working back at age 15, I have never really taken off more than 7 days for anything (maybe surgery). I have booked a 9 day trip to Cancun Mexico, my hotel is directly across from Isla Mujeres. Its an All Inclusive resort and its away from the hotel zone of Cancun, so no drunkards will be screaming near me. This will be my first time outside of the USA, and the first time I really have gone anywhere. I have very limited travel experience (PA, NJ, DE, NY, MD, VA). I am not much of a "drinker" but I see this as a way to experience all the drinks I have heard about over the years.

Any of you guys been on vacation?

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My girlfriend and I take a vacation about once a year, though we never travel very far. It's important to get away, though, and remember that there is more to life than just working 8 hours a day. Once you get older, you'll remember all the fun you had on your vacations but very little of what you did every day of your job. My plan is to have many, many memories of the former. So far, it's working. :)



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I try to take a vacation to a beach at least once a year. Then on springbreak I like traveling to other cities, see museums and landmarks.

I was in cancun last year. The reef snorkel thing was fun, take one of those underwater cameras with you. Also they if you take that tour thing they won't let you use normal sunscreen, you have to use one thats biodegradable so make sure you buy one before otherwise they make you buy one right there and its expensive. Also set a day apart for Xcaret fun place but takes all day. There's this boat trip to a place called Isla Mujeres, that was fun too if you like swimming with dolphins, I recommend you do it there and not at the aquarium by the mall. It's way bigger and on the see unlike the aquarium that's just a pool. The aquarium is tiny btw so only pay for it if you have money to spare. The only thing is that besides your trip cost you spend around 100 bucks, sometimes less, per person, per tour thing. So unless you got buckets of money, it goes fast in cancun.

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We took a vacation to Florida last August and it was excellent and a GREAT way to relax. Then we went to NYC for a few days in November to catch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. We didn't wake up in time for it, so we just ended up watching it on TV at my aunt's place. :P

Have a good vacation Philly, it sounds like you really need it. Word of advice, though: Mexico is REALLY dangerous. Stick to main roads where there are a lot of people- don't stray. They will take anything they can from anyone- especially Americans. There are a lot of gangs and killings/kidnappings of tourists going on in the past few years.

Didn't mean to be Debbie Downer but just be careful and have fun!! :Yahooo: Congrats on paying off your debt too!

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