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Video Game Pet Peeves


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I'm pretty sure everyone has a OCD when it comes to playing your favorite game or do you have a pet peeve you would like to share? I'll start off by sharing some of my pet peeves as I recollect from my memories.

  • Mega Man

Invincibility Mode.. for 3 seconds. What sucks about this is, yes it can help you get pass the spiky walls and enemies that can do heavy damage but the one thing that sucks is it does take alot of damage along with it.

Toad Man - Can't stand this boss, because all he does is just back and forth attacking you from left and right, when your out of pattern he starts doing some crazy ass shit.

Blue Bot can't duck! - Sure he leaps from buildings, defeats robots, obtains new abilities, gets his configuration molested by a dirty old white man, saves the day but there's one thing he can't do. HE CAN'T FREAGIN DUCK! Not until the X4 Series, only 20XX Years later, Capcom decided to give Mega Man kneecaps so he can duck!

  • Tomb Raider for the PSX

Camera Work - The first i played this game was when i was trying to reach the cave at the very beginning of the game but in order to do that you would need to wall kick and then do some flip just to get reach to the top.

What makes it worst is that the camera isn't helping it all! Just like in Spyro the Dragon.

  • Spyro the Dragon

Camera Work Worst - Overall the camera work in this game makes me dizzy i wanted to throw up.

  • Fatal Frame

"Help me because I'm a petite little girl" - I haven't played the series because it looks scary LOL :P, but by watching the gameplays on youtube, your character moves so fuken slow!

that its like she wants to be attacked by the ghost!.

  • Nintendo DS

Make that Extra Large, with the same toppings! - WTF Nintendo is it your turn to jump the band wagon with Sony in making these from smaller to larger, just as Sony always comes out with a smaller edition of every console they release. which leads me to

  • Sony Playstation

XLG, LG, M Does it come in Small? - Seriously Ken Kuturagi, you tortured us by exciting your fans by making us pay $500 for a newly released console, after the Honeymoon Stage, and everyone has calmed down, you make an even smaller size of the PSX, PS2, and PS3. What pissed me off was when i bought my first 120 GB PS3 last year, the next following week they came out with the PS3 Slim with the same amount of GB, WTF?! and it also came with a smaller price tag! Double WTF?! WTF?! So it went from a George Foreman Grill to one of those binders from the 90s i forgot what was the name of it but if you had it with you in school, you were like the coolest kid in the class.

"Headlines "Ken Kuturagi retires from Sony" - Thanks alot asshole you were a great creator i might add, i do respect you, but don't walk out on your beloved fans.

  • Metal Gear Solid

Hideo Kokima Ends the Saga - When i heard MGS4 would be last of Solid Snake, i went into to total depression, flashback memories of when i was a kid back in the 91 or 92 when i first met Solid Snake on the NES were hitting in my head. I went on every Metal Gear Solid Video i could find on youtube in 2008 and started flooding comment box.

To be con't

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  • Retromags Curator

All I will add to this list right now is lack of ability to save anywhere in games. I hate checkpoints, I hate finding ribbons or crystals or discs or anything else that I need to have in my inventory (or worse, combine with some stationary piece of the environment) in order to turn my game off and start up again later. Let me save before the big, annoying jump, then let me save AFTER the big, annoying jump. :)



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Random battles!!!! Just where the hell are these minions coming from?! They're endless AND invisible?! Not to mention they happen every few seconds on every world map of numerous RPGs. Only now is it becoming the trend to ACTUALLY SHOW THE DAMN ENEMIES so you can choose to fight or get the hell away from them. I ONLY WANTED TO PROGRESS THE STORY!

Everyone should have taken example from Chrono Trigger and Earthbound, games which showed the enemies coming up to you. At least it's less annoying that way and you'll know you're about to fight a piece of crap enemy before heading into that final dungeon to finish the game!

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I hate going through a big dungeon in Shin Megami Tensei games just to find out I have to go back to the starting point to deliver something then walk all the way back to get something else, then do it all over again. Instead of making more areas they just make you spend more time in the same ones.

I also hate traps and holes that make you repeat a dungeon based on trial and error just to make the game longer.

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Random battles!!!! Just where the hell are these minions coming from?! They're endless AND invisible?! Not to mention they happen every few seconds on every world map of numerous RPGs. Only now is it becoming the trend to ACTUALLY SHOW THE DAMN ENEMIES so you can choose to fight or get the hell away from them. I ONLY WANTED TO PROGRESS THE STORY!

Everyone should have taken example from Chrono Trigger and Earthbound, games which showed the enemies coming up to you. At least it's less annoying that way and you'll know you're about to fight a piece of crap enemy before heading into that final dungeon to finish the game!

And Super Mario RPG and other's that i know are out there.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

You guys should have seen my reaction when i open the mail this afternoon that was sent by Phillyman, i was just got finish eating lunch and i was drinking water while i was checking my mail, then all of a sudden i just spit everything out in front of my computer screen and was skeptical of what i just read. i was like "are you foreals? are you fucking foreals? Phillyman quit playing with me this isn't a joke, April Fools is already over guy" :jester:

Omg thank you guys for voting.

this website is well worth the experience.

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