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PlayStation Move "so much more accurate than Wii"

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Sony's upcoming Wii-style motion controller, the PlayStation Move, is much more accurate than Nintendo's popular Wii motion controller. At least according to the CEO of Dundee-based developer Cohort Studios who are working on one of the first PlayStation Move titles.

more: http://www.neowin.net/news/playstation-move-quotso-much-more-accurate-than-wiiquot

:Ps3: Vs :Wii:


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Sony's upcoming Wii-style motion controller, the PlayStation Move, is much more accurate than Nintendo's popular Wii motion controller. At least according to the CEO of Dundee-based developer Cohort Studios who are working on one of the first PlayStation Move titles.

more: http://www.neowin.net/news/playstation-move-quotso-much-more-accurate-than-wiiquot

:Ps3: Vs :Wii:


While it's nice that they are more accurate, neither Sony nor Microsoft is showing any sense by developing these motion-style controllers this generation. The simple fact is that unless it's pack-in hardware, it doesn't sell. Period. Nobody's going to want to pay $100+ for this new controller-and-a-game package.



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I think it's a bad move. I doubt people will buy additional devices just for some gimmick games. I think back to the Activator(Sega Genesis), Power Glove(NES), and similar add-on motion devices in the past. They didn't do so well. The Wii motion control is popular partially because that's just part of what the system already does at no additional cost.



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  • 2 months later...
Guest DJ Crimson

The add on has surprised me, it does a lot more than simply copy Wii's approach. There's a couple of things it can do that Wii's motion controller can't which has been explained on a couple of sites already. Plus the lineup looks great. Won't get it on launch but eventually will.

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  • 4 weeks later...

If you think about it it's always been like this, for example, the first one to have rumble feature on the controllers was the N64 (added package) and then every other system had to have rumble feature, and there was also the wireless controller for the N64 AND WHAT HAPPENED? Wireless controllers stated coming out.

Nintendo is always one step ahead, there are always some exceptions(for example Kinect[it's still motion related]), but so far Nintendo's always the most original...and other companies just follow!

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I think it's a bad move. I doubt people will buy additional devices just for some gimmick games. I think back to the Activator(Sega Genesis), Power Glove(NES), and similar add-on motion devices in the past. They didn't do so well. The Wii motion control is popular partially because that's just part of what the system already does at no additional cost.



LOL I've always loved that picture. Trying to figure out exactly what he thinks he will accomplish by jumping in the air like that.

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It looks like he's jumping up or even forwards.. but what if he were jumping backwards out of it?


What the hell could he possibly be doing? Maybe he did a front flip into it, only to land on the cheap plastic and break it; this was the only photo they did in the shoot because afterward it was annihilated. It looks like it was made of that thin plastic they used to make those electric race car sets out of.


Sega ACTIVATOR: Made from spare TYCO parts!

Really though, did this thing work? I actually think I might have made my little racetrack parts into an octagonal shape when I was a kid trying to replicate the sheer power of the Activator. Of course it was nothing like the real thing and didn't work.. ....

Sorry for taking the conversation so off track. The Activator was just some unreachable anomaly when I was a kid.. I'd like to hear first hand experiences.

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