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Do you replay games? If so, which, and why?


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Do you replay games? If so, which, and why?

This may seem like a strange question to ask a retro-gaming forum, but I've actually heard people mention in passing that they never replay games, and I've wondered about how other people's habits compare to my own. Do you guys regularly replay particular games, retro or modern? If not, why not? And if so, which ones and why? I don't necessarily mean your favourite games, this is more about certain titles that compel you to play over and over, despite your knowing them back to front. I think some games are better for this than others, and maybe you guys will prove that theory.

I think my reasons differ depending on the game, so I'll jot down a few personal examples:

Grim Fandango: If you've ever play LucasArts' Grim Fandango you'll know it's a masterpiece of memorable storytelling, beautiful visuals and lovable characters. I return to the game every few years just like I do to a well-loved movie or novel. I just want to be back in that world to visit the places and meet the characters I am so fond of, even if it's all exactly the same as when I last played.

Super Metroid: This was the first Super NES games I owned. As far as I am concerned, it offers the finest action-platforming to be had on that console. It's quite minimal with story, so obviously I don't love it for the same reasons as I do Grim Fandango. But I still fire it back up regularly without fail, year after year. With all the Metroid: Other M news lately I've felt the urge yet again ;) I think it's just that it's so easy to get right into the thick of things, and you can choose to hang around and collect items or charge forward and complete it in very little time.

System Shock 2: This is my favourite game, and the fact that I can keep replaying it is partly why. I think it's a combination of the factors mentioned above - I love it for the story as well as the gameplay, and since it's an RPG I can play it in different ways each time. There are a few mods out there that slightly change the experience, and there is a co-op mode to mess around in with friends. I tend to stick to the pure vanilla experience though, by and large. There is enough variation and unpredictability in the games systems that emergent gameplay often surfaces and surprises.

What about you guys?

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When I had a much more limited amount to choose from, I replayed a number of my games like SMB1, Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy. The most times would probably be about a dozen times through Startropics and over half a dozen times through Final Fantasy II (now properly known as FFIV). There are also a handful of PC Adventure games that I played through more than once. Nowadays, especially with my backlog of PS2 games and the advent of emulation for older games I missed, I don't really have time to replay stuff.

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Interesting to see your lists. To be honest I was more interested in the reasons why, thinking there is something common to games that bring people back over and over more than just the personal sentimental aspect.

  On 5/6/2010 at 2:04 AM, Mister Zero said:

I replay these every year:

EarthBound(usually in spring because it reminds me of Onett)

Super Mario World

Super Mario Bros 1+3

Sonic the Hedgehog series (1-3+S&K)

Final Fantasy VI

Chrono Trigger(also usually spring)

I really like that seasonal idea to replaying games, brings a sense of tradition to it. I haven't even thought about that with my own favourites, I don't often remember the times of year playing a game as much as specific years or periods of my life.

  On 5/6/2010 at 5:41 AM, Schloss Ritter said:

When I had a much more limited amount to choose from, I replayed a number of my games like SMB1, Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy. The most times would probably be about a dozen times through Startropics and over half a dozen times through Final Fantasy II (now properly known as FFIV). There are also a handful of PC Adventure games that I played through more than once. Nowadays, especially with my backlog of PS2 games and the advent of emulation for older games I missed, I don't really have time to replay stuff.

Yeah, the time issue is the thing I expected to crop up here eventually. The backlog gets bigger year after year, and we hardly get time to play new games once let alone old games multiple times. I do know people, however, who choose to spend their precious free time playing an old game again over a new one, just because they know they'll have a good time as opposed to not knowing what to expect with the new game.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh, man. My friend covers video game music and he just did the space theme from Ducktales for NES. Add this to my list of constantly replayed games. This is a game I turn to more than once or twice a year, I just LOVE playing through it.

And here's the file, if anyone wants a listen: http://www.mediafire.com/?rimgdmz4mtd

He goes by Zombie Possessor, if any of you want to look him up.

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  • 1 year later...

We have 330 games and we replay them all, we replay them because we still like them for the reason we bought them in the first place.

Party (group) games like Mario Party

All RPGs english or Japan imports (we could do with more Japan imports translated to english)

Wizardry i play all the time and have on Apple in early 80's, to ps3 today and still play on the ps2 and ps1

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The game of replayed more than any other is Tales of Symphonia on Gamecube. I think I played it all the way through eight times, and most of the times were pretty much right in a row. I've replayed some of my older Pokemon games, as long as I'm able to transfer the Pokemon to another game first.

I also like replaying Ace Attorney games, although that feels more like rereading a novel than replaying a game, since I already know what to do when.

Oh and Zelda games too!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Every couple years I replay my favorites. I always seem to go back to Snes earthbound and Zelda 1 and 2. Just some of my fondest memories come from these games. Brings me back to a time in my life where I didn't have the first worry in the world!

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  • 2 weeks later...

CastleVania on the NES. I remember finding it in one of those "fake" arcade cabinets -- the type that just had a modified NES inside -- and spending all my spare change on it as a kid. I could only get past the first couple levels at the time. Then I got the game shortly after for my birthday and I spent every waking hour mastering it. Now I need to play through it every couple years just to scratch that retro itch. Love it!

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I reply games, especially games that I played but never beat because I got bored of them and hadn't played them for ages; in which I completely forgot what was going on so I replayed it from the start.

Although, for me. I can play any Suikoden game, Kya Dark Lineage, Chrono Cross and any Sly Cooper game over and over.

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One game that I really enjoy playing over and over again is "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets," for the Gameboy Color. Many people may be put off because it's a "licensed" title, but really, it's based more on the book than movie, and has quite a few deviations from both. It's a sloid RPG, and one that I really enjoy playing. It's not very expensive these days; you can probably get one of Amazon brand new for 6 bucks! ^_^

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  • 4 weeks later...

I go back to SMB3 on SM Allstar whereby I saves can be made for the items, and you can start at any level. So I have a file that has 7 frog suits, 7 toonki suits and 14 hammer brother suits. It's a blast using the hammer brother suit in level 1 and 2 and the toonki suit in the water level (I use the statue stomp to kill the enemies).

I go over shinobi 3 on Genesis and try to use the dash attacks as much as I can. The cool thing is that if you time it right, you'll be temporary invincible during the dash attack.

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I have replayed Zelda: OoT and Majora's Mask over and over again. They're just that awesome. I've also played through RE 2 and RE 3 several times and they were just as awesome and ground breaking as I remembered them being. A few of the other titles I've replayed include: Crash B.: Warped, Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie, RE 4, Jet Moto, Super Mario 64, Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World. These games are just so much fun and I know them so well. It's almost an intimate connection I share with them. I'm sure many people will agree with the titles I've identified.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have somewhat of an annual routine of replaying Crash Bandicoot: Warped and Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! on PS1. Those games are so well-made and fun to this day that it never bores me one bit. Also, those were the games that I grew up with, so it shares a sentimental value to me. I also replay the first three Ratchet & Clank games for the same reasons as well. Games with a "New Game +" feature will almost always persuade me to play through the game again, like Resident Evil. Other games I often replay: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Mega Man Legends 2, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1-4, etc.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 years later...

I always try to beat either Earthbound or Mother 3 at least once a year. To me it's like reading a favorite novel to me. Also I love listening to the music.

I often play the first Mega Man Gameboy game on my 3DS. I used to play it on my old Gameboy back in the day, and it's one of the few Nintendo hard games that I could beat with some ease.

I also play Castlevania 2 Belmont's Revenge on a Gameboy emulator because some one did a rom hack, and made the Belmont sprite move faster. It seems more balanced now, and just a real fun game to play over and over again.

Speaking of Rom Hacks, some one created one for Zelda 2: the Adventure's of Link. The author of it wanted to make it more balanced, and increased the XP pick ups. I didn't really like the game back in the day, but I wanted to see if the changes made a difference. I ended playing over 4 hours, and didn't even notice. I'd say the changes made it a bit more engaging.

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  • 5 months later...

At least once a year (approximately), I play through Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, and 3.  Doing so is effortless and relaxing.  I've been playing Final Fantasy 4 (2 if you prefer) once every 2 or 3 years, but haven't in a couple.  I have not once played through Final Fantasy 3, completely, since the first time I finished it back in 1994, so maybe the next time I play through a SNES RPG it will be FF3.  The game I play most regularly is Command and Conquer.  Specifically, I play the final GDI Mission where the player begins in the upper right of the map.  To me its like meditation.  My aim is usually to get through the stage without losing a single unit or building.

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I replay Sonic 1,2,3 and Knuckles at least once a year.  The Genesis was the first console I ever owned.  I have fond memories playing games on that system.  I'm a fan of classic fighting games too so I tend to play games from the Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, KOF and other NeoGeo fighters at least 3 or 4 times a year.  

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  • 3 weeks later...

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