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Do you replay games? If so, which, and why?


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Due to time constraints and patience these days I tend to just replay the classics especially 2d games all the time, everything from Super Mario to Street Fighter II series, they are quick and never get old. Also short games that are all about high scores usually on mobile/arcade.

Besides that, "just one more turn..."

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I tend to gravitate toward Streets of Rage Remake; It's a fan-made Streets of Rage game (combines ALL 3 games in a choose-you-own-adventure style of game. Every track from the trilogy has been remixed. It has multiple endings and tons of secrets to unlock (and buy with your in-game currency). It's short, simple (yet complicated), has good music, and is fun to chill out to.


That and The Typing of the Dead. I get to up my typing skills and get to enjoy the awesome voice acting (haha). 

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  • 1 month later...

Normally, no, because I can remember the entirety of every game I have ever played when I try to play them again, and with nothing new being presented to me, I have no drive to continue playing beyond twenty minutes or so. Tried re-playing Resident Evil 4 and Metroid Prime, and that didn't last very long. All of my game consoles that aren't boxed up have a thick layer of dust on them now.

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When my nephew comes to town we tend to play:


Dreamcast - Soul Calibur and SF Rush 2049

Wii - Mart Kart Wii

M.A.M.E - Jackal (my favorite arcade game) Joust


My personal favorites on PC that I continually revisit are:

  • BF1942
  • Battlefield 2
  • Battlezone 2 (glorious 3D FPS + RTS all-in-one and most underplayed game EVER) 
  • Supreme Commander Forged Alliance
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  • 3 months later...

I've got 3 categories that games fall into when I replay them:

  • Still good, maybe even better
    • Into this category, I place games that may have been too complex for me as a kid or enough time has passed that they are almost like new. 
      • A lot of PC games were being created for a largely adult userbase, so some of the game mechanics were a little over my head as a child.  Playing them now can sometimes give me new perspectives and appreciation of things I didn't notice/understand before.
      • Also, graphic adventures that I haven't played in a long time (let's say 15 years or more) can be just as enjoyable or moreso, since I've often forgotten the solution to most of the puzzles, but many of the incredibly hard ones that forced me to use a hint book or whatever back in the day still stick in my mind, allowing me to play the game again at just the right difficulty level (able to solve the regular puzzles as if they were new to me yet already knowing solutions to the impossible ones)
  • Still good, but something's missing
    • Into this category, I place most console titles I played as a kid. 
      • I can still enjoy playing an old Mario or Zelda game and appreciate the masterful game design, but for whatever reason, the magical spark of playing those games I had as a child just isn't there any more.  I find myself thinking more about completing levels/the game in an efficient manner rather than just enjoying taking my time exploring every nook and cranny at that unhurried pace that a child with no other responsibilities can have.
  • Should have left well enough alone
    • This category is for the games that are significantly worse the second time around, and a replay is usually drawn to a close without actually finishing the game. 
      • I would qualify most JRPGs for this category.  JRPGs are essentially nothing more than linear visual novels broken up with battles/grinding, and while the story & exploration aspects can still hold some appeal, the grinding becomes especially tiresome if it's your second time through the game.
      • Also, though I'm no graphics whore, some early 3D games created for inadequate hardware (I'm looking at YOU, PS1) can be such an eyesore to play nowadays as to actually hinder my enjoyment of the experience.
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  • 6 months later...

I love to go back and replay Final Fantasy VII-VIII-IX-X. They are such a joy to play again because of how much love was coded into them.

Tomb Raider II I always remember and start playing and appreciating it again ( The Venice level is one of my favorites :) ) Also I recently started started playing Chronicles again and it's better than I remember! I don't know why I didn't enjoy it as much the first time I played it.

Other awesome games like Resident Evil 1-2-3 and Silent Hill. and many more lol

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  • 1 year later...

I replay games often, which probably explains why I'm so big on game ownership and will avoid DRMed digital-only and physical-digital hybrids at all costs.  If I pay for it, I'd like the opportunity to revisit it years later without double, triple, or quadruple dipping, thank ya very much.

I'll replay various Mega Man, Castlevania and Metroid games annually, if not more.  Other franchises are revisited often too - Ninja Gaiden, Mario, etc.  Mostly action games that require little playtime once mastered.  They're like a comfort food without the calories.

Though, funny enough, I'll double, triple, and quadruple dip for DRM-free digital or physical collections of games I already own.  I like to support such things and usually appreciate the bonus goodies or quality-of-life features thrown in.

I don't replay neo-retro and modern games as often as they're lengthier and more involved.  That said, the Crash Bandicoot Trilogy, Metroid Prime and Super Mario Sunshine are on deck for this winter.

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  • 1 year later...
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  • 8 months later...

I am a big fan of strategy games. I am currently on my Nth play through of the freeware game FreeCol (a modern remake of the Sid Meier classic Colonization). There are many different options and different strategies to try. I will play this game for several months, move onto something else -- probably an RPG -- and then cycle back to it. 


I have never replayed an RPG, though I still keep the games I have beaten (or tired of) in case i change my mind.   

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I have replayed games over time. The games I replay on a regular basis are mostly CRPGs. I currently have over 2000 hours in both Skyrim and Dragon Age Inquisition. I replay the Mass Effect and Fallout series. I replay games that are fun and do it with different character builds trying to play a different type of character each time. 

I still have trouble playing the Inquisitor as a heel.

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I replay many games.. although most them are sandbox'ish which makes them highly replayable lol! eg Civilization series, Colonization, Master of Magic, Master of Orion series. I'm replaying quite a few pc games from my youth these days as it's been like 20 years so it's fun to go back plus I kinda need to replay them so I can do nice tributes to them on my retro gaming website. But if we're talking strictly console then yeah I guess it's a pretty short list eg I replayed the Sonic games on my Sega Mega Drive many times in my life, I love replaying the first few levels of Wonder Boy in Monsterland on my Sega Master System too. In fact generally when I'm feeling nostalgic for my old console games I just boot them up, play the first levels a bit to reminisce and then leave it that lol.

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in a word, yes.

my favorite game of all time is the original Legend of Zelda, which i have beaten dozens of times but always come back to. there's something about those classic NES games that i just can't quit (cue a Brokeback Mountain .gif). SMB1-3, LoZ 1-2, Kirby's Adventure, etc.). And there's even more games that i never beat but i still want to play all the time. Adventure Island, Milon's Secret Castle, Double Dragon, Battletoads, the list goes on.....). I play all of these casually, so there's virtually no chance i will ever beat them, but i just enjoy running through the first few levels.

On another note, last year was the first time i gave an honest playthrough to the NES Metroid, and i fell in love. I wanted to replay it immediately after beating it. Even after i went through Metroid 2 and Super Metroid, I just really wanted to replay the NES game. 

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  • 2 months later...

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